Where can I find Instructions for Authors?
Can I make my accepted paper Open Access?
How do I obtain permission to use work that has previously been published?
How can I buy a single article online?
Can I order offprints of my article?
Can I order reprints of previously published articles?
What is IWA Publishing's digital archiving policy?
Document Delivery
Where can I find Instructions for Authors?
Instructions for authors for each of the journals can be found via the “For Authors” menu on each of the journal homepages. Alternatively, you can get to the correct journal's Instructions to Authors via this page.
Can I make my accepted paper Open Access?
All IWA Publishing journals are now Open Access. More information about Open Access publication can be found on our Open Access page.
How do I obtain permission to use work that has previously been published?
Please contact us if you have a request to reprint part or all of any work previously published in an IWA Publishing book or journal.
Please give as much detail as possible about the previously published work and the new work it is to appear in. Where applicable, a fee maybe charged for the reuse of this material, but permission is not normally withheld. More information about permissions can be found on our Rights and Permissions page.
How can I buy a single article online?
If you would like to access a non-Open Access paper from an IWA Publishing journal to which you do not have a subscription you can view and download the PDF of the paper using our pay per view option. The price of single articles in IWA Publishing journals is $38, payable via a simple secure credit card transaction.
To access a paper on a pay per view basis simply search or browse through the online contents lists of the relevant journal and click on the “Add to cart” button.
Access to the full text of IWA Publishing online journals is otherwise restricted to subscribers, unless the content is Open Access. This is done by restricting the IP (Internet) addresses that are able to access the full journal. If you already have a subscription to the journal you can use the IP address registration form to register your IP addresses for access.
If you have any subscription queries please contact [email protected].
If you have a technical problem, please fill out a contact form.
Can I order offprints of my article?
Upon publication, authors receive a pdf of the final version of their paper. Authors can also purchase printed offprints of journal articles, using an offprint order form that is sent to the corresponding author of each article upon request.
Can I order reprints of previously published articles?
Reprints of published articles can be ordered from the Editorial Office. Please send an email, specifying the number you require and where they are to be delivered. You will then receive an individual quote.
If you are not the author of the article that you wish to reprint, you must specify what the reprints will be used for and obtain the permission of the author.
What is IWA Publishing's digital archiving policy?
All IWA Publishing content is backed up to the CLOCKSS dark archive. For more information on this policy, click here.
Document Delivery Services
Single articles from IWA Publishing journals are available from the following Document Delivery Companies. Charges vary according to supplier:
British Library
Copyright Clearance Center

What is Open Access Publication?
Why Publish Open Access?
Why is IWA Publishing committed to OA?
How do I know if and when I can self-archive my paper?
Where can I get funding to pay for OA?
What is Research4Life and does it apply to me?
How do I choose the right OA license?
What is Open Access Publication?
Open Access is the free and unrestricted online availability of content. This means that anyone can read, download, copy, distribute, crawl, print, search or extract data from open access material. IWAP publishes a mix of open access articles, books and journals.
For compliance with funding body regulations, IWAP publications are published by default under a CC BY license. For more information on alternative license options, click here.
Why Publish Open Access?
OA articles and books are move visible, have a wider readership and, therefore, a greater potential for impact. The more people have access to an article or book, the greater the chance for future collaborations, citations, advancements in the field and, ultimately, the greater the recognition for authors and their institution(s).
OA stimulates the advancement of knowledge, more rapidly propelling us towards a better quality of life and a deeper understanding of our universe. By making research freely available and open to anyone, regardless of their geographical location, economic status or field of expertise OA increases the potential for breakthroughs, for interdisciplinary research and for out-of-the-box thinking.
For this reason, many funding agencies require the publication of their funded work as OA. Not only does it allow free access to the public who funded the research, it also ensures the greatest return on a funders investment. Results are rapidly and widely disseminated, giving recognition for the work and giving the global community a chance to build on and improve discoveries.
For authors, OA publishing allows you to retain the rights for your work. You can share your work without permission immediately upon publication. Also, because OA articles are exclusively online, they can be published immediately upon acceptance. At IWAP, our average time from submission to publication is 4 months.
Why is IWA Publishing committed to OA?
