The “Kljuc” groundwater source in the alluvion of the Velika Morava River provides water supply for the City of Pozarevac at a rate of roughly 220 l/s. Groundwater is abstracted by means of tube wells which are up to 20 m deep. Since 2000, nitrate concentrations in water at this source had a continuous upward trend. Constant intrusion of groundwater with nitrate concentrations higher than 100 mg/l, mainly from suburbs which have no access to utility services, led to a temporary shutdown of the source in 2006. However, following the construction and commissioning of an infiltration-based protection system, a hydraulic barrier was created which allowed the water source to continue to service the public water supply system. This paper presents the performance of this system during the period from September 2006 to March 2007.
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September 01 2007
Effects of urgent measures implemented to protect the Kljuc groundwater source
Z. Radenkovic;
Z. Radenkovic
1Jaroslav Cerni Institute for the Development of Water Resources, Jaroslava Cernog 80, 11226 Pinosava Belgrade, Serbia
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Dj. Boreli-Zdravkovic;
Dj. Boreli-Zdravkovic
1Jaroslav Cerni Institute for the Development of Water Resources, Jaroslava Cernog 80, 11226 Pinosava Belgrade, Serbia
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V. Zuber-Radenkovic
V. Zuber-Radenkovic
1Jaroslav Cerni Institute for the Development of Water Resources, Jaroslava Cernog 80, 11226 Pinosava Belgrade, Serbia
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Water Practice and Technology (2007) 2 (3): wpt2007067.
Z. Radenkovic, Dj. Boreli-Zdravkovic, V. Zuber-Radenkovic; Effects of urgent measures implemented to protect the Kljuc groundwater source. Water Practice and Technology 1 September 2007; 2 (3): wpt2007067. doi:
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