Investigation of the hydrological impacts of climate change at the local scale requires the use of a statistical downscaling technique. In order to use the output of a Global Circulation Model (GCM), a downscaling technique is used. In this study, statistical downscaling of monthly areal mean precipitation in the Göksun River basin in Turkey was carried out using the Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Gene Expression Programming (GEP) techniques. Large-scale weather factors were used for the basin with a monthly areal mean precipitation (PM) record from 1971 to 2000 used for training and testing periods. The R2-value for precipitation in the SVM, GEP and GMDH models are 0.62, 0.59, and 0.6 respectively, for the testing periods. The results show that SVM has the best model performance of the three proposed downscaling models, however, the GEP model has the lowest AIC value. The simulated results for the Canadian GCM3 (CGCM3) A1B and A2 scenarios show a similarity in their average precipitation prediction. Generally, both these scenarios anticipate a decrease in the average monthly precipitation during the simulated periods. Therefore, the results of the future projections show that mean precipitation might decrease during the period of 2021–2100.
An integrated hydrological model for prediction of areal mean precipitation of a river basin under climate change effect is proposed.
Statistical downscaling and GCM are utilized to estimate the climate change effects on the basin.
Goksun River basin is used as the case-study area with three precipitation stations.
Simulated results anticipate a decrease in the average monthly precipitation during the period of 2021–2100.
Climate change and its impact, increasing concentration of ‘greenhouse gases’ in the atmosphere causing climate changes, have gained serious consideration in hydrology. General circulation models (GCMs) are analytical models representing physical processes in the atmosphere, oceans, ice and land surface, and are the primary tools that maintain reasonable accurate climate information at global scale, simulating the response of the global climate system to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations (Tofiq & Guven 2014, 2015).
GCM outputs cannot generate local climate details at finer spatial resolution due to the uncertainty in the spatial resolution between GCM and hydrological models (Shahid et al. 2013). Subsequently, downscaling methods have been developed to transform GCM outputs from coarse spatial resolution to a finer spatial resolution that can be directly used for forecasting climate change at the local scale (Hashmi et al. 2011). Based on its working principle, it can be broadly categorized as statistical downscaling and dynamic downscaling. Statistical downscaling is more widely used in hydrology studies because it requires less computational demand while dynamic downscaling requires high computational resources and expertise. Statistical downscaling establishes the empirical relationship between the large-scale climatic parameters such as mean sea level pressure, wind speed, zonal velocity (predictors) and local parameters (predictands) such as temperature, precipitation, and discharge (Chen et al. 2010a, 2010b).
Statistical downscaling can be roughly divided into four categories: regression methods, weather pattern-based approaches, stochastic weather generators, and limited-area modeling (Wilby & Wigley 1997). A regression method is preferred among these approaches because it is easy to implement and it has low computation requirements. However, when the variable of interest is precipitation, the input-output relationship is often very complex and linear regression-based methods may not work very well. Therefore, a number of non-linear regression based downscaling techniques have been offered and successfully applied (Mpelasoka et al. 2001; Haylock et al. 2006). The scientific literature of the past decade includes predictions of runoff based on precipitation and rainfall-runoff models using statistical downscaling and different GCM scenarios (Schmidli et al. 2007; Yonggang et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2012).
The GMDH model automatically selects the most accurate input variables and the optimal network structure in order to minimize the difference between the structure output and desired output. GMDH is therefore generalizable and can be adapted to the complexity of non-linear systems with a relatively simple and numerically stable network (Assaleh et al. 2013). The advantage of the GMDH algorithm is that it is reasonable for a system that has a large input dataset. There are a lot of applications of GMDH in environmental, ecological, and social systems (Duffy & Franklin 1975; Josef & Petr 2011). GMDH has become a popular method used in water resources studies and has been successfully applied in the prediction of hydro meteorological variables (Saburo et al. 1976; Muttil & Liong 2012; Zahraie et al. 2017).
