Recent French regulations have driven people to build many composting and drying sites over the last few years. The control of odour nuisance is essential within the framework of the respect of sustainable development, However to be dealt with properly, this issue must be taken into account when designing a facility and throughout its operation. Therefore tools are required to give the means to assess and anticipate odorous emissions. Within this context, a campaign of field trials was launched on several Suez Environnement composting and drying sites. Various types of sludges were treated on different types of industrial composting and drying reactors. In each case the reactor was monitored throughout the sludge treatment and the following compounds analysed: sulphur compounds (H2S, mercaptans, sulphides), nitrogenous compounds (ammonia and amines), aldehydes, ketones, Volatile Fatty Acids, alcohols, VOCs and odours. This work has enabled relevant parameters influencing odour emissions during sludge composting and drying to be determined, and is the basis for a complete composting and drying emissions model.

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