IWA Publishing is a not-for-profit society focused on publishing and broadcasting key research in the world of water. We publish 14 water-related journals and approximately 50 books annually. Our authors come from over 50 countries across the globe, many of which are in developing countries or areas where water resources are becoming more and more scarce.
“It is widely recognised that making research results more accessible contributes to better and more efficient science, and to innovation in the public and private sectors.”
– EU Horizon 2020
As one of the leading water-related publishers, IWAP is committed to making as many of our books and papers open access as possible.
To learn more about IWAP and our commitment to Open Access, read our Open Access Statement here. To work with us as we further our efforts, get in touch here.
How do I know if and when I can self-archive my paper?
In fully Open Access journals, authors retain copyright of their work and can therefore archive any version of their manuscript at any point in the publishing process.
For any papers not published under Open Access licenses, IWA Publishing allows authors to archive the submitted version of their manuscript at any point and the accepted version of their manuscript 1 year after publication of the paper in an issue. For more information, see our IWAP archiving policies.
If in doubt regarding a publisher’s copyright and self-archiving policies, check out -
SHERPA/RoMEO, a publisher copyright policies website
Where can I get funding to pay for OA?
As support for Open Access grows, so does the number of funding opportunities for potential authors. Currently, funding comes primarily from institutions, grants, funding agencies, waiver programs. If you’re looking to get funding for your OA article, consider –
- Does your funding agency have an OA mandate? If so, they may have grants to support your OA publication.
- Does your institution have an OA agreement with IWAP? We're currently working to set up institutional agreements, if you'd like to add your institution to our list, let us know.
- Are you an IWA member? IWA members currently get large discounts to publish their books OA with us.
- Are you based in one of the countries listed on Research4Life's lists? If so, you are eligible for either a full or a 50% waiver.
To search for OA funding in your region, we recommend the following resources compiled and updated by Springer Nature:
What is Research4Life and does it apply to me?
IWA Publishing is proud to partner with Research4Life to provide developing countries with free access to our subscription journals. In addition, we waive the Open Access article processing fees for authors from countries on Research4Life's A-list and give a 50% waiver to authors from countries on their B-list. To learn more, click here.
How do I choose the right OA license?
IWAP encourage authors to select the most liberal form of creative commons license to stimulate the broadest reuse of their research. All CC-BY Open Access licenses allow for unlimited sharing and redistribution of the OA material in any medium or format as long as the original source is properly cited. Some licenses are more restrictive and require that users apply the same license as the original work, or do not gain financially by any reproduction of the original material. Please click here to learn more about our license options.
Where can I find Instructions for Authors?
Where can I find Instructions for reviewers?
How much are the Author Processing Charges?
Do I have to use Microsoft Word when submitting the paper?
How do I obtain permission to use work that has previously been published?
How long will it take to receive the first decision?
Can I have a status update for my paper?
My paper has been under review for longer than I expected. What is causing the delay?
Can I change/edit the co-author details on my paper?
Why have my co-authors not received the verification emails?
Can I publish my paper on a pre-print server?
Can I have an extension on my revision deadline?
Can I make my accepted paper Open Access?
How can I buy a single article online?
Can I order offprints of my article?
Can I order reprints of previously published articles?
What is IWA Publishing's digital archiving policy?
Document Delivery Services
Contact Information
Where can I find Instructions for Authors?
Instructions for authors for each of the journals can be found via the “Journal Information” menu on the IWA Publishing website
Where can I find Instructions for reviewers?
Please see the instructions for how to review an article for IWA Publishing’s journals here
How much are the Author Processing Charges?
Many of IWA Publishing’s journals have become fully Open Access thanks to our Subscribe to Open model. Our Subscribe to Open (S2O) model means that there are no Author Processing Charges (APCs) for publishing in our S2O journals as costs are covered by subscriptions of supporters.
You can see a full list of which of our journals charge APCs here.
Please see the Open Access FAQs below.
Do I have to use Microsoft Word when submitting the paper?
No, you can use other word processing systems if your prefer. Please note that you may be asked to edit the formatting of your paper at a later date.
How do I obtain permission to use work that has previously been published?
Please contact us if you have a request to reprint part or all of any work previously published in an IWA Publishing book or journal.
Please give as much detail as possible about the previously published work and the new work it is to appear in. Where applicable, a fee may be charged for the reuse of this material, but permission is not normally withheld. More information about permissions can be found on our Rights and Permissions page.
