In this article, a coastal region of India having high water demand for irrigation supply was studied for its groundwater quality in temporal and spatial domains. The statistical tests (Shapiro–Wilk W and Anderson–Darling A) of the chemical data of over 100 groundwater samples of the study area indicate the non-parametric nature of the distribution. High concentrations of F and NO3 ions above drinking water permissible limits were present in 12% and 28% of samples, respectively. Similarly, Cl ion, and total hardness were higher while Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ ions were marginally higher compared to drinking water limits. Kruskal–Wallis (ANOVA) test results indicate that seasonal variations are not very significant among chemical species. Based on irrigation water quality indicators, groundwater samples fall under the excellent to doubtful category during premonsoon and permissible to unsuitable category during postmonsoon season. These inferences were verified by using the Entropy Water Quality Index (EWQI). The spatial contours of the EWQI values clearly suggest that the impact of anthropogenic activities on groundwater is greater in the northern parts of the study area. Optimizing fertilizer application and effluent treatment can improve the groundwater quality thereby achieving sustainable groundwater management in this region.

  • Hydrochemistry of the groundwater suggests a high vulnerability to nitrate contamination in the northern parts.

  • Seasonal variations in water quality data infer that the premonsoon season is better than postmonsoon season.

  • Indicators representing the water quality for irrigation show that groundwater is in the excellent to doubtful category excepting magnesium hazard and Kelley's ratio.

Safe water, sanitation, and hygiene form the most basic needs for human health and wellbeing. The United Nations Development Programme has set a goal of achieving clean water and sanitation by 2030 under Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG-6). Groundwater is one of the most important and reliable resources of freshwater but it is limited. Climate change and human interference have been impacting both the quality and quantity of groundwater in many parts of the world. A recent report on the assessment of climate change over the Indian sub-continent has highlighted that monsoonal rainfall intensity has been decreasing due to climate change leading to poor recharge of ponds, lakes, and other surface water bodies. From the current water level fluctuation data, it is estimated that 37.3% of the assessment units (Blocks/Taluks/Mandals/Districts) fall under the unsafe category, i.e. semi-critical to over-exploited in India (CGWB 2017). Another major concern is the degradation of water quality by both geogenic and anthropogenic sources. Dumping untreated industrial wastes, sewage, and agricultural wastes is a major factor degrading the surface and groundwater quality in India (Khatri & Tyagi 2015). In addition, geogenic contamination such as fluoride (Keesari et al. 2007, 2021; Jha & Tripathi 2021), arsenic, and other metals (Poonia et al. 2021), as well as salinization of freshwater aquifers (Pant et al. 2020), are some major concerns. Many coastal regions have been impacted by saline water either due to seawater intrusion or the upcoming deep-seated saline pockets (Prusty & Farooq 2020). Among anthropogenic contamination, nitrate contamination is most prevalent in many parts of India, which is mainly attributed to the contribution of agricultural and industrial wastes (Jain & Sharma 2008).

Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh is among the coastal districts of India with a high dependence on groundwater resources (Figure 1(a)–1(d)). This district has a coastline of 129 km, and groundwater in some pockets is found to be saline (Rao et al. 2011). Due to the high water demand for drinking, irrigation and industrial needs, the groundwater is being extracted more than the natural recharge in several parts of this district leading to a lowering of water levels. Degradation of water quality is another major issue in this district. Several studies reported that groundwater is impacted by high levels of total dissolved solids (TDS), chloride (Cl), total hardness (TH), magnesium (Mg2+), nitrate (), and fluoride (F) concentrations (Kumar et al. 2010; Rao et al. 2022). Considering the freshwater demand and dependency on groundwater, three mandals, G. Sigdam, Laveru, and Ranasthalam, of this district are designated as water-stressed, and water conservation efforts have been initiated by water authorities. The available literature on the water quality of this region is limited and does not provide an in-depth analysis of groundwater quality. In this study, the overall quality of groundwater from the study area has been evaluated with objectives to (i) evaluate suitability for drinking and irrigation and (ii) estimate the composite water quality index (WQI). The objectives are achieved through the measurement of hydrochemical parameters of the groundwater samples collected across the study area covering different well depths and seasons. Suitability for drinking is assessed using TDS, TH, and electrical conductivity (EC) while suitability for irrigation is assessed using sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), percent sodium (Na%), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), magnesium hazard (MH), permeability index (PI), EC, Kelly's ratio (KR), and corrosivity ratio (CR). The computed values for different indicators were compared with World Health Organization (WHO) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) guidelines for drinking water suitability. Shannon's entropy technique was used to estimate the composite water quality due to its low biases and capacity to capture uncertainty (Amiri et al. 2014). Geographic information system (GIS) is normally employed to develop distribution maps of ionic concentrations or any water quality parameter (WQP) so that monitoring and interpretation of the groundwater quality is done in a reliable manner (Adimalla & Qian 2020). Flexibility in data handling and ease and speed of data processing enable the GIS methods as superior tools over the conventional approaches. GIS studies have been undertaken by many researchers to infer the groundwater quality and resource potential of a given region (Elumalai et al. 2017). In this study, we have integrated both Shannon's entropy technique and GIS to arrive at more reliable water quality distribution contour diagrams for the study area. The outcome of this study would provide a baseline for future studies as well as act as a guide to establish the impact of water conservation measures being carried out by water departments.
Figure 1

