Masdar Initiative is Abu Dhabi's multi-faceted investment to establish a centre designed to be a global focus of innovative technologies in renewable, alternative and sustainable energies as well as sustainable design. Once constructed, Masdar City's water system will use total water management principles to consider all parts of the water cycle as potential resources. This approach includes aggressive use of a variety of water sources, including groundwater, seawater, surface runoff, and rainwater, as well as reuse of greywater and blackwater. Sustainable principles will be implemented for resource recovery coupled management of by-products. Attainment of this goal requires reduction in residential water consumption and education on utilisation. Technology is a major focus of the city, and testing and implementation is critical to success. Achieving self-sufficiency and sustainability is an immense undertaking for Masdar, and water systems are a key component to its development.
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December 01 2009
Water Challenges in Building a Sustainable City in the Middle East - A Masdar Perspective
M. M. Hartman;
*CH2M HILL, PO BOX 35248, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
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J. R. Witherspoon
J. R. Witherspoon
*CH2M HILL, PO BOX 35248, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
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Water Practice and Technology (2009) 4 (4): wpt2009064.
M. M. Hartman, A. A. Kulaib, C. R. Drew, J. R. Witherspoon; Water Challenges in Building a Sustainable City in the Middle East - A Masdar Perspective. Water Practice and Technology 1 December 2009; 4 (4): wpt2009064. doi:
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