IWA Publishing Peer Review
The high scientific standards maintained by IWA Publishing journals is owed much to the continued dedication of peer reviewers, and the Editorial Boards of IWA Publishing journals thank our peer reviewers for the time and expertise they donate.
IWA Publishing Editorial Boards are comprised of highly qualified researchers and water practice professionals who use their experience and expertise in a particular subject area to make a preliminary assessment of whether a submission is suitable for the journal. This assessment takes into account the quality of the manuscript and the relevance of the subject matter. If the manuscript does not fulfil these criteria, it is rejected immediately. If it does, the Editor will send the paper out for peer review to a minimum of two reviewers.
Upon receipt of the reviewers’ comments and recommendation, the Editor decides whether to:
- Accept the manuscript without further revisions
- Request minor or major revisions
- Reject the paper
If further revisions are requested, the authors are asked to complete these before resubmitting their manuscript to the Editor. If necessary, the revised manuscript is sent once again for further review. The Editor then makes a final decision whether to accept or reject the manuscript.
IWA Publishing adheres to ‘single blind’ peer review; author names are revealed to the reviewers while reviewer identities remain anonymous to the authors.
IWA Publishing follows the Committee of Publications Ethics (COPE) guidelines when we are notified of any misconduct or unethical behaviour. This can be information received from anyone, regardless of their relationship to the Reviewers, Editors, authors or the papers. More information can be found on the Ethics Policies and Guidance.
Reviewer acknowledgements
The high scientific standards maintained by IWA Publishing journals is owed much to the continued dedication of peer reviewers, who donate their time and expertise to the journals. Each year, IWA Publishing and our Editors publish the names of the referees that have contributed to our peer review process: IWA Publishing Reviewer Acknowledgements.
If you wish for your name to be excluded, please inform the Editorial Office at [email protected].
Helpful Resources
Benefits of Reviewing for IWA Publishing