Like the previous analysis, UDD-embedded PES membranes that were sonicated to remove the excess of particle clusters above the membrane also showed that there is no significant difference when the water was filtered. Table 6 also shows the death rate % values when the water was filtered with sonicated funct. UDD-embedded PES membranes. Contrary to previous results, sonicating the UDD functionalized membranes enhances its bactericidal properties by significantly reducing fecal E. coli CFU as compared to commercial PES membranes. The incorporation of these nanoparticles into the membrane's porous matrix increases the bacterial death rate percentage by 5–8% depending on the sonication time for UDD cluster removal. T-test analysis of CFU values dependent on sonication time showed a p-value of 0.20 (Table 7) between PES UDD Funct. 1 min and PES UDD Funct. 2 min meaning that there is no significant difference of bacterial removal if the membrane is sonicated for 1 or 2 min.

Table 7

T-test analysis of sonication time on PES UDD-embedded membranes

T-testp-value at 95% significance
PES UDD 1 min and PES UDD 2 min 0.94 
PES UDD Funct. 1 min and PES UDD Funct. 2 min 0.20 
T-testp-value at 95% significance
PES UDD 1 min and PES UDD 2 min 0.94 
PES UDD Funct. 1 min and PES UDD Funct. 2 min 0.20 
Table 8

Fecal E. coli CFU and % rate percentage of UDD PVDF membrane filtration characterization

ControlPVDF membraneUDD/PVDF membraneUDD-embedded PVDF membrane 1 min sonicationUDD/PVDF membrane 2 min sonicationUDD Funct./PVDF membraneUDD Funct./PVDF membrane 1 min sonicationUDD Funct./PVDF membrane 2 min sonication
CFU 12,000 2,400 2,000 1,173 780 333 260 547 
± 139 283 335 255 61 85 220 
Death rate % 80 83 90 94 97 98 95 
ControlPVDF membraneUDD/PVDF membraneUDD-embedded PVDF membrane 1 min sonicationUDD/PVDF membrane 2 min sonicationUDD Funct./PVDF membraneUDD Funct./PVDF membrane 1 min sonicationUDD Funct./PVDF membrane 2 min sonication
CFU 12,000 2,400 2,000 1,173 780 333 260 547 
± 139 283 335 255 61 85 220 
Death rate % 80 83 90 94 97 98 95 

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