Retention tanks (RTs) are commonly used to reduce combined sewer overflows, management of which is an important way of reducing the impacts of urban development on receiving waters. However, overflow characteristics and the processes affecting them are not yet fully understood. In a context of integrated urban wastewater systems, the management of RTs is mainly done to satisfy hydraulic constraints even if the idea behind such structures is to limit the discharge of pollutants to the environment. This study reports new insights in the settling processes and the pollutant behaviour occurring in an off-line RT. The authors first focus on the total suspended solids (TSS) and the total chemical oxygen demand (CODt) dynamics at the inlet and the outlet of a RT. Secondly, they focus on the possible relationship between the variation of the particle settling velocity distribution of particles and the TSS concentration dynamics. Finally, analyses of the TSS and CODt concentration evolution during tank emptying give information on the interaction between wastewater retention time and the settling performance.
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November 01 2013
Characterisation of retention tank water quality: particle settling velocity distribution and retention time
Thibaud Maruéjouls;
1Département de génie civil et de génie des eaux, Université Laval, Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot, 1065 Av. de la médecine, Québec, Qc, G1V 06A, Canada
E-mail: [email protected]
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Peter A. Vanrolleghem;
Peter A. Vanrolleghem
1Département de génie civil et de génie des eaux, Université Laval, Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot, 1065 Av. de la médecine, Québec, Qc, G1V 06A, Canada
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Geneviève Pelletier;
Geneviève Pelletier
1Département de génie civil et de génie des eaux, Université Laval, Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot, 1065 Av. de la médecine, Québec, Qc, G1V 06A, Canada
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Paul Lessard
Paul Lessard
1Département de génie civil et de génie des eaux, Université Laval, Pavillon Adrien-Pouliot, 1065 Av. de la médecine, Québec, Qc, G1V 06A, Canada
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Water Quality Research Journal (2013) 48 (4): 321–332.
Article history
August 22 2012
April 26 2013
Thibaud Maruéjouls, Peter A. Vanrolleghem, Geneviève Pelletier, Paul Lessard; Characterisation of retention tank water quality: particle settling velocity distribution and retention time. Water Quality Research Journal 1 November 2013; 48 (4): 321–332. doi:
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