Gene Expression Programing (GEP) is a new variant of genetic programming (GP) that was developed by Ferreira (Ferreira 2001). GEP is a genotype/phenotype system that evolves computer programs of different sizes and shapes (the phenotype) encoded in linear chromosomes of fixed length (the genotype). GEP is an evolutionary algorithm, using symbolic regression to fit the data to get an optimum form of mathematical function. GEP automatically determines the statements for the study solution by coding the expression as a tree formation with nodes and terminals. The link between symbols of function and the chromosome is represented in the tree by a one on one relation. Combination of genes or one gene create the chromosome and each gene produces a smaller sub-program. The linking function is utilized to connect to the genes when the chromosome has more than one gene (Ferreira 2001). GEP has been widely applied in hydrologic engineering, particularly in the last decade. It has especially been applied in the prediction of hydrometeorological variables (Guven 2009; Guven & Aytek 2009; Guven & Talu 2010; Seckin & Guven 2012; Traore & Guven 2013; Al-Juboori & Guven 2016).
The support vector machine (SVM) technique was introduced by Vapnik in 1995, and gained popularity in data-driven study fields because of its many alluring features and promising empirical performance (Vapnik 1995). SVM is essentially a classification and regression method that has been obtained from statistical learning theories. The regression version of the SVM framework follows the principle of Structural Risk Reduction (SRM), which is proven to be superior to the traditional empirical risk reduction (ERM) principle used by traditional modeling techniques (Vapnik 1999). Traditional ERM concentrates on minimizing training data error, whereas SRM minimizes the upper limit of expected risk, hence providing SVM with the ability to generalize and this is the essential aim of statistical learning (Vapnik 1999). There are four fundamental advantages of SVM. Firstly, it has a regularization parameter, which allows the user to reduce or avoid problems associated with over-fitting. Secondly, SVM is decided by a convex optimization problem for which there are accurate methods (e.g., sequential minimal optimization (SMO)). Thirdly, it is estimated to be bound by the test error rate, and there is a significant body of theory behind it which suggests it should be a good idea. The last and main advantage of SVM is that it utilizes the kernel trick (function) to construct expert knowledge about the investigated phenomenon so that the model complexity together with estimation error is concurrently minimized (Karimi et al. 2017). SVM has been used during the last decade for rainfall-runoff modeling. Many SVM-based models related to the field of hydrology were investigated by Raghavendra & Deka 2014 who concluded that regression models were ineffective compared to SVM models in many cases as analyzed in the literature. The statistical downscaling of daily precipitation using SVM and multivariate analysis has been investigated. The SVM model results were compared with a statistical downscaling model (SDSM) and it was found that the statistical performance of the SVM model is better than the SDSM in predicting daily precipitation (Chen et al. 2010a, 2010b). Daneshfaraz et al. (2021a, 2021b) investigated the application of SVM for predicting hydraulic parameters of a vertical drop equipped with horizontal screens and the results showed that the application of SVM performs high R2 value (0.991 for testing and training modes). Daneshfaraz et al. (2021a, 2021b) also examined the application of SVM for estimating vertical drop hydraulic parameters in the presence of dual horizontal screens. The results show that this method can accurately predict the hydraulic performance of these systems.
GMDH, GEP and SVM techniques have been applied separately and results compared. An inclusive multiple modelling (IMM) strategy can be used to decrease residual errors. Sadeghfam et al. (2021) investigated the hydrological impact of climate change in terms of downscaling of monthly precipitation by producing an IMM approach. IMM strategies handle multiple models at two levels. The model at Level 2 merges outputs of those at Level 1 and produces Level 2 results, which are enhanced compared with those of the Level 1 model in terms of dispersion of residual errors. In this way, IMM maintains a more defensible modelling approach for application in the projection stage.
In this study, GMDH, GEP and SVM methods are applied to develop areal mean precipitation downscaling models and to find the future change pattern for precipitation. Finally, a multiple linear regression (LR) model is analyzed for comparison. The novelty of the paper is contained in the application of three different downscaling techniques (GEP, GMDH, and SVM), comparison of those techniques according to statistical indicators, and projection of downscaling techniques under CGCM3 A1B and A2 emission scenarios.
