Cap-Net UNDP is an international capacity development network for integrated water resources management (IWRM). Cap-Net's approach of working through regional and country networks is an effective method of drawing together various experts from different disciplines, fostering local ownership for capacity development and scaling-up implementation of IWRM. This paper discusses the lessons drawn from outcome monitoring of Cap-Net capacity development courses for 2 consecutive years 2010–12. Cap-Net follows the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan that it developed and this helps Cap-Net to learn about progress towards its objectives. It also allows for corrective measures to the on-going process in capacity development program delivery. Lessons from the outcome monitoring exercises provided guidance for revision of monitoring approaches in order to capture the outcomes and impacts and to contribute to the overall goal of Cap-Net. It was realized that interest and involvement of partner networks, continuous follow-up of the courses and standardized processes are important for successful monitoring.

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