A total of 843 households (1,410 under-five children) within the 34 clusters were included in the study. Twelve children of seven HHs who began the intervention phase were lost or excluded from the final analysis since they missed two or more visits during the follow-up periods. The response rate was 99.2%, but there was no HH that refused to participate in the study giving rise to 100% compliance. A total of 8,352 and 8,568 person – weeks follow-up were measured for the intervention and control arms, respectively. The mean age of each child was 28.4 (range, 0.5–9) months, and 710 (50.4%) of them were females. Eight hundred twenty-eight (98.6%) of the interviews were with female caregivers with a mean age of 28.3 (range = 15–6) years. Four hundred-five (45%) of the caregivers were not attended formal education (Table 1).

Table 1

Characteristics of intervention and control households in Pugnido and Teirkidi refugee camps in Gambella Region, 2017

CharacteristicIntervention arm (%)Control arm (%)Total (%)
Child sex Female 352 (50.6) 348 (48.7) 700 (49.7) 
 Male 344 (49.4) 366 (51.3) 432 (50.3) 
Child age group (month) 0–11 78 (11.2) 91 (12.8) 169 (12.0) 
12–35 307 (44.1) 331 (46.4) 638 (45.2) 
≥36 311 (44.7) 292 (40.9) 603 (42.8) 
Family size <5 158 (37.5) 141 (33.6) 299 (35.6) 
≥5 263 (62.5) 279 (66.4) 542 (64.4) 
Number of under-five children in HH One 187 (44.3) 170 (40.4) 357 (42.3) 
Two 195 (46.2) 207 (49.2) 402 (47.7) 
Three or four 40 (9.5) 44 (11.4) 84 (10.0) 
Caregiver’s sex Female 425 (98.3) 416 (98.8) 831 (98.6) 
Male 7 (1.7) 5 (1.2) 12 (1.4) 
Caregiver's age group (year) <20 16 (3.8) 24 (5.7) 40 (4.7) 
20–35 234 (55.4) 239 (56.8) 473 (56.1) 
>35 172 (40.7) 158 (37.5) 330 (39.1) 
Marital status Married 386 (91.5) 397 (94.2) 783 (92.9) 
Single 3 (0.7) 2 (0.6) 5 (0.6) 
Divorced 12 (2.8) 6 (1.4) 18 (2.1) 
Widowed 21 (5.0) 18 (4.3) 39 (4.6) 
Ethnicity Nuer 311 (73.7) 309 (73.4) 620 (73.5) 
Agnuak 111 (26.3) 112 (26.6) 243 (26.5) 
Educational level No formal education 204 (48.3) 201 (47.8) 405 (48.0) 
Formal education 218 (51.7) 220 (52.2) 438 (52.0) 
Child sex Female 352 (50.6) 348 (48.7) 700 (49.7) 
Male 344 (49.4) 366 (51.3) 432 (50.3) 
Child age group (month) 0–11 78 (11.2) 91 (12.8) 169 (12.0) 
12–35 307 (44.1) 331 (46.4) 638 (45.2) 
≥36 311 (44.7) 292 (40.9) 603 (42.8) 
Family size <5 158 (37.5) 141 (33.6) 299 (35.6) 
≥5 263 (62.5) 279 (66.4) 542 (64.4) 
Number of under-five children in HH One 187 (44.3) 170 (40.4) 357 (42.3) 
Two 195 (46.2) 207 (49.2) 402 (47.7) 
Three or four 40 (9.5) 44 (11.4) 84 (10.0) 
Caregiver’s sex Female 425 (98.3) 416 (98.8) 831 (98.6) 
Male 7 (1.7) 5 (1.2) 12 (1.4) 
Caregiver's age group (year) <20 16 (3.8) 24 (5.7) 40 (4.7) 
