This paper describes Greater Copenhagen Utility's role in planning, coordinating and implementing Copenhagen's Climate Change Adaptation Plan and Cloudburst management strategy. Detailed hydraulic modelling of the seven catchments in the city resulted in the preparation of a cloudburst management plan with more than 350 interventions, at a budget of EUR 1.3 billion. Among the planned projects are designated cloudburst boulevards, retention spaces, green roads and cloudburst tunnels. The joint efforts in coordinating climate change adaptation with city planning and infrastructure implementation, are shown to be key to succeeding with the projects. Stakeholder involvement in preparing the cloudburst management strategy is important in identifying the optimal solutions.
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June 01 2017
The role of Greater Copenhagen Utility in implementing the city's Cloudburst Management Plan
J. Ziersen;
J. Ziersen
aGreater Copenhagen Utility, HOFOR, Orestads Boulevard 35, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
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J. Clauson-Kaas;
J. Clauson-Kaas
aGreater Copenhagen Utility, HOFOR, Orestads Boulevard 35, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
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J. Rasmussen
J. Rasmussen
bCopenhagen Municipality, Njalsgade 13, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
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Water Practice and Technology (2017) 12 (2): 338–343.
J. Ziersen, J. Clauson-Kaas, J. Rasmussen; The role of Greater Copenhagen Utility in implementing the city's Cloudburst Management Plan. Water Practice and Technology 1 June 2017; 12 (2): 338–343. doi:
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