(a) India political map, (b) district map of Andhra Pradesh, (c) mandal map of the Srikakulam district, and (d) locations of groundwater samples collected during pre- and postmonsoon seasons.

Figure 1

(a) India political map, (b) district map of Andhra Pradesh, (c) mandal map of the Srikakulam district, and (d) locations of groundwater samples collected during pre- and postmonsoon seasons.

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Study area

The study area falls in the southern part of Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh state of India and extends from latitudes 18.110° to 18.412° N and longitudes 83.582° to 83.865° E encompassing a total area of 1,153 km2 (Figure 1(d)). This area is agrarian and the irrigation water needs are met mainly by groundwater. The study area is categorized as semi-critical to over-exploited. The major perennial rivers are Vamsadhara and Nagavali, both of which are east-flowing rivers and drain into the Bay of Bengal. The drainage pattern of the study area is dendritic with a drainage density varying from <0.2 to 1 km/km2. The study area receives rainfall of about 1,067 mm/a, in which about 70% of the rainfall occurs during the southwest monsoon and 20% during the northeast monsoon. The maximum temperature is about 34 °C during May and the minimum is about 17.5 °C during December/January (APSAC 2018).

The geology of the study area belongs to the Archaean group and alluvium. Khondalites and Charnockites of the Eastern Ghat Super Group constitute the Archaean group of rocks and the Migmatite group includes Granitic Gneisses. Khondalites and Charnockites formations have low yields in the order of 10–20 m3/d in the weathered zones while granitic gneiss formation has higher yields of about 10–40 m3/d. Sandstone formation with limited extension is also present in the Ranasthalam mandal located in the western part of the district. The main types of soils found in the district are red soil, red loams, sandy loams, sandy soil, black soil, and alluvial soil (APSAC 2018).

Sampling and measurement

Samples were collected from the existing hand pumps (HP), dug wells (DW), and tube wells (TW) in the study area, with a total of 114 samples. During the premonsoon season, 32 samples were collected to get an initial overview of the groundwater quality, however, during postmonsoon season, a detailed sampling was carried out (82 numbers) covering a wider network of wells so that monsoon-induced water quality changes can be perceived clearly. In addition, power failure and drying up of wells also limited sample availability during the premonsoon season. The sample location map is provided in Figure 1(d). The physicochemical parameters (EC, pH, and TDS) were measured in situ using a multiparameter kit (Hanna Make, HI 9829 11042). Total alkalinity describes the capacity of the sample to neutralize acids and is commonly measured at the site using titrimetric analysis, where the equivalent of acid used to reach a pH of 4.2 corresponds to the total alkalinity of the sample. In natural water samples, bicarbonate and carbonate ions are the predominant ions that determine the pH of the water. Therefore, alkalinity is expressed as (i) P-alkalinity, which refers to carbonate concentration (acid titration with phenolphthalein indicator) and (ii) M-alkalinity, which refers to the sum of carbonate and bicarbonate concentration (acid titration with methyl orange indicator). Alkalinity can also be computed using total inorganic carbon (TIC) that can be determined by wet chemical analysis where a measured sample is injected with a percentage of 1 N hydrochloric acid. The carbonates are reduced to CO2 and are detected using a non-dispersive infrared detector (NDIR). These methods are described by Michałowski & Asuero (2012), Hassoun et al. (2015), Boyd et al. (2011) and references therein. In this study, acid-base titration is applied for total alkalinity measurement. A 10 mL water sample was titrated against 0.02 N H2SO4 and the end point was determined using methyl orange indicator.

