Microscreening (using Discfilters) is a widely used technology for suspended solids removal in tertiary effluent streams of wastewater treatment plants. Several pilot studies have shown the feasibility of using coagulation and flocculation in combination with microscreens for advanced phosphorus removal, but the number of full-scale references is still limited. In summer 2014, the first Scandinavian full-scale Discfilter installation with 2-stage chemical pre-treatment (coagulation and flocculation) was started up at the Arvidstorp wastewater treatment plant in Trollhättan (Sweden). The results obtained during the first year of operation proved that low suspended solids and total phosphorus effluent values could be achieved (<5 and <0.2 mg/l, respectively). These results were obtained even during heavy rainfall, when biologically and primary treated water were mixed at the influent of the Discfilter installation, before the coagulation and flocculation tanks. Further analysis of the results showed that Discfilter in combination with coagulant and polymer pre-treatment is a robust and reliable technology with low energy demand (34 Wh/m3) and a high recovery (1.9 ± 0.4% of influent flow discharged as reject).
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Research Article|
June 01 2016
Performance and operating experiences of the first Scandinavian full-scale Discfilter installation for tertiary phosphorus polishing with preceding coagulation and flocculation
P. Kängsepp;
P. Kängsepp
aVeolia Water Technologies AB, Mejselgatan 6, Vellinge 23532, Sweden
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
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J. Väänänen;
J. Väänänen
bWater and Environmental Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Lund University, PO Box 118, Lund 22100, Sweden
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K. Örning;
K. Örning
cTrollhättan Energi AB, Talbovägen 5, Trollhättan 46129, Sweden
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M. Sjölin;
M. Sjölin
aVeolia Water Technologies AB, Mejselgatan 6, Vellinge 23532, Sweden
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P. Olsson;
P. Olsson
aVeolia Water Technologies AB, Mejselgatan 6, Vellinge 23532, Sweden
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J. Rönnberg;
J. Rönnberg
cTrollhättan Energi AB, Talbovägen 5, Trollhättan 46129, Sweden
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F. Wallebäck;
F. Wallebäck
cTrollhättan Energi AB, Talbovägen 5, Trollhättan 46129, Sweden
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M. Cimbritz;
M. Cimbritz
bWater and Environmental Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Lund University, PO Box 118, Lund 22100, Sweden
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C. Pellicer-Nàcher
C. Pellicer-Nàcher
aVeolia Water Technologies AB, Mejselgatan 6, Vellinge 23532, Sweden
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Water Practice and Technology (2016) 11 (2): 459–468.
P. Kängsepp, J. Väänänen, K. Örning, M. Sjölin, P. Olsson, J. Rönnberg, F. Wallebäck, M. Cimbritz, C. Pellicer-Nàcher; Performance and operating experiences of the first Scandinavian full-scale Discfilter installation for tertiary phosphorus polishing with preceding coagulation and flocculation. Water Practice and Technology 1 June 2016; 11 (2): 459–468. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/wpt.2016.040
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