Terminal Island Treatment Plant converted its digesters to thermophilic operation with the objective to comply with the U.S. EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule requirements for Class A biosolids. The following processes were tested: a) single-stage continuous; b) two-stage continuous; c) single-stage sequencing batch. Salmonella sp. were always non-detect in digester outflows (<3 MPN/4 g dry wt), whereas fecal coliform densities were usually below the Class A limit of 1000 MPN/g dry wt. However, the recurrence of fecal coliforms in post-digestion caused non-compliance with the Class A limit at the truck loading facility as the last point of plant control for compliance. After several design modifications of the post-digestion train, operation of the digesters as sequencing batch digesters according to the time-temperature requirement of Alternative 1 of the Part 503 Biosolids Rule achieved compliance for both Salmonella sp. and fecal coliforms at the last point of plant control (truck loading facility).

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