We measured changes in caregivers’ behavior at the midterm and end point of the intervention and found substantial differences between intervention and control groups (Table 2). The baseline assessment showed that tap water was the usual source of drinking water for the entire refugee households, and 230 (27.3%) of the households had no improved latrines. Less than half, 343 (40.5%) of the HH water containers were clean and only 181 (21.5%) of them were kept covered. The study also showed that 468 (55.5%) of the latrines were not clean and feces were seen in 250 (30%) of the HH compounds. Three-quarters (651, 77.2%) of the caregivers did not safely dispose of their children's feces. At baseline, we observed that 136 (16.1%) of the households had a hand-washing station. However, 31 (22.8%) and 22 (16.2%) of them had no water and soap for hand-washing on the day of data collection, respectively. The great majority of caregivers practiced hand-washing with soap and water before eating (714, 84.7%), followed by hand-washing before preparing food (488, 57.9%), after toilet use (469, 55.6%), after cleaning a child's bottom (463, 54.9%) and before feeding children (406, 48.2%).

Table 2

Hygiene behaviors of the intervention and control arms at the baseline, midterm and end point in refugee camps in Gambella Region, Ethiopia in 2017

Baseline (n = HHs)
Midterm (n = HHs)
Endpoint (n = HHs)
Behavioral outcome indicators
Intervene No (%)Control No (%)P ValueIntervene No (%)Control No (%)P ValueIntervene No (%)Control No (%)P value
Point-use of drinking water management 
Source of drinking water Tap water 422 (100) 421 (100) NA 422 (100) 421 (100) NA 422 (100) 421 (100) NA 
Type of water containers Narrow mouth (≤3 cm diameter) 262 (62.1) 257 (61.0) 0.39 313 (74.2) 271 (64.4) 0.02 357 (84.6) 265 (63.0) 0.000 
Wide mouth (>3 cm diameter) 31 (7.4) 42 (10.0)  19 (4.5) 39 (9.3)  4 (1.0) 40 (9.5)  
Both types 129 (30.6) 122 (29.0)  90 (21.3) 111 (26.4)  61 (14.4) 116 (27.5)  
Are all water containers covered? Yes 92 (21.8) 89 (21.1) 0.14 146 (34.6) 97 (23.0) 0.000 388 (91.9) 114 (27.1) 0.000 
Some only 232 (55.0) 256 (60.8)  199 (47.2) 251 (59.6)  24 (5.7) 244 (58)  
No 98 (23.2) 76 (18.1)  77 (18.2) 73 (17.3)  10 (2.4) 63 (14.9)  
Does the household use a separate container for drinking water? Yes 204 (48.3) 209 (49.6) 0.7 276 (65.4) 234 (55.6) 0.04 352 (83.4) 249 (59.1) 0.000 
No 218 (51.7) 212 (50.4)  146 (34.6) 187 (44.4)  70 (16.6) 172 (40.9)  
Where is the drinking water container placed? On floor inside home 189 (44.8) 180 (42.8) 0.8 214 (50.7) 205 (48.7) 0.001 245 (58.1) 208 (49.4) 0.000 
Elevated place inside 42 (10.0) 46 (10.9)  88 (20.9) 49 (11.6)  139 (32.9) 48 (11.4)  
Somewhere outside 191 (45.2) 195 (46.3)  120 (28.4) 167 (39.7)  38 (9.0) 139 (39.2)  
Method of water takeout Pouring 265 (62.8) 268 (63.7) 0.89 336 (79.6) 299 (71.0)  384 (91.0) 296 (70.3) 0.000 
Dipping 42 (10.0) 44 (10.4)  14 (3.3) 37 (8.8)  11 (2.6) 35 (8.3)  
Both methods 115 (27.2) 109 (25.9)  72 (17.1) 85 (20.2)  27 (6.4) 90 (21.4)  
