Incineration of faeces offers a treatment method that is useful in reducing the final quantities of faeces and toilet paper. It is also useful as a sanitation method for faeces. The aim of this work was to increase the knowledge about incineration as a treatment and sanitation method for faeces. The faecal matter used in this study contained ash used as additive material during the collection phase. The incinerated faeces/ash mixture had an ash content of 86%. It caught fire when the temperatures reached 800°C and beyond and after this, temperatures in the range of 800 to 1000 °C were recorded. The mass reduction was 15 - 36% and the organic matter was reduced by 78 - 99%. The plant nutrient content was reduced, total nitrogen by 90 - 94% and available phosphorus by 70 - 94%. Incinerating material with a dry matter (DM) of less than 90% resulted in a strong smell. When the DM was higher, the smell lessened. The reduction in mass of excreta and the possibility to re-use ashes as additives in toilets can be advantages of incineration of faeces.
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June 01 2006
Incineration of Faecal Matter for Treatment and Sanitation
C. Niwagaba;
C. Niwagaba
1Department of Civil Engineering, Makerere University, P. O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda
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M. Nalubega;
M. Nalubega
1Department of Civil Engineering, Makerere University, P. O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda
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B. Vinnerås;
B. Vinnerås
2National Veterinary Institute, SE-751 89 Uppsala, Sweden
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H. Jönsson
H. Jönsson
3Department of Biometry and Engineering, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, P. O. Box 7032, SE- 750 07, Uppsala, Sweden
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Water Practice and Technology (2006) 1 (2): wpt2006042.
C. Niwagaba, M. Nalubega, B. Vinnerås, H. Jönsson; Incineration of Faecal Matter for Treatment and Sanitation. Water Practice and Technology 1 June 2006; 1 (2): wpt2006042. doi:
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