The speciation pattern of ten metals was studied in the coastal water of Ondo State, Nigeria using geochemical modelling software (PHREEQCI). The metals classified as macronutrients – Na, Ca, K, Mg; micronutrients – Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn; toxic metals – Cd, Pb were evaluated along with other general water quality parameters from ten sampling sites. The results served as input data for the modelling. The outcomes of the water speciation modelling revealed that the macronutrient metals exist as free ions which aid the reduction of free ion species of toxic metals. The micronutrients exist as neutral or complex salts which are less toxic according to free ion activity model theory. The self purification capacity of the coastal water was aided by the abundant formation of Fe-hydroxide precipitates; high alkalinity; pH; salinity of the coastal water which are responsible for the reduction of free ion specie of Pb and its ecotoxicity but increased the concentration of toxic Cd chloride species. Therefore, the prevailing biogeochemistry of the coast enhances demobilization of the metal contaminants and favours the reduction of their toxicity except Cd.

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