For major ion chemistry, approximately 60 mL water sample was filtered through a 0.45 μm cellulose filter in the field and transferred into the Tarsons® bottles. Ultra-pure concentrated nitric acid was added to the filtered samples for cation measurements to avoid precipitation and wall adsorption. Ion chromatography system (DX-500, Dionex Corporation) was used to measure anions (F, Cl, , and ) and cations (Na+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+). The accuracy of the chemical measurements was verified using charge balance error (CBE) (Equation (1)). The calculated CBE of the water samples was within the allowed limit of ±5%.

Evaluation of drinking water and irrigation suitability indicators

The drinking water suitability was evaluated by comparing EC, TDS, and TH with the permissible limits set by WHO (2011) and BIS (2012).

TDS (in mg/L) is calculated from measured EC using Equation (2) after Hem (1985).
Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions are responsible for hardness in water (TH) which is expressed as mg/L of CaCO3 using Equation (3) (Todd 1980).

The irrigation suitability was examined using SAR, Na%, PI, RSC, MH, KR, and CR.

The SAR for water is calculated using Equation (4) (Richards 1954).
Percent sodium (Na%) is calculated using Equation (5) (Wilcox 1955).
PI was proposed by Doneen (1966) to evaluate the possible impact of water quality on the physical characteristics of soils because crop productivity depends upon soil fertility. PI is divided into three classes, 100% permeability as Class I, 75% permeability as Class II, and 25% permeability as class III. Class I, Class II, and Class III indicate suitability, marginal suitability, and unsuitability for irrigation, respectively. PI is calculated using Equation (6) (Doneen 1966);
The alkalinity hazard of water is represented by RSC and estimated using Equation (7) (Eaton 1950). The water with RSC < 1.25, 1.25–2.5, and >2.5 are considered suitable, doubtful, and unsuitable for irrigation, respectively (Lloyd & Heathcote 1985).
MH is another indicator used to examine irrigation water quality. MH is calculated using Equation (8). MH < 50 is considered as safe and >50 as unsafe for irrigation.
CR represents the effect of water on the metal surface and the metal vulnerability to corrosion. The CR is calculated by Equation (9) and water samples with CR < 1 are considered to be safe while >1 is unsafe for the supply of water using metallic pipe (Balasubramanian 1986).
Kelley's ratio (KR) is an indicator to check the suitability of water for irrigation. KR is estimated using Equation (10) (Kelley 1946) in which concentrations of Na+ and Mg2+ are in meq/L. Water samples with KR < 1, 1–2 and > 2 are considered as suitable, marginally suitable, and unsuitable, respectively.

Entropy Water Quality Index

This technique is used to calculate the WQI of groundwater samples collected from the study area to understand and assess the suitability for drinking and irrigation (Amiri et al. 2014). For normalization of the parameters, Equation (11) is used.
where and are the maximum and minimum measured value of ith parameter among all the samples (N), Cji is the measured value of ith parameter of the jth groundwater sample.
Probability Pji is calculated using Equation (12):
ei is the information entropy calculated using probability factor Pji (Equation (13)).
Wi is the entropy weight of the ith parameter, calculated using Equation (15);

qi is the quality rating scale of ith parameter

for pH, , while for other WQPs

Ci is the measured value of the ith WQPs; Si stands for the permissible standard limit defined by BIS (2012) and WHO (2011) of the same parameter, CpH is the measured pH value of a groundwater sample and SpH is the standard value of pH.

The Entropy Water Quality Index (EWQI) is calculated using Equation (17);
where n represents the number of WQPs.

On the basis of EWQI, groundwater can be divided into five categories, excellent (<25), good (25–50), moderate (50–100), poor (100–150), and extremely poor (>150).

