Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination was launched in 2011 and has made great progress. It became an open access journal in 2016 as part of its mission to provide leading water knowledge to experts and communities across the globe. As an influential journal of IWA Publishing, the reputation of Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination has increased rapidly in recent years. This impressive growth is thanks to the valuable research, hard work and dedication of all authors, reviewers and current editors and editorial board members. At this moment, it is our great pleasure to relaunch the journal for better development and progress in the future.

Currently, the shortage of clean water and the breakthrough of treatment technologies represent challenges and opportunities for the development of water reuse. The focus on water reuse is growing rapidly worldwide, with interest expanding beyond just recycling of municipal wastewater to also include recycling of industrial and mining wastewaters for uses such as agriculture and drinking waters. Concerns and challenges for water reuse include operational, administrative, regulatory, social, and economic, and are driven by restricted availability of local water sources with which water reuse systems must be integrated. Progress is needed to address new challenges to ensure the safe and efficient use of non-conventional water resources. Indeed a broad interpretation of water reuse using non-conventional water supplies also includes desalination technologies and systems, where seawater and brackish water are considered non-conventional waters.

Water reuse systems, defined as those using non-conventional water supplies, are thus confronted with scientific and technological challenges that are quite different from those in conventional water supply and wastewater treatment systems.

With this broad concept of water reuse including all non-conventional water supplies, and with the associated significance of and great opportunities for the topic, Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination is re-launching with the name Water Reuse. This is a milestone in advancing knowledge and practices for water reuse. With the joint effort and contribution from various water academics, engineers, practitioners and all members of the water community, Water Reuse will grow into a great platform for presenting and exchanging ideas, works and experiences. Your interest in the journal and submissions are highly welcomed. Any suggestions or comments on how to improve our activity to deliver a better journal are very much appreciated.

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