Conventional benchmarking measures focus mainly on water produced whilst ignoring water produced but not reaching consumers, unaccounted for water (UFW). Benchmarking must credit utilities for a reduction in UFW and improvements in service delivery. This study measures the performance of 20 urban water utilities using data from an Asian Development Bank survey of Indian water utilities in 2005. It applies directional distance function as an analytical tool for measuring performance of water utilities. The results reveal that at the mean level, Indian water utilities have the potential of increasing water delivery levels and reducing UFW by 20%. About half of that can be realized by changing the scale of operation. Metering of the water delivered and the length of the distribution network are major determinants of performance of water utilities.
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March 25 2010
Unaccounted for water and the performance of water utilities: an empirical analysis from India
Surender Kumar
1Department of Policy Studies, TERI University, 10, Institutional Area, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070, India
Fax: 91-11-26122874; E-mail: [email protected]
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Water Policy (2010) 12 (5): 707–721.
Article history
March 02 2009
March 28 2009
Surender Kumar; Unaccounted for water and the performance of water utilities: an empirical analysis from India. Water Policy 1 October 2010; 12 (5): 707–721. doi:
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