The study area was the Göksun River basin which is a sub-basin of the Ceyhan River basin. This basin area is located 100 km from Kahramanmaraş city on the boundary of the Göksun region on the eastern Mediterranean. Figure 1 shows the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Göksun River Basin. This basin surrounds an area of 2,307 km2, and its elevation ranges from 1,170 m to 2,800 m a.s.l. There are three local precipitation gauge stations in or near the study area. Summary of the rainfall data used in this study for each station is given in Table 1.
Item . | Afsin . | Göksun . | Elbistan . |
Mean Annual Rainfall (mm) | 426.50 | 597.20 | 385.88 |
Mean Monthly Rainfall (mm) | 35.54 | 49.77 | 32.16 |
Maximum Annual Rainfal (mm) | 560.30 | 869.40 | 548.50 |
Minimum Annual Rrainfall (mm) | 273.80 | 354.20 | 247.40 |
Maximum Daily Rainfall (mm) | 65.50 | 85.40 | 46.10 |
Duration of Data (year) | 41 | 42 | 42 |
Number of Data set (days) | 14,965 | 15,330 | 15,330 |
Item . | Afsin . | Göksun . | Elbistan . |
Mean Annual Rainfall (mm) | 426.50 | 597.20 | 385.88 |
Mean Monthly Rainfall (mm) | 35.54 | 49.77 | 32.16 |
Maximum Annual Rainfal (mm) | 560.30 | 869.40 | 548.50 |
Minimum Annual Rrainfall (mm) | 273.80 | 354.20 | 247.40 |
Maximum Daily Rainfall (mm) | 65.50 | 85.40 | 46.10 |
Duration of Data (year) | 41 | 42 | 42 |
Number of Data set (days) | 14,965 | 15,330 | 15,330 |
The mean precipitation data of these three stations were converted to the first dataset (predictand set) used in this study, the areal mean precipitation (PM) of the basin, which were calculated by using the Thiessen Polygons method. Figure 2 shows the Thiessen Polygons of the basin and location of the precipitation gauge stations. Different coloured lines represent each Thiessen polygon line to find the fraction of each station in order to determine areal mean precipitation. The centre of the basin is located at latitude 38° 6′, longitude 36° 48′. The second dataset is the large-scale predictor variables data for grid box (Box_ 11X_14Y) representing the study area, obtained from the Canadian Global Climate Model (CGCM) which is available at their website (www.cccsn.ec.gc.ca/index.php). Each grid cell represents a mesh surrounding the corresponding model grid points. The dimension of each grid cell is approximately 3.75° latitude and 3.75° longitude (Gaussian grid). This process takes place by input decimal latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates of any location, and in this study the coordinate of the centroid of the basin is used. The CGCM3 variables are used as predictors in this study, in as much as they are broadly used in several climate changes and downscaling studies. Table 2 utilizes the description of CGCM3 variables which contains 26 variable data sets. These data sets consist of 26 variables for each scenario (Tofiq & Guven 2014, 2015; Singh et al. 2015).
