The Per capita water share in Jordan declined from 3600 m3/yr in 1946 to 150 m3/yr in 2006. The population growth is straining the limited water supply, threatening the water quality. Jordan's limited water resources are at increasing risk of chemical and microbiological contamination. Potable water production from high-risk sources, will lead to use costly water treatment technologies. Thus, Jordan is implementing watershed management technique, through the Jordan Water Quality Management Program “JWQMP”, financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This program is managed by CDM International in partnership with the Water Authority and the Ministry of Health in Jordan. The program introduced modern watershed management concepts, to urban/agricultural communities. This resulted in the first watershed management module in Jordan, and institutionalized new watershed management strategy. The project identified and recommended mitigation measures for the following pollution sources: cesspits located on limestone-karstic terrain, leaky sewer pipelines, overuse of fertilizers, and improper solid wastes disposal. Vulnerability mapping were used to delineate water resources protection zones. Community outreach programs to change behaviors for water supply, sanitation and water quality improvements. faced constraints included: Public resistance to change behaviors, limited governmental resources; controlling non-point source pollutants; and the complex nature of groundwater flow through karst terrain.

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