In this study the sustainability of integrated water resources management in Amsterdam has been reviewed using the City Blueprint approach. The City Blueprint® is a set of 24 dedicated indicators divided over eight categories, i.e., water security, water quality, drinking water, sanitation, infrastructure, climate robustness, biodiversity and attractiveness, and governance including public participation. In 2006 the various urban water-related services in Amsterdam were brought under one roof, culminating in the country's first water cycle company called Waternet. Waternet is responsible for surface water (rivers, canals, ditches and lakes), groundwater, stormwater, drinking water supply and waste water treatment. The city's unique water cycle approach has proved highly beneficial. Currently Amsterdam is the best performing city of the 30 cities assessed so far. This can be explained by: (1) a long-term vision and a multi-level water governance approach, (2) integration of water, energy and material flows (e.g., struvite production), (3) the entanglement between urban quality and water management, and (4) the transparent communication to and feed-back from customers, i.e., farmers and citizens. Surface water quality and biodiversity remain future challenges.
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December 08 2014
The City Blueprint of Amsterdam: an assessment of integrated water resources management in the capital of the Netherlands
C. J. Van Leeuwen;
1KWR Watercycle Research Institute, Groningenhaven 7, Nieuwegein 3433 PE, The Netherlands
2Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 2, Utrecht 3584 CS, The Netherlands
E-mail: [email protected]
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R. M. A. Sjerps
R. M. A. Sjerps
1KWR Watercycle Research Institute, Groningenhaven 7, Nieuwegein 3433 PE, The Netherlands
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Water Supply (2015) 15 (2): 404–410.
Article history
August 05 2014
November 19 2014
C. J. Van Leeuwen, R. M. A. Sjerps; The City Blueprint of Amsterdam: an assessment of integrated water resources management in the capital of the Netherlands. Water Supply 1 April 2015; 15 (2): 404–410. doi:
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