Geostatistical approach

A geostatistical approach was employed to understand spatio-temporal variation of the EWQI values. The Spatial analyst module of ArcGIS 10.8 software was used for this purpose. The inverse distance weighted (IDW) technique was used for preparing the spatial distribution maps. ArcGIS software has long been used for geospatial and geostatistical analysis of WQPs (Mukherjee & Singh 2022). Kriging, Ordinary Kriging, Empirical Bayesian Kriging, and IDW techniques are some of the interpolation methods used for the preparation of spatial distribution maps. IDW method is often found to be the best model for interpolation of WQPs. IDW is a type of deterministic method for multivariate interpolation with a known scattered set of points. IDW determines cell values using a linear-weighted combination set of sample points. It weighs the points closer to the prediction location greater than those farther away (Elumalai et al. 2017). IDW is generally applied to highly variable data, and it is highly possible to return to the original collection site and record a new value that is statistically different from the original value but is within the general trend for the area (Khouni et al. 2021). However, IDW assumes stationarity, i.e., the relationship between distance and influence remains constant across the study area and therefore would not provide precise information in the case where study areas exhibit large variations in water quality. For IDW interpolation power value 2 and variable search radius with 12 number of neighbor points were used. The spatial distribution maps were finally reclassified using the Raster analysis tool in ArcGIS 10.8 according to the EWQI categories.

Temporal variation of the WQPs

A normality test was performed on the WQPs as well as calculating the EWQI using Shapiro–Wilk and Anderson–Darling tests. Based on the normality results, parametric one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) or non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis tests were performed to evaluate seasonal variation of the means or medians of the WQPs and EWQI values, respectively. The statistical calculations were done using a python programming language.

Physicochemical parameters

The summary of the hydrochemical parameters of the groundwater of pre- and postmonsoon seasons is provided in Table 1. The pH of the groundwater samples ranges from 6.9 to 8.4 (mean value: 7.7) and 6.6 to 9 (mean value: 7.5) in premonsoon and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Table 1). The pH of all the groundwater samples in both seasons is within the permissible limit (pH 6.5–8.5) as per WHO (2011) and BIS (2012), except for a few samples during postmonsoon season. Generally, the pH of the groundwater is influenced by the CO2 released from different biological activities and the atmosphere as well as toxic compounds. The seasonal variations in pH values of groundwater are depicted in the Box–Whisker plot (Figure 2(a)). From the mean values of pH during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, it can be inferred that premonsoon samples are slightly alkaline compared to postmonsoon samples. This could be due to the addition of root zone CO2 during postmonsoon, which reduces pH to lower values. In the previous study, a narrow range of pH values was observed in groundwater samples, i.e. 7.4–8.6 (Keesari et al. 2020).
Table 1

Physicochemical and chemical parameters for both premonsoon (32) and postmonsoon (82) seasons

EC Premonsoon 469 3,483 936 1,136 661 
Postmonsoon 245 4,400 1,236 1,413 785 
pH Premonsoon 6.9 8.4 7.8 7.7 0.3 
Postmonsoon 6.6 9.0 7.5 7.5 0.4 
Alkalinity Premonsoon 195 488 354 339 75 
Postmonsoon 171 976 512 518 140 
TDS Premonsoon 236 1,744 468 567 334 
Postmonsoon 123 2,200 618 706 393 
TH Premonsoon 92.4 633 199 240 125 
Postmonsoon 77.1 948 255 301 160 
Na+ Premonsoon 2.82 597 127 158 143 
Postmonsoon 19.6 504 137 160 104 
K+ Premonsoon 0.54 315 2.69 25.3 63.5 
Postmonsoon 0.12 246 6.2 26.7 45.6 
Ca2+ Premonsoon 2.95 134 23.4 28.6 26.4 
Postmonsoon 6.15 162 33.8 44 32.8 
Mg2+ Premonsoon 7.3 91.5 38.3 41 18.9 
Postmonsoon 5.4 132 42.1 46.4 24.5 
F̄ Premonsoon 0.55 1.96 1.1 1.12 0.35 
Postmonsoon 0.1 4.6 1.14 0.792 
Cl̄ Premonsoon 11.2 740 90.6 169 176 
Postmonsoon 10.6 995 131 194 187 
 Premonsoon 3.9 220 25.6 44.0 46.0 
Postmonsoon 4.54 200 36.2 49.1 41.8 
 Premonsoon 240 17.5 41.0 53.67 
Postmonsoon 0.6 210 27.1 49.3 52.1 
EC Premonsoon 469 3,483 936 1,136 661 
Postmonsoon 245 4,400 1,236 1,413 785 
pH Premonsoon 6.9 8.4 7.8 7.7 0.3 
Postmonsoon 6.6 9.0 7.5 7.5 0.4 
Alkalinity Premonsoon 195 488 354 339 75 
Postmonsoon 171 976 512 518 140 
TDS Premonsoon 236 1,744 468 567 334 
Postmonsoon 123 2,200 618 706 393 
TH Premonsoon 92.4 633 199 240 125 
Postmonsoon 77.1 948 255 301 160 
Na+ Premonsoon 2.82 597 127 158 143 
Postmonsoon 19.6 504 137 160 104 
K+ Premonsoon 0.54 315 2.69 25.3 63.5 
Postmonsoon 0.12 246 6.2 26.7 45.6 
Ca2+ Premonsoon 2.95 134 23.4 28.6 26.4 
Postmonsoon 6.15 162 33.8 44 32.8 
Mg2+ Premonsoon 7.3 91.5 38.3 41 18.9 
Postmonsoon 5.4 132 42.1 46.4 24.5 
F̄ Premonsoon 0.55 1.96 1.1 1.12 0.35 
Postmonsoon 0.1 4.6 1.14 0.792 
Cl̄ Premonsoon 11.2 740 90.6 169 176 
Postmonsoon 10.6 995 131 194 187 
 Premonsoon 3.9 220 25.6 44.0 46.0 
Postmonsoon 4.54 200 36.2 49.1 41.8 
 Premonsoon 240 17.5 41.0 53.67 
Postmonsoon 0.6 210 27.1 49.3 52.1 