Water containers cleaned last Less than a week ago 115 (27.3) 108 (25.7) 0.79 210 (49.8) 141 (33.5) 0.000 269 (63.7) 148 (35.1) 0.000 
More than a week 207 (49.0) 216 (51.3)  165 (39.1) 203 (48.2)  136 (32.3) 189 (44.9)  
Do not remember 100 (23.7) 97 (23.0)  47 (11.1) 77 (18.3)  17 (4.0) 84 (20.0)  
Cleanness of water containers Yes 189 (43.4) 158 (37.5) 0.084 262 (62.1) 139 (33.0) 0.000 352 (83.4) 187 (44.4) 0.000 
No 239 (56.6) 263 (62.5)  160 (37.9) 282 (67.0)  70 (16.7) 234 (55.6)  
Point-use water treatment Yes 9 (2.1) 4 (0.9) 0.16 6 (1.4) 5 (1.2) 0.76 7 (1.7) 7 (1.7) 0.99 
No 413 (97.9) 417 (99.1)  416 (98.6) 416 (98.8)  415 (98.3) 414 (98.3)  
Safe feces disposal 
Category of sanitation Open defecation 86 (20.4) 73 (18.0)  87 (20.6) 79 (18.8)  87 (20.6) 83 (19.7) 0.77 
Unimproved latrine 32 (7.6) 36 (8.6) 0.64 27 (6.4) 31 (7.4) 0.71 25 (5.9) 21 (5.0)  
Improved latrine 304 (72.0) 313 (73.4)  308 (73.0) 311 (73.9)  310 (73.5) 317 (75.3)  
How did you dispose of child feces last time? In the latrine 95 (22.5) 97 (23.0) 0.37 157 (37.2) 96 (22.8) 0.000 304 (72.0) 149 (35.4) 0.000 
Somewhere on the ground 225 (53.3) 239 (56.8)  210 (49.8) 250 (59.4)  100 (23.7) 230 (54.6)  
Bush 102 (24.2) 85 (20.2)  55 (13.0) 75 (17.8)  18 (4.2) 42 (10.0)  
Clean latrine Yes 150 (35.6) 157 (37.3) 0.7 211 (50.0) 159 (37.8) 0.02 294 (69.7) 192 (45.6) 0.000 
No 240 (56.9) 228 (54.2)  186 (44.1) 231 (54.9)  107 (25.3) 210 (49.9)  
No latrine 32 (7.6) 36 (8.6)  25 (5.9) 31 (7.4)  21 (5.0) 19 (4.5)  
Presence of flies in the latrine Yes 232 (55.0) 216 (51.3) 0.56 116 (27.5) 192 (45.7) 0.000 103 (24.4) 197 (46.9) 0.000 
No 158 (37.4) 169 (40.1)  281 (66.6) 197 (46.9)  299 (70.9) 204 (48.6)  
No latrine 32 (7.6) 36 (8.6)  25 (5.9) 31 (7.4)  20 (4.7) 19 (4.5) 0.000 
Feces on the compound Yes 126 (29.9) 124 (29.4) 0.898 72 (17.1) 137 (32.5) 0.000 54(12.8) 128 (30.4)  
No 296 (70.1) 297 (70.6)  350 (82.9) 284 (67.5)  368 (87.2) 293 (69.6)  
Hand-washing practice 
Availability of hand-washing device Yes 67 (15.9) 69 (16.4) 0.84 402 (95.5) 73 (17.3) 0.000 407 (96.7) 117 (27.8)  
No 355 (84.1) 362 (83.6)  19 (4.5) 348 (82.7)  14 (3.3) 304 (72.2)  
Availability of water (n = 421) Yes 14 (3.3) 17 (4.0) 0.58 328 (77.9) 27 (6.4) 0.000 366 (86.9) 48 (11.4) 0.000 
No 408 (96.7) 404 (96.0)  93 (22.1) 394 (93.6)  55 (13.1) 387 (88.6)  
Availability of soap (n = 421) Yes 10 (2.4) 12 (2.8) 0.66 234 (55.6) 17 (4.0) 0.000 325 (77.2) 31 (7.4) 0.000 
No 412 (97.6) 409 (97.2)  187 (44.4) 404 (96.0)  96 (22.8) 390 (92.6)  
Hand-washing before eating Yes 358 (84.8) 356 (84.6) 0.91 376 (89.1) 359 (85.3) 0.097 387 (91.7) 369 (87.7) 0.053 
No 64 (15.2) 65 (15.4)  46 (10.9) 62 (14.7)  35 (8.3) 52 (12.3)  
Hand-washing by caregiver after toilet use Yes 230 (54.5) 239 (56.8) 0.51 311 (73.7) 259 (61.5) 0.000 325 (77.0) 267 (63.4) 0.000 
No 192 (45.5) 182 (43.2)  111 (26.3) 162 (38.5)  97 (23.0) 154 (36.6)  
Hand-washing after helping child defecate Yes 233 (55.2) 230 (54.6) 0.87 299 (70.9) 238 (56.5) 0.000 352 (83.4) 279 (66.3) 0.000 
No 189 (44.8) 191 (45.4)  123 (29.1) 183 (43.5)  70 (16.6) 142 (33.7)  
Hand-washing before feeding child Yes 202 (47.9) 204 (48.7) 0.86 297 (70.4) 239 (56.8) 0.000 316 (74.9) 243 (57.7) 0.000 
