Asia accounts for 70% of the world's irrigated area and is home to some of the oldest and largest irrigation schemes. While these irrigation schemes played an important role in ensuring food security for billions of people in the past, their current state of affairs leaves much to be desired. This paper takes forward the IWMI–FAO–ADB (Asian Development Bank) recommendation of a five-pronged approach for revitalizing Asia's irrigation and provides a region-specific road map for doing this. The underlying principle of these multiple strategies is the belief that the public institutions at the heart of irrigation management in Asia need to give up comfortable rigidity and engage with individual users' needs and the demands placed by larger societal changes.
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December 26 2011
Growing more food with less water: how can revitalizing Asia's irrigation help?
Aditi Mukherji;
Aditi Mukherji
aInternational Water Management Institute (IWMI), 127 Sunil Mawatha, Pelawatta, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
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Thierry Facon;
Thierry Facon
bFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Regional Office of the Asia Pacific (RAP), Bangkok
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Charlotte de Fraiture;
Charlotte de Fraiture
cInternational Water Management Institute (IWMI), Ouagadougou Office, Burkina Faso S/c CILSS 03 BP 7049, Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso
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David Molden;
David Molden
aInternational Water Management Institute (IWMI), 127 Sunil Mawatha, Pelawatta, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
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Colin Chartres
Colin Chartres
aInternational Water Management Institute (IWMI), 127 Sunil Mawatha, Pelawatta, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
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Water Policy (2012) 14 (3): 430–446.
Article history
December 12 2010
October 19 2011
Aditi Mukherji, Thierry Facon, Charlotte de Fraiture, David Molden, Colin Chartres; Growing more food with less water: how can revitalizing Asia's irrigation help?. Water Policy 1 June 2012; 14 (3): 430–446. doi:
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