How long will it take to receive the first decision?
We always endeavour to provide a first decision to authors within 50 days of submission. Please note that this is not possible on every occasion.
Can I have a status update for my paper?
Authors are able to see the status of their paper by logging into Editorial Manager and looking at their main menu.
Certain tasks in the main menu will be highlighted blue if the author has papers at that stage in the peer review process. There will be a number next to them indicating how many papers the author has at this stage.
Authors can click on these blue links and view the status of these papers in more detail by looking under the ‘Current Status’ column.
My paper has been under review for longer than I expected. What is causing the delay?
We always try to provide authors with decisions about their paper as soon as possible. However, delays may occasionally occur for a number of reasons. Please be assured that we check papers within the Editorial Manager system regularly so we will always try to ensure there are reviewers actively working on your paper.
If you are enquiring over the status of revised submission, please check that all of the co-authors have verified their involvement in Editorial Manager. We cannot process revised submissions unless all the co-authors have verified.
Can I change/edit the co-author details on my paper?
If you wish to add, delete or rearrange the authors of your accepted paper:
Before online publication: The corresponding author should contact the Journals Manager, and provide (a) the reason for the change, and (b) the written consent of all co-authors, including the authors being added or removed. Please note that your paper will not be published until the changes have been agreed.
After online publication: Any requests to correct an error made with the author names in an article published in an online issue will follow the same policies as noted above and result in a corrigendum. Changes to the author list will not be made for any other reason after publication.
Why have my co-authors not received the verification emails?
First, please check that all of the email addresses that have been provided for the co-authors are correct.
The co-author verification emails are often redirected to junk/spam email folders. Please ensure that the co-authors have checked their junk/spam email folders.
If the co-authors have not received the emails at all, they can email the editorial office directly here and we will be able to manually add the verification to the system.
Can I publish my paper on a pre-print server?
Authors are allowed to upload their unpublished papers on pre-print servers. The only stipulation is that if their paper is then published by IWA Publishing, they must remember to update the link on the pre-print server to include the final DOI.
Can I have an extension on my revision deadline?
We can usually grant extensions for revision deadlines but this depends on the length of the extension required. If you need the extension to be longer than an additional month, we recommend withdrawing the paper and resubmitting it when you have been able to implement all the required changes.
If you require an extension, please get in touch with the editorial office here.
Can I make my accepted paper Open Access?
All IWA Publishing journals are now Open Access. More information about Open Access publication can be found on our Open Access page.
How can I buy a single article online?
The majority of our newer publications are now Open Access so there is no need to purchase them.
However, if you would like to access an older paper from an IWA Publishing journal to which you do not have access to, you can view and download the PDF of the paper using our pay per view option. The price of single articles in IWA Publishing journals is $38, payable via a simple secure credit card transaction.
To access a paper on a pay per view basis simply search or browse through the online contents lists of the relevant journal and click on the “Add to cart” button.
Access to the full text of IWA Publishing online journals is otherwise restricted to subscribers. This is done by restricting the IP (Internet) addresses that are able to access the full journal. If you already have a subscription to the journal you can use the IP address registration form to register your IP addresses for access.
If you have any subscription queries please contact [email protected].
If you have a technical problem, please fill out a contact form.
Can I order offprints of my article?
Upon publication, authors receive a pdf of the final version of their paper. Authors can also purchase printed offprints of journal articles, using an offprint order form that is sent to the corresponding author of each article upon request.
Can I order reprints of previously published articles?
Reprints of published articles can be ordered from the Editorial Office. Please send an email, specifying the number you require and where they are to be delivered. You will then receive an individual quote.
If you are not the author of the article that you wish to reprint, you must specify what the reprints will be used for and obtain the permission of the author.
What is IWA Publishing's digital archiving policy?
All IWA Publishing content is backed up to the CLOCKSS dark archive. For more information on this policy, click here.
Document Delivery Services
Single articles from IWA Publishing journals are available from the following Document Delivery Companies. Charges vary according to supplier:
Copyright Clearance Center
British Library
Contact Information
For any queries you have not found an answer for, please see the contact details below:
For queries about your submission before acceptance, please contact the Editorial team here.
For queries about your submission after acceptance, please contact the Production team here.