No 220 (52.1) 217 (51.5)  125 (29.6) 182 (43.2)  106 (25.1) 178 (42.3)  
Hand-washing before preparing food Yes 242 (57.3) 246 (58.4) 0.75 261 (85.6) 253 (60.1) 0.000 372 (88.2) 264 (62.7) 0.000 
No 180 (42.7) 175 (41.6)  61 (14.4) 168 (39.9)  50 (11.8) 157 (37.3)  
Proper hand-washing demonstration Correct 109 (25.8) 106 (25.2) 0.83 322 (76.3) 121 (28.7) 0.000 389 (92.2) 125 (29.7) 0.00 
Incorrect 313 (74.2) 315 (74.8)  100 (23.7) 300 (71.3)  33 (7.8) 296 (70.3)  
Baseline (n = HHs)
Midterm (n = HHs)
Endpoint (n = HHs)
Behavioral outcome indicators
Intervene No (%)Control No (%)P ValueIntervene No (%)Control No (%)P ValueIntervene No (%)Control No (%)P value
Point-use of drinking water management 
Source of drinking water Tap water 422 (100) 421 (100) NA 422 (100) 421 (100) NA 422 (100) 421 (100) NA 
Type of water containers Narrow mouth (≤3 cm diameter) 262 (62.1) 257 (61.0) 0.39 313 (74.2) 271 (64.4) 0.02 357 (84.6) 265 (63.0) 0.000 
Wide mouth (>3 cm diameter) 31 (7.4) 42 (10.0)  19 (4.5) 39 (9.3)  4 (1.0) 40 (9.5)  
Both types 129 (30.6) 122 (29.0)  90 (21.3) 111 (26.4)  61 (14.4) 116 (27.5)  
Are all water containers covered? Yes 92 (21.8) 89 (21.1) 0.14 146 (34.6) 97 (23.0) 0.000 388 (91.9) 114 (27.1) 0.000 
Some only 232 (55.0) 256 (60.8)  199 (47.2) 251 (59.6)  24 (5.7) 244 (58)  
No 98 (23.2) 76 (18.1)  77 (18.2) 73 (17.3)  10 (2.4) 63 (14.9)  
Does the household use a separate container for drinking water? Yes 204 (48.3) 209 (49.6) 0.7 276 (65.4) 234 (55.6) 0.04 352 (83.4) 249 (59.1) 0.000 
No 218 (51.7) 212 (50.4)  146 (34.6) 187 (44.4)  70 (16.6) 172 (40.9)  
Where is the drinking water container placed? On floor inside home 189 (44.8) 180 (42.8) 0.8 214 (50.7) 205 (48.7) 0.001 245 (58.1) 208 (49.4) 0.000 
Elevated place inside 42 (10.0) 46 (10.9)  88 (20.9) 49 (11.6)  139 (32.9) 48 (11.4)  
Somewhere outside 191 (45.2) 195 (46.3)  120 (28.4) 167 (39.7)  38 (9.0) 139 (39.2)  
Method of water takeout Pouring 265 (62.8) 268 (63.7) 0.89 336 (79.6) 299 (71.0)  384 (91.0) 296 (70.3) 0.000 
Dipping 42 (10.0) 44 (10.4)  14 (3.3) 37 (8.8)  11 (2.6) 35 (8.3)  
Both methods 115 (27.2) 109 (25.9)  72 (17.1) 85 (20.2)  27 (6.4) 90 (21.4)  
Water containers cleaned last Less than a week ago 115 (27.3) 108 (25.7) 0.79 210 (49.8) 141 (33.5) 0.000 269 (63.7) 148 (35.1) 0.000 
More than a week 207 (49.0) 216 (51.3)  165 (39.1) 203 (48.2)  136 (32.3) 189 (44.9)  
Do not remember 100 (23.7) 97 (23.0)  47 (11.1) 77 (18.3)  17 (4.0) 84 (20.0)  
Cleanness of water containers Yes 189 (43.4) 158 (37.5) 0.084 262 (62.1) 139 (33.0) 0.000 352 (83.4) 187 (44.4) 0.000 
No 239 (56.6) 263 (62.5)  160 (37.9) 282 (67.0)  70 (16.7) 234 (55.6)  
Point-use water treatment Yes 9 (2.1) 4 (0.9) 0.16 6 (1.4) 5 (1.2) 0.76 7 (1.7) 7 (1.7) 0.99 
No 413 (97.9) 417 (99.1)  416 (98.6) 416 (98.8)  415 (98.3) 414 (98.3)  
Safe feces disposal 
Category of sanitation Open defecation 86 (20.4) 73 (18.0)  87 (20.6) 79 (18.8)  87 (20.6) 83 (19.7) 0.77 
Unimproved latrine 32 (7.6) 36 (8.6) 0.64 27 (6.4) 31 (7.4) 0.71 25 (5.9) 21 (5.0)  