Note: EC (μS/cm), rest of the parameters in mg/L; SD, standard deviation.

Figure 2

Box–Whisker plots showing seasonal variations of (a) pH, (b) EC, (c) TDS, and (d) alkalinity.

Figure 2

Box–Whisker plots showing seasonal variations of (a) pH, (b) EC, (c) TDS, and (d) alkalinity.

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EC depends on the concentration of dissolved ions in groundwater (Hem 1985). During premonsoon, the EC is in the range of 469–3,483 μS/cm with a mean value of 1,136 μS/cm, while during postmonsoon it is in the range of 245–4,400 μS/cm with a mean value of 1,413 μS/cm (Table 1, Figure 2(b)). The temporal trends in EC suggest that postmonsoon samples have slightly higher EC values compared to premonsoon. This could be attributed to the addition of salts from the soil zone. The TDS of groundwater samples is found to be in the range of 236–1,744 mg/L with a mean value of 567 mg/L in premonsoon and 123–2,200 mg/L with a mean value of 706 mg/L during postmonsoon (Table 1, Figure 2(c)). Unlike pH, large fluctuations in the TDS values (71–3,115 mg/L) are reported in earlier studies (Lal et al. 2020). Temporal trends of TDS and EC were found to be similar and the plausible reason for higher values during postmonsoon could be the leaching of salts from the unsaturated zone with the infiltrating rainwater. Total alkalinity present in groundwater during premonsoon is in the range of 195–488 mg/L with a mean value of 339 mg/L and 171–976 mg/L with a mean value of 518 mg/L during postmonsoon (Table 1, Figure 2(d)). High alkalinity gives an unpleasant taste to water (Roy et al. 2018).

The normality test results of the WQPs suggest that the majority of the parameters during both seasons do not follow normal distribution except F ion during premonsoon season (Table 2). Non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis (ANOVA) test was performed to understand the seasonal variation in median values of WQPs. The results of the test are presented in Table 3. The table suggests that the majority of the parameters do not show significant seasonal variation (p-value > 0.05) in the median values except the Ca2+ (p-value 0.006312) and K+ ions (p-value 0.04359) which show significant seasonal variation. This can be attributed to processes such as silicate weathering and cation exchange operating in the subsurface (Hem 1985).