NO . | CGCM3 Predictors . | Description . | Short name . |
1 | c3a2mslpgl | Mean sea level pressure | v1 |
2 | c3a2p__fgl | 1,000 hPa Wind speed | v2 |
3 | c3a2p__ugl | 1,000 hPa Zonal velocity | v3 |
4 | c3a2p__vgl | 1,000 hPa Meridional velocity | v4 |
5 | c3a2p__zgl | 1,000 hPa Vorticity | v5 |
6 | c3a2p_thgl | 1,000 hPa Wind direction | v6 |
7 | c3a2p_zhgl | 1,000 hPa Divergence | v7 |
8 | c3a2p5_fgl | 500 hPa Wind speed | v8 |
9 | c3a2p5_ugl | 500 hPa Zonal velocity | v9 |
10 | c3a2p5_vgl | 500 hPa Meridional velocity | v10 |
11 | c3a2p5_zgl | 500 hPa Vorticity | v11 |
12 | c3a2p5thgl | 500 hPa Geopotential | v12 |
13 | c3a2p5zhgl | 500 hPa Wind direction | v13 |
14 | c3a2p8_fgl | 500 hPa Divergence | v14 |
15 | c3a2p8_ugl | 850 hPa Wind speed | v15 |
16 | c3a2p8_vgl | 850 hPa Zonal velocity | v16 |
17 | c3a2p8_zgl | 850 hPa Meridional velocity | v17 |
18 | c3a2p8thgl | 850 hPa Vorticity | v18 |
19 | c3a2p8zhgl | 850 hPa Geopotential | v19 |
20 | c3a2p500gl | 850 hPa Wind direction | v20 |
21 | c3a2p850gl | 850 hPa Divergence | v21 |
22 | c3a2prcpgl | Accumulated precipitation | v22 |
23 | c3a2s500gl | 500 hPa Specific humidity | v23 |
24 | c3a2s850gl | 850 hPa Specific humidity | v24 |
25 | c3a2shumgl | 1,000 hPa Specific humidity | v25 |
26 | c3a2tempgl | Screen air temperature (2 m) | v26 |
NO . | CGCM3 Predictors . | Description . | Short name . |
1 | c3a2mslpgl | Mean sea level pressure | v1 |
2 | c3a2p__fgl | 1,000 hPa Wind speed | v2 |
3 | c3a2p__ugl | 1,000 hPa Zonal velocity | v3 |
4 | c3a2p__vgl | 1,000 hPa Meridional velocity | v4 |
5 | c3a2p__zgl | 1,000 hPa Vorticity | v5 |
6 | c3a2p_thgl | 1,000 hPa Wind direction | v6 |
7 | c3a2p_zhgl | 1,000 hPa Divergence | v7 |
8 | c3a2p5_fgl | 500 hPa Wind speed | v8 |
9 | c3a2p5_ugl | 500 hPa Zonal velocity | v9 |
10 | c3a2p5_vgl | 500 hPa Meridional velocity | v10 |
11 | c3a2p5_zgl | 500 hPa Vorticity | v11 |
12 | c3a2p5thgl | 500 hPa Geopotential | v12 |
13 | c3a2p5zhgl | 500 hPa Wind direction | v13 |
14 | c3a2p8_fgl | 500 hPa Divergence | v14 |
15 | c3a2p8_ugl | 850 hPa Wind speed | v15 |
16 | c3a2p8_vgl | 850 hPa Zonal velocity | v16 |
17 | c3a2p8_zgl | 850 hPa Meridional velocity | v17 |
18 | c3a2p8thgl | 850 hPa Vorticity | v18 |
19 | c3a2p8zhgl | 850 hPa Geopotential | v19 |
20 | c3a2p500gl | 850 hPa Wind direction | v20 |
21 | c3a2p850gl | 850 hPa Divergence | v21 |
22 | c3a2prcpgl | Accumulated precipitation | v22 |
23 | c3a2s500gl | 500 hPa Specific humidity | v23 |
24 | c3a2s850gl | 850 hPa Specific humidity | v24 |
25 | c3a2shumgl | 1,000 hPa Specific humidity | v25 |
26 | c3a2tempgl | Screen air temperature (2 m) | v26 |
Figure 3 shows the location of Göksun basin and precipitation stations. Figure 4 shows a map of Turkey with the Göksun basin centroid.
Selection of the most effective predictors
Predictor selection is one of the most critical steps in the climate downscaling process. In this study, the correlation between the predictors and predictands was evaluated. To improve the correlation with predictor variables and predictands, the predictands were modified based on a number of normalization methods. These modifications are: taking natural logarithm (Ln), min-max normalization (Mn) which normalizes the data to the range from 0 to 1, and standardization (Stand) of the predictand variables. To select the most effective predictors and to see the linear relationship between inputs and outputs, correlation analysis was undertaken using the Pearson rank correlation coefficient method. Results illustrated that most large-scale weather factors were statically correlated with local precipitation under a confidence level of 99%. Factors with a higher correlation coefficient were selected as the predictors for downscaling models.
