Many wastewater treatment plants need to improve their nitrogen removal due to stricter requirements and increasing loads. This often means larger bioreactor volumes, which can be very expensive and is sometimes impossible if space is limited. Therefore, there is a need for compact hybrid solutions that can increase capacity within existing volumes. Two full-scale demonstration projects using moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) technology has proven to be an efficient way to treat nitrogen in existing volumes at Sundet wastewater treatment plant in Växjö. Increased nitrification and denitrification capacity in parts of the main stream were demonstrated through the Hybas™ process, a combination of MBBR and activated sludge using the integrated fixed-film activated sludge technology. The ANITA™ Mox process, using autotrophic N-removal through anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox), provided high nitrogen removal for the sludge liquor. Data collected on-site for over a year are analyzed and compared with the performance of conventional treatment systems. These two full-scale demonstration projects have been a successful learning experience in identifying and correcting both process and operational issues, which may not have arisen at pilot scale. The set objectives in terms of nitrogen removal were met for both processes and design modifications have been identified that will improve future operation at Sundet WWTP.

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