Virtual Special Issue: Water Management Addressing Societal and Climate Change Challenges
Water is the primary medium through which climate change influences the earth’s ecosystem and thus people’s livelihoods and well-being (IPCC, 2014). The impacts of climate change will make the situation worse by creating extreme conditions with catastrophic outcomes. We may anticipate technological, economic, and sociological impacts resulting from climate change on water resources and processes.
While most water professionals are working on abatement and impact-minimising activities, it still does not look like all challenges will be solved in the near future. Sound medium- and long-term planning and firm political commitment will be required to minimise the negative consequences that mankind may face with climate change impacts.
The Virtual Special Issue showcases selected studies on changes in water quantities and their socio-economic impacts, as well as examples of abatement activities and their effects, illustrating the challenges involved, their status, and solutions.
IPCC. 2014. “AR5 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2014 — IPCC.” AR5 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2014.
Editorial: Water management addressing societal and climate change challenges
H. Ratnaweera, T. Sætersdal , S. B. Weerakoon, F. M. Mutua
Journal of Water and Climate Change(2022) 13 (2): v–vii..
Assessment on the economic damage of trading households due to urban inundation
Journal of Water and Climate Change (2022) 13 (1): 1–12.
Modernization of the left bank irrigation system of the Kaudulla reservoir of Sri Lanka
W. D. M. Wijenayaka, S. B. Weerakoon, Francis Mutua
Journal of Water and Climate Change (2022) 13 (1): 56–66.
Analyzing the duration frequency and severity of drought using copula function in the Yazd city
Mehrtash EskandariPour, Shahrokh Soltaninia
Journal of Water and Climate Change (2022) 13 (1): 67–82.
G. Z. Ahabwe, D. W. Batega, A. Ssewaya, C. B. Niwagaba
Journal of Water and Climate Change (2022) 13 (1): 83–95.
Niloofar Ashktorab, Mansour Zibaei
Journal of Water and Climate Change (2022) 13 (1): 96–112.
Exploring the village tank cascade systems (VTCSs) in Vavuniya district, Sri Lanka
A. Nanthakumaran, H. K. Kadupitiya, S. Devaisy, W. E. P. Athukorale
Journal of Water and Climate Change (2022) 13 (2): 999–1006.
Tarun Pant, Abinesh Ganapathy, Ankit Agarwal
Journal of Water and Climate Change (2022) 13 (2): 1123–1150.