Table 2

Results of normality test on the premonsoon and postmonsoon samples

NShapiro–Wilk Wp (normal)Anderson–Darling Ap (normal)
Ca2+_post 82 0.8617 3.13 × 10−7 3.631 3.82 × 10−9 
Ca2+_pre 32 0.7803 1.77 × 10−5 1.743 1.43 × 10−4 
Cl_post 82 0.8185 1.21 × 10−8 4.190 1.65 × 10−10 
Cl_pre 32 0.7951 3.30 × 10−5 2.319 5.15 × 10−6 
EWQI_post 82 0.9079 2.16 × 10−5 1.907 6.60 × 10−5 
EWQI_pre 32 0.7730 1.32 × 10−5 2.496 1.85 × 10−6 
F_post 82 0.8402 5.79 × 10−8 3.456 1.03 × 10−8 
F_pre 32 0.9650 3.73 × 10−1 0.3729 3.98 × 10−1 
K+_post 82 0.5974 1.18 × 10−13 11.480 8.34 × 10−28 
K+_pre 32 0.4312 4.99 × 10−10 7.159 6.19 × 10−18 
Mg2+_post 82 0.9222 9.99 × 10−5 1.970 4.60 × 10−5 
Mg2+_pre 32 0.9310 4.17 × 10−2 0.894 1.98 × 10−2 
Na+_post 82 0.9012 1.09 × 10−5 2.281 7.85 × 10−6 
Na+_pre 32 0.8120 6.90 × 10−5 1.560 4.10 × 10−4 
_post 82 0.8360 4.24 × 10−8 4.779 6.16 × 10−12 
_pre 31 0.7524 7.61 × 10−6 2.452 2.35 × 10−6 
_post 82 0.8431 7.23 × 10−8 3.684 2.84 × 10−9 
_pre 32 0.7289 2.42 × 10−6 2.586 1.10 × 10−6 
NShapiro–Wilk Wp (normal)Anderson–Darling Ap (normal)
Ca2+_post 82 0.8617 3.13 × 10−7 3.631 3.82 × 10−9 
Ca2+_pre 32 0.7803 1.77 × 10−5 1.743 1.43 × 10−4 
Cl_post 82 0.8185 1.21 × 10−8 4.190 1.65 × 10−10 
Cl_pre 32 0.7951 3.30 × 10−5 2.319 5.15 × 10−6 
EWQI_post 82 0.9079 2.16 × 10−5 1.907 6.60 × 10−5 
EWQI_pre 32 0.7730 1.32 × 10−5 2.496 1.85 × 10−6 
F_post 82 0.8402 5.79 × 10−8 3.456 1.03 × 10−8 
F_pre 32 0.9650 3.73 × 10−1 0.3729 3.98 × 10−1 
K+_post 82 0.5974 1.18 × 10−13 11.480 8.34 × 10−28 
K+_pre 32 0.4312 4.99 × 10−10 7.159 6.19 × 10−18 
Mg2+_post 82 0.9222 9.99 × 10−5 1.970 4.60 × 10−5 
Mg2+_pre 32 0.9310 4.17 × 10−2 0.894 1.98 × 10−2 
Na+_post 82 0.9012 1.09 × 10−5 2.281 7.85 × 10−6 
Na+_pre 32 0.8120 6.90 × 10−5 1.560 4.10 × 10−4 
_post 82 0.8360 4.24 × 10−8 4.779 6.16 × 10−12 
_pre 31 0.7524 7.61 × 10−6 2.452 2.35 × 10−6 
_post 82 0.8431 7.23 × 10−8 3.684 2.84 × 10−9 
_pre 32 0.7289 2.42 × 10−6 2.586 1.10 × 10−6 
Table 3

Results of Kruskal–Wallis non-parametric ANOVA test

ParameterH2)Hc (tie corrected)p (same)Remark
F 1.655 1.656 0.1982 Not significant 
Cl 0.6929 0.6929 0.4052 Not significant 
 1.8 1.8 0.1797 Not significant 
 0.9007 0.9008 0.3426 Not significant 
Na+ 0.6364 0.6365 0.425 Not significant 
K+ 4.072 4.073 0.04359 Significant 
Ca2+ 7.456 7.459 0.006312 Significant 
Mg2+ 0.7087 0.709 0.3998 Not significant 
EWQI 0.4468 0.4468 0.5038 Not significant 
ParameterH2)Hc (tie corrected)p (same)Remark
F 1.655 1.656 0.1982 Not significant 
Cl 0.6929 0.6929 0.4052 Not significant 
 1.8 1.8 0.1797 Not significant 
 0.9007 0.9008 0.3426 Not significant 
Na+ 0.6364 0.6365 0.425 Not significant 
K+ 4.072 4.073 0.04359 Significant 
Ca2+ 7.456 7.459 0.006312 Significant 
Mg2+ 0.7087 0.709 0.3998 Not significant 
EWQI 0.4468 0.4468 0.5038 Not significant 