The set of predictors was divided into three categories according to the value of the correlation coefficient (R) between the predictand and the predictors. These categories are: R > 0.3, R > 0.4 and R > 0.5. Predictors with a correlation of R > 0.5 were used for natural logarithm normalization of predictor and predictand variables. The highest correlating GCM variables, with R > 0.5 (10 of them in this case), were selected and presented in Table 3.
No . | GCM Predictors . | Description . | R . | No . | GCM Predictors . | Description . | R . |
V1 | c3a2mslpgl | Mean sea level pressure | 0.46 | V14 | c3a2p8thgl | 850 hPa Vorticity | −0.55 |
V2 | c3a2p__vgl | 1,000 hPa Meridional velocity | 0.53 | V15 | c3a2p8zhgl | 850 hPa Geopotential | −0.58 |
V3 | c3a2p_zhgl | 1,000 hPa Divergence | −0.59 | V16 | c3a2p500gl | 850 hPa Wind direction | −0.65 |
V4 | c3a2p8_ugl | 850 hPa Wind speed | 0.54 | V17 | c3a2shumgl | 1,000 hPa Specific humidity | −0.67 |
V5 | c3a2p8_vgl | 850 hPa Zonal velocity | 0.57 | V18 | c3a2tempgl | Screen air temperature (2 m) | −0.68 |
No . | GCM Predictors . | Description . | R . | No . | GCM Predictors . | Description . | R . |
V1 | c3a2mslpgl | Mean sea level pressure | 0.46 | V14 | c3a2p8thgl | 850 hPa Vorticity | −0.55 |
V2 | c3a2p__vgl | 1,000 hPa Meridional velocity | 0.53 | V15 | c3a2p8zhgl | 850 hPa Geopotential | −0.58 |
V3 | c3a2p_zhgl | 1,000 hPa Divergence | −0.59 | V16 | c3a2p500gl | 850 hPa Wind direction | −0.65 |
V4 | c3a2p8_ugl | 850 hPa Wind speed | 0.54 | V17 | c3a2shumgl | 1,000 hPa Specific humidity | −0.67 |
V5 | c3a2p8_vgl | 850 hPa Zonal velocity | 0.57 | V18 | c3a2tempgl | Screen air temperature (2 m) | −0.68 |
Those with input correlation bigger than 0.5 were Mean sea level pressure (V1), 1,000 hPa Meridional velocity (V4), 1,000 hPa Divergence (V7), 850 hPa Wind speed (V15), 850 hPa Meridional velocity (V16), 850 hPa Meridional velocity (V17), 850 hPa Vorticity (V18), 850 hPa Geopotential (V19), 850 hPa Wind direction (V20), 1,000 hPa Specific humidity (V25), Screen air temperature (2 m) (V26).
Downscaling using GMDH, GEP and SVM techniques
There are several steps to solve a problem using the GMDH and GEP programs (Mpelasoka et al. 2001; Haylock et al. 2006).
There are four crucial steps to get the solution to the problem in GEP. In this study, the first critical step is to determine a set of functions. A set of functions (+, -, *, /, power, Ln) were selected from the set of functions in the GEP program. The second critical step for the GEP program is to determine the chromosome structure which includes the number of genes per chromosome and the size of the gene. The best model results were obtained by using four genes per chromosome for each GEP model. The third critical step is to select the linking function. In this study, the linking function selected was ‘ + ’ (addition). The final critical step is the fitness measure. In this study, the root relative squared error (RRSE) of the training set has been employed as a fitness function.
The main step is to determine the set of network parameters in order to obtain a solution from the GMDH model. In this study, the maximum network layer is set to 15, the maximum polynomial order is 12, and the convergence tolerance factor 0.001 is used for the GMDH model. Network layer connection is selected as the previous layer with original input variables. The number of neurons per layer is fixed as 15 neurons. The final main step is to decide suitable functions that will be used in the GMDH network. We got the best results by using Linear 1, 2, and 3 variables and Quadratic 1, and 2 variables.
