The presence of the freshwater snail Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis in their habitats is influenced by abiotic environmental factors (nutrients, water salinity, and predators) that play a crucial role in maintaining snail survival. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between environmental factors and the presence of O. hupensis lindoensis snails in the Napu Valley, one of the Schistosomiasis-endemic areas in Indonesia. Eight environmental factors were measured in three different habitats: a seepage, a ditch, and a pond. The study found O. hupensis lindoensis snails in all three habitats, with significant differences in their numbers (p < 0.05). The seepage habitat had the highest snail density (762.22 snails per m2) compared to the other habitats. Phosphorus levels were highest in the seepage habitat compared to the other habitats, while nitrogen levels were highest in the pond habitat. Pearson correlation analysis found a significant positive correlation between O. hupensis lindoensis snails and water salinity in the ditch habitat (p < 0.05). In addition to environmental factors, the presence of snails can also be influenced by other factors, such as the presence of snail predators, the presence of snail nutrients, and the population of snail host niche competitors.

  • The highest densities of O. hupensis lindoensis snails were found in the seepage.

  • The highest phosphorus levels were found in seepage habitats. O. hupensis lindoensis snails were most abundant in this habitat.

  • The highest nitrogen levels were in the pond habitats. Ponds also had the lowest number of O. hupensis lindoensis snails.

  • The presence of snails in ditch habitats correlated significantly with salinity.

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