T-test analysis of CFU values dependent of sonication time showed a p-value of 0.14 (Table 9) between PVDF UDD Funct. 1 min and PVDF UDD Funct. 2 min meaning that there is no significant difference of bacterial removal if the membrane is sonicated for 1 or 2 min. These improvements in both membranes’ bactericidal properties are consistent with the ones reported in the literature when this incorporation of carbon nanoparticles into organic membranes is done (Etemadi et al. 2016).

Table 9

T-test analysis of sonication time on PVDF UDD-embedded membranes

T-testp = value at 95% significance
PVDF UDD 1 min and PES PVDF 2 min 0.24 
PVDF UDD Funct. 1 min and PVDF UDD Funct. 2 min 0.14 
T-testp = value at 95% significance
PVDF UDD 1 min and PES PVDF 2 min 0.24 
PVDF UDD Funct. 1 min and PVDF UDD Funct. 2 min 0.14 

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