Table 9

Capital investment requirement for the typical farm for each relatively homogeneous area in the Berg River area

Land R 33,201,000 R 33,251,000 R 28,774,200 R 51,000 000 
Fixed improvements R 10,531,583 R 14,398,250 R 14,317,250 R 2,895,000 
Movables R 7,284,456 R 7,753,456 R 8,254,592 R 5,487,641 
Livestock    R 964,901 
Total: R 51,017,039 R 55,402,706 R 51,346,042 R 60,347,542 
Land R 33,201,000 R 33,251,000 R 28,774,200 R 51,000 000 
Fixed improvements R 10,531,583 R 14,398,250 R 14,317,250 R 2,895,000 
Movables R 7,284,456 R 7,753,456 R 8,254,592 R 5,487,641 
Livestock    R 964,901 
Total: R 51,017,039 R 55,402,706 R 51,346,042 R 60,347,542 
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