Table 5

Evolutionary stability strategy and expected benefit of evolutionary game between water resource manufacturers and administrative water resource regulators

Punishment mechanisms 1
Punishment mechanisms 2
Punishment mechanisms 3
1.5588 80.7044  1.5588 80.7044  1.5588 80.7044  
1.2 1.4949 80.8416  1.2 1.5075 79.0829  1.2 1.2 1.4474 79.2426  
1.4 1.4949 80.9732  1.4 1.4585 77.0740  1.4 1.4 1.4019 77.4845  
1.6 1.5588 81.0995  1.6 1.4116 74.4453  1.6 1.6 1.4116 75.2615  
1.8 1.7047 81.2207  1.8 1.3689 70.7692  1.8 1.8 1.4796 72.2615  
1.9830 81.3373  1.2241 65.1359  1.6250 68.1625  
Punishment mechanisms 1
Punishment mechanisms 2
Punishment mechanisms 3
1.5588 80.7044  1.5588 80.7044  1.5588 80.7044  
1.2 1.4949 80.8416  1.2 1.5075 79.0829  1.2 1.2 1.4474 79.2426  
1.4 1.4949 80.9732  1.4 1.4585 77.0740  1.4 1.4 1.4019 77.4845  
1.6 1.5588 81.0995  1.6 1.4116 74.4453  1.6 1.6 1.4116 75.2615  
1.8 1.7047 81.2207  1.8 1.3689 70.7692  1.8 1.8 1.4796 72.2615  
1.9830 81.3373  1.2241 65.1359  1.6250 68.1625  
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