Epsilon Support Vector Regression (SVR) was used to predict monthly mean precipitation for the SVM model. Radial basis function was used as a kernel function. Parameter optimization search control is chosen to get optimal parameter for SVM models. Then a grid search and pattern search is done. The SVM model has three parameters: C, γ, and ε. Table 4 shows parameters which are acquired via the SVM to predict the monthly areal mean precipitation.
The statistical measures used to evaluate the accuracy performance of GMDH, GEP and SVM models and LR models are the coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE).
Large-scale weather factors (26 input sets) were used as predictors which were obtained from the Third Generation Coupled Global Circulation Model (CGCM3). The areal mean precipitation of the basin (PM) was used as predictand (output). All data sets are based on a monthly time scale. Both data sets were divided into two subsets (calibration and validation). The first one is the calibration period ranging between 1971 and 1990. The second one is the validation period ranging between 1991 and 2000. GMDH, GEP, and SVM downscaling techniques were utilized to predict the downscaled PM of the basin. Furthermore, the prediction results of downscaling techniques were compared with each other to examine the best model performance. Also, a multiple linear regression model was used for comparison with the proposed nonlinear models.
The statistical results of the best model of monthly areal mean precipitation PM in the Göksun River Basin for the validation period are shown in Table 5. It is seen in Table 5 that the simulated mean monthly areal mean precipitation by SVM, GEP, GMDH models, and LR are lower than the observed mean PM, numerically 10, 10.9, 11.6, and 14.5 mm respectively. This indicates that the means were underestimated by all models. But, the SVM model yielded better results than the other models to simulate the mean PM. The SVM and GMDH models perform well in predicting the minimum PM while LR performs poorly to simulate the minimum PM. Moreover, there is a significant difference in the maximum value of simulated PM compared to observed data. The GMDH model records the minimum difference of 9% for maximum PM, and the SVM model records the maximum difference of 41% for maximum PM. As for the mean, all models underestimated the standard deviation, but the SVM model had the lowest underestimating difference of 36% of all the models.
Data . | Mean (mm) . | Std. Deviation (mm) . | MAE (mm) . | RMSE (mm) . | R2 . |
Observed | 45.94 | 40.53 | – | – | – |
GMDH Model | 34.37 | 25.25 | 24.23 | 34.14 | 0.61 |
GEP Model | 35.07 | 25.59 | 24.05 | 34.78 | 0.59 |
SVM Model | 35.94 | 25.94 | 22.26 | 32.36 | 0.62 |
Linear Regression (LR) | 31.43 | 25.86 | 26.60 | 38.67 | 0.53 |
Data . | Mean (mm) . | Std. Deviation (mm) . | MAE (mm) . | RMSE (mm) . | R2 . |
Observed | 45.94 | 40.53 | – | – | – |
GMDH Model | 34.37 | 25.25 | 24.23 | 34.14 | 0.61 |
GEP Model | 35.07 | 25.59 | 24.05 | 34.78 | 0.59 |
SVM Model | 35.94 | 25.94 | 22.26 | 32.36 | 0.62 |
Linear Regression (LR) | 31.43 | 25.86 | 26.60 | 38.67 | 0.53 |
As seen by the values of statistical indicators given in Table 4, the MAEs for the SVM model (22.26 mm) and the RMSE (32.36 mm) were lower than for the other proposed models. The MAEs for the GEP, GMDH, and LR models were approximately 8%, 8.8% and 19.5% greater than that of the SVM, respectively. The RMSE is approximately 5.5%, 7.5%, and 19.5% greater for the GEP, GMDH, and LR models, respectively, than for the SVM.
Figure 5 represents the scatter plot of the observed PM versus the predicted ones of the Göksun River Basin for GMDH, GEP, SVM and LR for the validation period. The SVM (R2 = 0.62) and GMDH (R2 = 0.61) models have almost the same coefficient of determination (R2) and the GEP model's R2 (0.59) is close to them. However, the SVM model has the highest R2 while the LR model has the lowest R2 (0.53).
