Table 1

SWAT input parameters used for sensitivity analysis

No.ParameterDescriptionLower and upper boundsInitial value
Alpha_Bf Baseflow alpha factor (–) 0–1a 
Blai Maximum potential leaf area index (–) 0–1a 61 
Canmx Maximum canopy storage (mmH2O) 0–10a 
Ch_Erod Channel erodibility factor (–) 0–1a 50 
Ch_K2 Channel effective hydraulic conductivity (mm/hr) 0–150a 54 
Ch_N2 Manning's value for main channel (–) 0–1a 51 
Cn2 SCS runoff curve number (–) ±25a 10 
Epco Plant uptake compensation factor (–) 0–1a 28 
Esco Soil evaporation compensation factor (–) 0–1a 27 
10 Gw_Delay Groundwater delay (days) ±10a 
11 Gw_Revap Groundwater revap coefficient (–) ±0.036a 
12 Gwqmn Threshold water depth in the shallow aquifer for return flow to occur (mm H2O) ±1,000a 
13 Rchrg_Dp Deep aquifer percolation coefficient (–) 0–1a 
14 Revapmn Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer for ‘revap’ to occur (mm H2O) ±100a 
15 Slope Mean slope steepness (mm−1±25b 23 
16 Slsubbsn Mean slope length (m) ±25a 24 
17 Sol_Alb Moist soil albedo (–) ±25a 22 
18 Sol_Awc Soil available water capacity (mm H2O/mm soil) ±25b 17 
19 Sol_K Saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm/hr) ±25a 15 
20 Sol_Z Depth from soil surface to bottom layer (mm) ±25a 16 
21 Surlag Surface runoff lag time (days) 0–10a 33 
No.ParameterDescriptionLower and upper boundsInitial value
Alpha_Bf Baseflow alpha factor (–) 0–1a 
Blai Maximum potential leaf area index (–) 0–1a 61 
Canmx Maximum canopy storage (mmH2O) 0–10a 
Ch_Erod Channel erodibility factor (–) 0–1a 50 
Ch_K2 Channel effective hydraulic conductivity (mm/hr) 0–150a 54 
Ch_N2 Manning's value for main channel (–) 0–1a 51 
Cn2 SCS runoff curve number (–) ±25a 10 
Epco Plant uptake compensation factor (–) 0–1a 28 
Esco Soil evaporation compensation factor (–) 0–1a 27 
10 Gw_Delay Groundwater delay (days) ±10a 
11 Gw_Revap Groundwater revap coefficient (–) ±0.036a 
12 Gwqmn Threshold water depth in the shallow aquifer for return flow to occur (mm H2O) ±1,000a 
13 Rchrg_Dp Deep aquifer percolation coefficient (–) 0–1a 
14 Revapmn Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer for ‘revap’ to occur (mm H2O) ±100a 
15 Slope Mean slope steepness (mm−1±25b 23 
16 Slsubbsn Mean slope length (m) ±25a 24 
17 Sol_Alb Moist soil albedo (–) ±25a 22 
18 Sol_Awc Soil available water capacity (mm H2O/mm soil) ±25b 17 
19 Sol_K Saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm/hr) ±25a 15 
20 Sol_Z Depth from soil surface to bottom layer (mm) ±25a 16 
21 Surlag Surface runoff lag time (days) 0–10a 33 

Method of changing parameter value. afor changing by value and bby percentage.

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