The 70 runs required about 10 min of simulation time (Intel Core i7 7700 @3.60 GHz; 16 GB RAM @1197 MHz). Table 3 presents the FV, VB1, VB2, VB3 and VB4 values of all solutions as well as the increase (%) in FV that solutions exhibit compared to the best solution Sol4. A green–white–red colour scale is utilized to better present low–medium–high values per column. Table 4 presents the different dam – BP layouts/configurations of these six solutions, including a number of dams, dam locations and respective dam heights, together with the BP's location, as well as the number of appearances of each DL in the six solutions. It is obvious that the six solutions constitute six different strategies, regarding the layout of the dams; no pair of solutions exhibits exactly the same locations. Figure A.4 is a graphical representation of the six identified (sub)optimal solutions for the VB4-lo case, presenting dam locations and heights, BL, together with relevant info, a ranking based on FV, the number of dams proposed and the increase in FV compared to the best solution (Sol4).

Table 3

Results for all 6 solutions produced by all 70 runs for the low-cost stonework transport case (VB4-lo)


Fitness value (FV), flood protection (VB1) and aquifer recharge (VB2) benefits, dam construction (VB3) and stonework transport (VB4) costs, appearance rate and increase of FV compared to the best solution (4) are presented.

aColour scale (per column): green–white–red = low–medium–high values.

bComparison with the best solution Sol4 (FVi-minFV).

Table 4

Results for all solutions produced by all 70 simulations for the low-cost stonework transport case (VB4-lo)


Nr of dams, dam locations and respective heights, together with the BP's location are presented.

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