Some of the predicted PM values of the proposed downscaling models were observed to be negative values. Under this situation, those negative values were adjusted to zero. The percentage of negative values over the total number of monthly areal mean precipitations were 3.32% in the GMDH, 2.49% in the GEP, 0.83% in the SVM, and 10% in LR models. LR has the biggest percentage correction of negative values adjusted to zero, while GMDH, GEP, and SVM needed less correction. These corrections affect the statistical properties of the models and cause the tendency to accuracy of the predicted value when the observed value is equal to 0.
Model . | MSE (mm2) . | k . | AIC . |
GMDH | 1,165.7 | 490 | 1,827 |
GEP | 1,209.7 | 4 | 860 |
SVM | 1,047.3 | 1,122 | 3,078 |
LR | 1,495.1 | 11 | 899 |
Model . | MSE (mm2) . | k . | AIC . |
GMDH | 1,165.7 | 490 | 1,827 |
GEP | 1,209.7 | 4 | 860 |
SVM | 1,047.3 | 1,122 | 3,078 |
LR | 1,495.1 | 11 | 899 |
Figure 6 displays the simulated averaged monthly mean precipitation, PM, of GMDH, GEP, SVM, and LR models and the observed data during the validation period. It is clear that the SVM model has slightly underestimated the PM for each month. In January, the LR model overestimated the PM while other models underestimated. In February, the LR model and the GEP model overestimated the PM while other models underestimated it. In July and October, the GMDH model overestimated the PM while other models underestimated it.
In March, April, May, Jun, August, September, and October all models underestimated the PM. In April, May, and June SVM predicted the best averaged mean precipitation compared to the observed data. The mean underestimating percentage in April are 33%, 38%, and 41.8% smaller for the GMDH, GEP, and LR models, respectively, than that of the SVM model, as shown in Figure 3. In March, September, November, and December the GEP model performs best in predicting PM. The mean underestimated percentages in March are 7.5%, 10.4%, and 16.2% smaller for the GMDH model, LR and SVM model, respectively, than that of the GEP model. In July and October, the GMDH model performs best in predicting PM. The mean underestimating percentage in October are 3%, 21.4%, and 34.6% smaller for the SVM model, the GEP model, and LR model, respectively, than that of the GMDH model. In January, February, July, and August, the LR model performs best in predicting PM. In February, SVM and GMDH models predicted the same value of PM.
Consequently, the SVM model outperformed over the other models in the validation period with the highest coefficient of determination (R2) and least RMSE and MAE values. However, GEP has the lower AIC values than the other models.
The downscaling performance of the GCM scale simulated under both CGCM3 A1B and A2 emission scenarios for PM for the study area has been explored and analyzed. These scenarios are defined by IPCC (2007). A1B scenario describes the future of the world with very rapid economic growth, a world population that peaks in the middle of the century and then declines, and the rapid introduction of new and more efficient technologies and technological focus is balanced between all energy sources. A2 scenario describes a very diverse world, with a growing global population and regional economic growth. This scenario is more disconnected and slower than other scenarios. It also represents a high emissions scenario and illustrates the worst case scenario (Andersen et al. 2006).
CGCM3A2 and CGCM3A1B variables were utilized to predict the pattern of future change for the period of 2021–2100 for the PM in the study area. The downscaled results from both scenarios (A1B and A2) were divided into four time periods with 20 years range, namely: 2020s (2021–2040), 2040s (2041–2060), 2060s (2061–2080), and 2080s (2081–2100), and compared with the baseline period (1971–2000) to examine the future change in PM for the basin area.
Figure 7 displays the projection of averaged monthly PM change under CGCM3A1B scenario for different time periods by the SVM model. From Figure 7, it is clear that the SVM model projected that the amount of precipitation for each different time periods will be decreased compared to baseline PM. A noticeable decrease occurs in May and it projected a decrease in the averaged monthly PM of about 18%, 31%, 35.5%, and 48.2% for the 2020s, 2040s, 2060s, and 2080s, respectively, under the A1B scenario. From Figure 7, it is observed that a constant decrease in PM occurs during the four periods (2020s, 2040s, 2060s, and 2080s) for May, June, August, and September. From November to April, it is observed that a constant decrease in PM does not occur during the four periods (2020s, 2040s, 2060s, and 2080s). In April, there is a increase in PM from 2040s to 2060s. In February, it is observed that there is a noticable increase in PM after 2080s.
