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This collection compiles papers from the XIII Latin American Workshop and Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion (DAALXIII) after review in the journal Water Science and Technology. This conference took place on the 21-24 October 2018


Reduction of scum production in a modified UASB reactor treating domestic sewage

J. O. Pereira, J. M. Rocha, W. B. C. C. Pinto, C. T. S. Moreira

Water Science and Technology (2 May 2019) 79 (9): 1657–1666.



Effect of operating conditions on N 2 O production in an anammox sequencing batch reactor containing granular sludge

Tiago Duarte Santos Pereira, Carla Eloísa Diniz dos Santos, Xi Lu, Hussein E. Al-Hazmi, Joanna Majtacz ...

Water Science and Technology (15 July 2019) 80 (1): 37–47.



Reduction of scum accumulation through the addition of low-cost enzymatic extract in the feeding of high-rate anaerobic reactor

Juliana Lemos Soares, Magali Christe Cammarota, Melissa Limoeiro Estrada Gutarra, Isaac Volschan, Jr

Water Science and Technology (22 July 2019) 80 (1): 67–74.



Microbiome network analysis of co-occurrence patterns in anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge and food waste

Esteban Orellana, Carol Davies-Sala, Leandro D. Guerrero, Ignacio Vardé, Melisa Altina ...

Water Science and Technology (10 June 2019) 79 (10): 1956–1965.



Anaerobic treatment of chocolate-processing industry wastewater at different organic loading rates and temperatures

M. Esparza-Soto, A. Jacobo-López, M. Lucero-Chávez, C. Fall

Water Science and Technology (28 June 2019) 79 (12): 2251–2259.



Modelling biofilm anaerobic reactor with effluent from hydrolytic/acidogenic reactor as substrate

Marisol Vergara Mendoza, Rodrigo Torres Sáez

Water Science and Technology (2 May 2019) 79 (8): 1534–1540.



Comparison of microbial and physicochemical behavior of expanded granular sludge bed system during methylparaben and triclosan removal

Laura Castrillon, Yudy Andrea Londoño, Nancy J. Pino, Gustavo A. Peñuela

Water Science and Technology wst2019293.


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