Suitability for drinking

Among major cations, alkaline earth metals (Ca2+ and Mg2+) are very important ions for evaluating the drinking water quality of groundwater. Ca2+ ion concentration is in the range of 2.95–134 mg/L (mean value: 28.6 mg/L) during premonsoon and 6.15–162 mg/L (mean value: 44 mg/L) during postmonsoon (Table 1, Figure 3(a)). About 6% and 20% of samples show concentrations above the BIS limit of 75 mg/L during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Table 4). Consumption of Ca2+ ion deficit water causes rickets while the excessive concentration of Ca2+ ion in water creates several health issues like kidney disease, stones in the bladder, and difficulty in urinary passage. Mg2+ ion concentration is in the range of 7.3–91.5 mg/L (mean value: 41 mg/L) during premonsoon and 5.4–132 mg/L (mean value: 46.4 mg/L) during postmonsoon (Table 1, Figure 3(b)). Higher concentration of Mg2+ ion i.e. above 30 mg/L (BIS limit), is observed in groundwater during both seasons (premonsoon 75% and postmonsoon 68%). Based on WHO (2011) limits, only 3% of groundwater has a high concentration of Mg2+ ion during postmonsoon (Table 4). Magnesium is important for diverse biochemical reactions in the human body and is also an activator of enzymes, but high Mg2+ ion levels have cathartic and diuretic effects (WHO 2009).
Table 4

Percentage of water samples exceeding drinking water limits based on BIS (2012) and WHO (2011) 

ParameterBIS (2012) 
WHO (2011) Percentage samples exceeding BIS (2012) 
Percentage samples exceeding WHO (2011) 
Negative impacts of high and low concentrations of parameters (Roy et al. 2018)
DLMPLGuideline valuePremonsoon (n = 32)Postmonsoon (n = 82)Premonsoon (n = 32)Postmonsoon (n = 82)
pH 6.5–8.5 No relaxation 6.5–8.5 Effect on taste of water, causes skin dryness, itchiness, and stomach upset 
Total hardness as CaCO3 200 600 500 46 69 12 Calcification at arteries, kidney stone, and heart-related disease 
Total dissolved solids 500 2,000 1,000 44 69 15 Constipation and laxative effect on human body 
Total alkalinity as CaCO3 200 600 – 21 Unpleasant taste 
Ca2+ 75 200 300 20 Low concentration causes rickets, high level causes kidney disease and stone in bladders 
Mg2+ 30 100 100 75 68 Cathartic and diuretic effects 
F 1.5 1.5 65 47 12 21 Excessive concentration causes crippling skeletal fluorosis 
 45 No relaxation 50 28 36 28 36 Blue-baby syndrome 
 200 400 250 Exceeds a concentration of 250 mg/L, give bitter and unpleasant taste of water, stomach upset and gastrointestinal irritation 
Cl 250 1,000 250 25 28 25 28 Kidney disease, dehydration 
ParameterBIS (2012) 
WHO (2011) Percentage samples exceeding BIS (2012) 
Percentage samples exceeding WHO (2011) 
Negative impacts of high and low concentrations of parameters (Roy et al. 2018)
DLMPLGuideline valuePremonsoon (n = 32)Postmonsoon (n = 82)Premonsoon (n = 32)Postmonsoon (n = 82)
pH 6.5–8.5 No relaxation 6.5–8.5 Effect on taste of water, causes skin dryness, itchiness, and stomach upset 
Total hardness as CaCO3 200 600 500 46 69 12 Calcification at arteries, kidney stone, and heart-related disease 
Total dissolved solids 500 2,000 1,000 44 69 15 Constipation and laxative effect on human body 
Total alkalinity as CaCO3 200 600 – 21 Unpleasant taste 
Ca2+ 75 200 300 20 Low concentration causes rickets, high level causes kidney disease and stone in bladders 
Mg2+ 30 100 100 75 68 Cathartic and diuretic effects 
F 1.5 1.5 65 47 12 21 Excessive concentration causes crippling skeletal fluorosis 
 45 No relaxation 50 28 36 28 36 Blue-baby syndrome 
 200 400 250 Exceeds a concentration of 250 mg/L, give bitter and unpleasant taste of water, stomach upset and gastrointestinal irritation 
Cl 250 1,000 250 25 28 25 28 Kidney disease, dehydration 

Note: All concentrations are in mg/L, except pH; DL, desired limit; MPL, maximum permissible limit.