20–35 234 (55.4) 239 (56.8) 473 (56.1) 
>35 172 (40.7) 158 (37.5) 330 (39.1) 
Marital status Married 386 (91.5) 397 (94.2) 783 (92.9) 
Single 3 (0.7) 2 (0.6) 5 (0.6) 
Divorced 12 (2.8) 6 (1.4) 18 (2.1) 
Widowed 21 (5.0) 18 (4.3) 39 (4.6) 
Ethnicity Nuer 311 (73.7) 309 (73.4) 620 (73.5) 
Agnuak 111 (26.3) 112 (26.6) 243 (26.5) 
Educational level No formal education 204 (48.3) 201 (47.8) 405 (48.0) 
Formal education 218 (51.7) 220 (52.2) 438 (52.0) 
CharacteristicIntervention arm (%)Control arm (%)Total (%)
Child sex Female 352 (50.6) 348 (48.7) 700 (49.7) 
 Male 344 (49.4) 366 (51.3) 432 (50.3) 
Child age group (month) 0–11 78 (11.2) 91 (12.8) 169 (12.0) 
12–35 307 (44.1) 331 (46.4) 638 (45.2) 
≥36 311 (44.7) 292 (40.9) 603 (42.8) 
Family size <5 158 (37.5) 141 (33.6) 299 (35.6) 
≥5 263 (62.5) 279 (66.4) 542 (64.4) 
Number of under-five children in HH One 187 (44.3) 170 (40.4) 357 (42.3) 
Two 195 (46.2) 207 (49.2) 402 (47.7) 
Three or four 40 (9.5) 44 (11.4) 84 (10.0) 
Caregiver’s sex Female 425 (98.3) 416 (98.8) 831 (98.6) 
Male 7 (1.7) 5 (1.2) 12 (1.4) 
Caregiver's age group (year) <20 16 (3.8) 24 (5.7) 40 (4.7) 
20–35 234 (55.4) 239 (56.8) 473 (56.1) 
>35 172 (40.7) 158 (37.5) 330 (39.1) 
Marital status Married 386 (91.5) 397 (94.2) 783 (92.9) 
Single 3 (0.7) 2 (0.6) 5 (0.6) 
Divorced 12 (2.8) 6 (1.4) 18 (2.1) 
Widowed 21 (5.0) 18 (4.3) 39 (4.6) 
Ethnicity Nuer 311 (73.7) 309 (73.4) 620 (73.5) 
Agnuak 111 (26.3) 112 (26.6) 243 (26.5) 
Educational level No formal education 204 (48.3) 201 (47.8) 405 (48.0) 
Formal education 218 (51.7) 220 (52.2) 438 (52.0) 
Child sex Female 352 (50.6) 348 (48.7) 700 (49.7) 
Male 344 (49.4) 366 (51.3) 432 (50.3) 
Child age group (month) 0–11 78 (11.2) 91 (12.8) 169 (12.0) 
12–35 307 (44.1) 331 (46.4) 638 (45.2) 
≥36 311 (44.7) 292 (40.9) 603 (42.8) 
Family size <5 158 (37.5) 141 (33.6) 299 (35.6) 
≥5 263 (62.5) 279 (66.4) 542 (64.4) 
Number of under-five children in HH One 187 (44.3) 170 (40.4) 357 (42.3) 
Two 195 (46.2) 207 (49.2) 402 (47.7) 
Three or four 40 (9.5) 44 (11.4) 84 (10.0) 
Caregiver’s sex Female 425 (98.3) 416 (98.8) 831 (98.6) 
Male 7 (1.7) 5 (1.2) 12 (1.4) 
Caregiver's age group (year) <20 16 (3.8) 24 (5.7) 40 (4.7) 
20–35 234 (55.4) 239 (56.8) 473 (56.1) 
>35 172 (40.7) 158 (37.5) 330 (39.1) 
Marital status Married 386 (91.5) 397 (94.2) 783 (92.9) 
Single 3 (0.7) 2 (0.6) 5 (0.6) 
Divorced 12 (2.8) 6 (1.4) 18 (2.1) 
Widowed 21 (5.0) 18 (4.3) 39 (4.6) 
Ethnicity Nuer 311 (73.7) 309 (73.4) 620 (73.5) 
Agnuak 111 (26.3) 112 (26.6) 243 (26.5) 
Educational level No formal education 204 (48.3) 201 (47.8) 405 (48.0) 
Formal education 218 (51.7) 220 (52.2) 438 (52.0) 

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