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Water Quality Research Journal Special Issue on


Nuclear waste disposal in the vicinity of watersheds:
perception vs. fact




Nuclear energy is considered a viable GHG-free energy source and a viable part of the mix of energy solutions to meet the world’s climate change mitigation ambitions, but it cannot be labeled “green” due to its inherent radioactive waste products. Potential and real misconceptions regarding the risk to watersheds from nuclear waste products in managed disposal sites, including radiological exposure and effects, exist. There is a need for credibility and transparency in nuclear waste management risk evaluation and communication.

With a focus on water quality, this special issue seeks to identify/clarify the current status of nuclear waste management problem(s), hazard(s), research/knowledge gaps, and potential solutions on a local to global scale. The special issue aims to summarize current experiences and best practices in the assessment of impacts, management, regulation, and communication with stakeholders and the public regarding the effects of nuclear wastes on groundwater and surface water resources and related issues. 

We are pleased to invite you to submit a manuscript to the Water Quality Research Journal for peer review and possible publication in a Special Issue entitled “Nuclear waste disposal in the vicinity of watersheds: perception vs. fact”.

Relevant topics include:

  • Site selection for nuclear waste facilities considering potential impacts on water resources
  • Modelling of radioactive contaminate transport in porous and fractured media
  • Prediction of impacts on water resources and uncertainty evaluation
  • Risk assessment and decision making
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) models and methods
  • Advances in water resources monitoring systems and methods
  • Case studies of nuclear sites' effects on groundwater and surface water
  • Nuclear waste management in the context of water quality and sustainable development goals
  • Regulatory approaches and issues
  • Addressing of stakeholder concerns about water-related risks
  • Risk communication, including discussions on factual vs. perceived risk, the role of open data

Key dates:

Deadline for manuscript submission: 1st August 2025

Expected publication: Articles will be published online as soon as possible after acceptance.


Guest Editors:

Dmitri Bugai, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - Institute of Geological Sciences, Ukraine

Alicia Berthiaume, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canada


How to submit:

Please make sure that your paper follows the Instructions to Authors of the journal, before submitting your paper directly to Water Quality Research Journal’s peer review system. Then choose the article type – ‘Special Issue Article OA’ and the submission category –Special Issue: Nuclear Waste Disposal. This will send your paper to one of the Guest Editors.


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