Constraints’ violations are handled with the repair method. The repair method was preferred over the use of penalties, for the following reasons: (a) it is closer to the ‘nature’ of the examined problem, since, in essence, it attributes no dam to non-available locations and (b) it entails a lower computational volume; there is no need to investigate the penalty magnitude through time-consuming tests. Table 2 presents the exact pairing of all possible decision variable values, converted from binary format of a chromosome to decimal format (chromo), with the ultimately used values, followed by the respective physical interpretation.

Table 2

Pairing decision variable values, converted from binary format of a chromosome (chromo) to decimal format, with the ultimately used values, followed by the respective physical interpretation

VariableValue in chromoUsedInterpretationConstraint handling
DLi* No Di C1a 
Di = 1 – 
Di = 2 – 
… … … … 
N N Di=N – 
… … … … 
61 61 Di = 61 – 
62 No Di C1b 
63 No Di C1b 
DHi No Di C3 
1.0 m C3 
1.5 m C3 
2.0 m C3 
BL C4 
VariableValue in chromoUsedInterpretationConstraint handling
DLi* No Di C1a 
Di = 1 – 
Di = 2 – 
… … … … 
N N Di=N – 
… … … … 
61 61 Di = 61 – 
62 No Di C1b 
63 No Di C1b 
DHi No Di C3 
1.0 m C3 
1.5 m C3 
2.0 m C3 
BL C4 

D, dam; No Di, no dam i; DL, dam location; DH, dam height.

BL = BP location; *if DLj = DLi, j > I ⇒ constraint handling C4: ∄ Di.

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