The Fratta-Gorzone River is classified in the recent PTA plan as one of the most polluted rivers in the Veneto region. Its Basin -about 1.500 sqKm- includes all the main landscape ambits catalogued by the PTRC plan (from the pre-Alpes in Vicenza Province to the dune landscape of the Venice Lagoon southern part). The Fratta waterway is 93 km long and is known as the Rio Acquetta-Togna-Fratta Gorzone/Agno-Guà-Frassine-Santa Caterina-Gorzone River System.

This Waterway System from one part has great elements of strenght as the rich riverine historical and landscape heritage, and from the other part has serious weaknesses due to the tanning district pollution and to the diffuse agricultural, urban and industrial pollution. Fratta is a medium-high hydraulic risk zone.

Until Know all the Planning Instruments and Practices deal with the northern part of Fratta. The more recent Plan too –the “Accordo di Programma Quadro 05/12/2005”- has as focal point the reduction of pollution (chrome and chloride mainly) and the use of traditional treatment systems (linked with some constructed wetland systems).

Our Paper present the last 2009 Scenario-Plan, promoted by an anusual Group: Water Consorzio LEB with the Regione Veneto supervision, AATO del Chiampo, Sentinella dei Fiumi Association, Coldiretti, IUAV University and two Private Industries.

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