Pumping is a central component to many water supply and distribution systems, and one which consumes significant amounts of energy. Increased attention to energy conservation is a common theme globally and, in the context of water supply systems, the need to understand the energy efficiency with which pumps operate in situ, and the opportunity to improve upon any inefficiencies, is becoming increasingly recognized. This paper discusses two separate and independently conceived and delivered initiatives that, while taking very different approaches to raising awareness and improving the industry's state of practice in this regard, are rather synergistic when viewed in a holistic sense. Recent work in Mexico is engaging the numerous utilities across the country to begin the measurement of pump energy efficiency, having wide-reaching impact, while work in Canada is exploring the details of individual pump performance through accurate field testing. Both these initiatives use a common approach to measuring performance of pump efficiency, based on the normalization of energy consumption relative to the output of the pump, namely the flow and total dynamic head delivered. The exact performance indicators used are somewhat different, but very closely related, and this paper explores the nuances of these differences in detail. As well, results from both the Mexican and Canadian experiences are presented, and guidance on the use of the performance indicators is provided.

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