Same-day microbial water quality assessments are not possible with standard methods, which increases the possibility of public exposure to fecal pathogens. This study examined the efficacy of high-volume hollow fibre ultrafiltration coupled to biosensor detection for enterococci in marine waters to allow same-day public notification of poor water quality. Fifty-six 100 l ultrafiltered samples and 100 ml grab samples were collected weekly from May to July 2007. Post-ultrafiltration processing included sonication and micron sieve passage to remove interfering particulates, followed by centrifugation for secondary concentration. Levels of enterococci in grab and ultrafiltration samples were determined by a standard method (EPA method 1600) for calculation of recovery efficiencies and concentration factors. Each final retentate was analysed with the RAPTOR evanescent wave biosensor. Enterococci levels increased over 26,000-fold in final retentates. Enterococci were detected when ambient concentrations exceeded the regulatory standard for a single sample (≥105 CFU/100 ml), and detection was highly correlated with breaches of the single-sample regulatory limit. The combined procedure required 2.5 h for detection compared with 24 h for EPA method 1600. This field study achieved rapid detection of enterococci by ultrafiltration, secondary concentration and biosensor analysis, and demonstrates its potential usefulness for water quality monitoring.

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