The scope of this paper is to present and compare the results of (1) an extensive odour, VOC and H2S impact assessment, and (2) a complete odour, VOC and H2S air quality monitoring program at a municipal solid waste landfill (MSWL). This study was conducted over a year, with an unprecedented amount of cross-assessment techniques and data points on a 1.3 million tonnes per year MSWL. All potential landfill emission sources were characterized for odours, VOCs, CH4 and H2S using a set of over 150,000 onsite samplings & measurements. An air quality monitoring program included continuous odour, CH4 and H2S monitoring, a 12-day-frequency VOC sampling campaign, and a 24h/7d odour survey at the nearest receptors. This paper will present the standardized methodologies used and comparative results from each independent assessment program.

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