Improved latrine 304 (72.0) 313 (73.4)  308 (73.0) 311 (73.9)  310 (73.5) 317 (75.3)  
How did you dispose of child feces last time? In the latrine 95 (22.5) 97 (23.0) 0.37 157 (37.2) 96 (22.8) 0.000 304 (72.0) 149 (35.4) 0.000 
Somewhere on the ground 225 (53.3) 239 (56.8)  210 (49.8) 250 (59.4)  100 (23.7) 230 (54.6)  
Bush 102 (24.2) 85 (20.2)  55 (13.0) 75 (17.8)  18 (4.2) 42 (10.0)  
Clean latrine Yes 150 (35.6) 157 (37.3) 0.7 211 (50.0) 159 (37.8) 0.02 294 (69.7) 192 (45.6) 0.000 
No 240 (56.9) 228 (54.2)  186 (44.1) 231 (54.9)  107 (25.3) 210 (49.9)  
No latrine 32 (7.6) 36 (8.6)  25 (5.9) 31 (7.4)  21 (5.0) 19 (4.5)  
Presence of flies in the latrine Yes 232 (55.0) 216 (51.3) 0.56 116 (27.5) 192 (45.7) 0.000 103 (24.4) 197 (46.9) 0.000 
No 158 (37.4) 169 (40.1)  281 (66.6) 197 (46.9)  299 (70.9) 204 (48.6)  
No latrine 32 (7.6) 36 (8.6)  25 (5.9) 31 (7.4)  20 (4.7) 19 (4.5) 0.000 
Feces on the compound Yes 126 (29.9) 124 (29.4) 0.898 72 (17.1) 137 (32.5) 0.000 54(12.8) 128 (30.4)  
No 296 (70.1) 297 (70.6)  350 (82.9) 284 (67.5)  368 (87.2) 293 (69.6)  
Hand-washing practice 
Availability of hand-washing device Yes 67 (15.9) 69 (16.4) 0.84 402 (95.5) 73 (17.3) 0.000 407 (96.7) 117 (27.8)  
No 355 (84.1) 362 (83.6)  19 (4.5) 348 (82.7)  14 (3.3) 304 (72.2)  
Availability of water (n = 421) Yes 14 (3.3) 17 (4.0) 0.58 328 (77.9) 27 (6.4) 0.000 366 (86.9) 48 (11.4) 0.000 
No 408 (96.7) 404 (96.0)  93 (22.1) 394 (93.6)  55 (13.1) 387 (88.6)  
Availability of soap (n = 421) Yes 10 (2.4) 12 (2.8) 0.66 234 (55.6) 17 (4.0) 0.000 325 (77.2) 31 (7.4) 0.000 
No 412 (97.6) 409 (97.2)  187 (44.4) 404 (96.0)  96 (22.8) 390 (92.6)  
Hand-washing before eating Yes 358 (84.8) 356 (84.6) 0.91 376 (89.1) 359 (85.3) 0.097 387 (91.7) 369 (87.7) 0.053 
No 64 (15.2) 65 (15.4)  46 (10.9) 62 (14.7)  35 (8.3) 52 (12.3)  
Hand-washing by caregiver after toilet use Yes 230 (54.5) 239 (56.8) 0.51 311 (73.7) 259 (61.5) 0.000 325 (77.0) 267 (63.4) 0.000 
No 192 (45.5) 182 (43.2)  111 (26.3) 162 (38.5)  97 (23.0) 154 (36.6)  
Hand-washing after helping child defecate Yes 233 (55.2) 230 (54.6) 0.87 299 (70.9) 238 (56.5) 0.000 352 (83.4) 279 (66.3) 0.000 
No 189 (44.8) 191 (45.4)  123 (29.1) 183 (43.5)  70 (16.6) 142 (33.7)  
Hand-washing before feeding child Yes 202 (47.9) 204 (48.7) 0.86 297 (70.4) 239 (56.8) 0.000 316 (74.9) 243 (57.7) 0.000 
No 220 (52.1) 217 (51.5)  125 (29.6) 182 (43.2)  106 (25.1) 178 (42.3)  
Hand-washing before preparing food Yes 242 (57.3) 246 (58.4) 0.75 261 (85.6) 253 (60.1) 0.000 372 (88.2) 264 (62.7) 0.000 
No 180 (42.7) 175 (41.6)  61 (14.4) 168 (39.9)  50 (11.8) 157 (37.3)  
Proper hand-washing demonstration Correct 109 (25.8) 106 (25.2) 0.83 322 (76.3) 121 (28.7) 0.000 389 (92.2) 125 (29.7) 0.00 
Incorrect 313 (74.2) 315 (74.8)  100 (23.7) 300 (71.3)  33 (7.8) 296 (70.3)  

We found that measuring the prevalence ratio and its difference among the intervention and control group at points in time is important for readers to easily visualize when the statistically significant change is seen in diarrhea prevalence

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