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Water Policy Special Issue on

Circular Economy Policies for Water and Wastewater



We are pleased to invite you to submit a manuscript to Water Policy for peer review and possible publication in a Special Issue entitled Circular Economy Policies for Water and Wastewater.

This Special Issue provides a unique opportunity to bring together original research articles, enlightening review papers, and inspiring case studies that explore the application of circular economy principles in water and wastewater management.

The topics covered are related to agriculture, water utilities, wastewater treatment, energy-water nexus, SDG 6, SDG9, and SDG11, and are highly relevant to the current global water crisis and to the need for sustainable water and wastewater management approaches.

The articles published will contribute to the existing literature and knowledge on the topic and are expected to have a lasting impact on policy and practice in the field as can equally be of interest to researchers, policy-makers, utility managers and practitioners from agriculture, environmental science, economics, the water and wastewater sector.

This special Issue will accept submission from selected papers presented in the following scientific events:

  1. 4th Symposium on Circular Economy and Sustainability, Heraklion, Greece, 19-21 June, 2023
  2. 6th Symposiumon Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures, Harper Adams University, England, 18-19 September 2023
  3. 4th International Conference Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation, Water, Raw Materials & Energy, Online via Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland, 14-15 December 2023
  4. International Conference Water and Sewage in the Circular Economy Model (CEwater), Cracow, Poland, 22-24 April 2024

It will also be open for submissions outside the participation of these events in order to attract the best possible articles on the topic. 

Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

  • Challenges and opportunities for circular economy
  • Circular economy policies for sustainable water management
  • Circular Water Utilities
  • Demand for wastewater treatment byproducts
  • Energy Water Nexus
  • Phosphorous and nitrogen recovery
  • Policies and practices for reducing agricultural water and wastewater pollution
  • Public awareness on byproducts and circular economy
  • Water recycling in agriculture
  • Restructuring water utilities
  • SDG11 and Circular Economy
  • SDG6 and Circular Economy
  • SDG9 and Circular Economy
  • Sludge management and reuse
  • Legal Issues
  • Social and economic implications
  • Water recycling and reuse


Key dates:

Deadline for manuscript submission: 31st October, 2024

Expected publication: Articles will be published online as soon as possible after acceptance.


Guest Editors:

Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece

Ioannis Kostakis, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece

Dimitrios Paparas, Harper Adams University, UK

Marzena Smol, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland


How to submit:

Please ensure your paper follows the Instructions to Authors of the journal, before submitting your paper directly to Water Policy's peer review system. Then choose the article type – 'Special Issue Article OA' and the submission category - Special Issue: Circular Economy Policies. This will send your paper to one of the Guest Editors.

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