Figure 8 shows the projection of averaged monthly PM change under CGCM3A2 scenario for different time periods by the SVM model. From Figure 8, it is clear that the SVM model projected the amount of precipitation for each different time period will decrease when compared with baseline mean precipitation. However, in April the projected mean precipitation is close to the observed baseline mean precipitation. A noticeable decrease occurs in May and a decrease is projected in the averaged monthly PM of about 27.3%, 51.3%, 37.3%, and 59.1% for the 2020s, 2040s, 2060s, and 2080s, respectively, under the A2 scenario. In Figure 8, it is observed that a constant decrease in PM does not occur during the four periods (2020s, 2040s, 2060s, and 2080s). It is seen that a tendency to decrease in PM occurs from May to October. It is observed that there is a noticable increase in PM after 2080s from January to April.
The changes in max precipitation predicted by both scenarios are different from each other in magnitude, but almost similar in their patterns as seen in Figure 7 and 8. Both scenarios show an average annual decrement with respect to the baseline period (1971–2000) in these figures. Under the A1B scenario, the SVM model predicts a decrease in the averaged annual PM by 24.7%, 28%, 30.7%, and 32.5% for the 2020s, 2040s, 2060s, and 2080s, respectively. It also projects a decrease in the averaged annual PM of about 27.5%, 32.3%, 33.1%, and 31.1% for the 2020s, 2040s, 2060s, and 2080s, respectively, under the A2 scenario.
Figure 9 displays the projection of averaged monthly PM change under CGCM3A1B scenario for different time periods by the GMDH model.
Figure 10 displays the projection of averaged monthly PM change under CGCM3A2 scenario for different time periods by the GMDH model.
Figure 11 displays the projection of averaged monthly PM change under CGCM3A1B scenario for different time periods by the GEP model.
Figure 12 displays the projection of averaged monthly PM change under CGCM3A2 scenario for different time periods by the GEP model.
Figures 13 and 14 represent the projected annual PM under A1B and A2 scenarios for different time periods by the proposed downscaled models. Figure 6 shows that GMDH model forecasted the lowest annual precipitation, and SVM model projected the highest one. Hollow symbols in Figure 13 and 14 represent the mean annual precipitation downscaled by the models in the baseline period 1971–2000. Figure 14 exhibits that the GMDH model projected the highest annual precipitation, and SVM projected the lowest from 2021–2049 to 2055–2084 periods while the SVM model projected the highest annual precipitation, and GMDH projected the lowest from 2055–2084 to 2070–2099 periods.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of different artificial intelligence techniques in the statistical downscaling process. GMDH and GEP select the most accurate predictor variables automatically, while SVM uses the whole input set. Statistical downscaling of precipitation is very difficult, as the relation between the GCM variables and the local variables are often complicated. In this study, statistical downscaling of areal mean precipitation of a basin was carried out by using GMDH, GEP and SVM techniques comparing the results of LR. Results show that the SVM model outperformed the other models in the validation period with the highest coefficient of determination (R2) and the lowest RMSE and MAE values. However, GEP has lower AIC values than the other models. This proves the highest generalization capacity of the GEP model.
The downscaling performance of these techniques under both CGCM A1B and A2 emission scenarios for the areal mean precipitation of the study area was also analyzed. For future projection of different scenarios, all methods performed in a similar manner in their mean precipitation. Likewise, both scenarios forecast a decrease in the average monthly precipitation for future projections, and both of these future projections have simulated that precipitation might decrease during the period of 2021–2100.
The outcomes of this study are believed to be a guide for decision makers in governmental agencies and also a reference for hydrologists who deal with estimation of water resources of river basins.
All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.