Hydrographs of the observed and forecasted streamflows by the random forest (RF), artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector regression (SVR), and M5 model tree (M5T) models, fitted with the total set of variables and sets selected by the genetic algorithm (GA) and recursive feature elimination (RFE), validation periods, for the Sono (a), Manuel Alves da Natividade (b) and Palma (c) River basins.
Hydrographs of the observed and forecasted streamflows by the random forest (RF), artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector regression (SVR), and M5 model tree (M5T) models, fitted with the total set of variables and sets selected by the genetic algorithm (GA) and recursive feature elimination (RFE), validation periods, for the Sono (a), Manuel Alves da Natividade (b) and Palma (c) River basins.