This study presents the implementation of innovative stormwater techniques into a distributed hydrological model. This model, is able to represent hydrological processes usually neglected in urban modelling, such as evapotranspiration, infiltration in roads, or direct infiltration of soil water in sewers. The introduction of innovative stormwater techniques such as flat roofs, permeable reservoir pavements or tree plantation can be easily performed in this very modular model. A small urban catchment in Nantes (France) is taken as case study to analyse the influence of these innovative techniques on the hydrological catchment behaviour. The influence of innovative stormwater techniques on the distribution of runoff sources in the catchment, and on total runoff, varies between scenarios. The biggest runoff reduction is delivered by widespread application of flat roofs.
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June 01 2007
Introduction of innovative stormwater techniques within a distributed hydrological model and the influence on the urban catchment behaviour
Water Practice and Technology (2007) 2 (2): wpt2007048.
F. Rodriguez, F. Morena, H. Andrieu, G. Raimbault; Introduction of innovative stormwater techniques within a distributed hydrological model and the influence on the urban catchment behaviour. Water Practice and Technology 1 June 2007; 2 (2): wpt2007048. doi:
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