Figure 3

Box–Whisker plots showing seasonal variations in cations: (a) Ca2+, (b) Mg2+, (c) Na+, and (d) K+.

Figure 3

Box–Whisker plots showing seasonal variations in cations: (a) Ca2+, (b) Mg2+, (c) Na+, and (d) K+.

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Na+ ion concentration in groundwater ranges from 2.82 to 597 mg/L (mean value: 158 mg/L), and 19.6–504 mg/L (mean value: 160 mg/L) during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Table 1). The concentration of Na+ is slightly higher during postmonsoon compared to premonsoon period (Figure 3(c)). The major sources of Na+ ions in this region are minerals like feldspars and clays (APSAC 2018). K+ ion concentration is in the range of 0.54–315 mg/L (mean value: 25.3 mg/L) in premonsoon and 0.12–246 mg/L (mean value: 26.7 mg/L) during postmonsoon (Table 1, Figure 3(d)). The major sources of K+ ions in the groundwaters are feldspar minerals as well as fertilizers (Hem 1985). Excessive Na+ ion intake is a matter of concern for the person suffering from heart disease while high K+ ion concentration impacts human digestive and nervous systems (WHO 2011). There are no health-based standards prescribed for Na+ and K+ ions and they are not considered as drinking water indicators (BIS 2012).

Among anions, nitrate and fluoride are the major contaminants impacting groundwater resources in various parts of India. The F ion concentration ranges from 0.55 to 1.96 mg/L (mean value: 1.12 mg/L) and 0.1 to 4.6 mg/L (mean value: 1.14 mg/L) during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Table 1, Figure 4(a)). F ion contamination is observed in about 65% and 47% of samples as per BIS limit (2012) during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively. Based on the WHO limit (2011), about 12% and 21% of samples are found to be contaminated with Fions during pre- and postmonsoon, respectively (Table 4). Both anthropogenic and geogenic activities contribute to excess F ions in groundwater. Consumption of fluoride-rich water affects the teeth, causing dental fluorosis, and long-term exposure to high-fluoride water causes the weakening of bones and ultimately skeletal fluorosis (Ray et al. 1981). The ion concentration is found to be in the range from below desirable limit to 240 mg/L (mean value: 41 mg/L) and 0.6–210 mg/L (mean value: 49.3 mg/L) during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Table 1, Figure 4(c)). About 28% and 36% of samples are contaminated with high ion (>45 mg/L) as per BIS (2012) guideline value during pre- and postmonsoon, respectively (Table 4). Leguminous species of vegetation may increase the concentration of ion naturally, while other sources of ion in groundwater are mainly agricultural activity (use of NPK fertilizers) and domestic and industrial effluents. Activated sludge plant effluents usually contain 25 mg/L of nitrogen in the form of ammonia. Nitrogen > 1 mg/L in water bodies is toxic to aquatic ecosystems. About 1 mg/L of -N in any aquatic system may result in the eutrophication of uncontaminated water bodies (Alexander 1995). High ion concentration in water causes methemoglobinemia (blue-baby syndrome) in infants (WHO 1997). Biological-nitrification and denitrification may help to reduce the content of -N in wastewater. Algae, vegetation and other microorganisms through photosynthetic activity provide aerobic condition which is the most essential parameter for nitrification. After nitrification, denitrification occurs and nitrogen is remove in the form of or , which are consumed by microorganisms, algae and vegetation (Champagne et al. 2017).
Figure 4

Box–Whisker plots showing seasonal variations in anions: (a) F, (b) Cl, (c) , and (d) .

Figure 4

Box–Whisker plots showing seasonal variations in anions: (a) F, (b) Cl, (c) , and (d) .

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Cl ion concentration varies from 11.2 to 740 mg/L (mean value: 169 mg/L) and 10.6–995 mg/L (mean value: 194 mg/L) during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Table 1, Figure 4(b)). High Cl ion concentration i.e. more than 250 mg/L is observed in 25% and 28% of the samples in pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (WHO 2011; BIS 2012). High Cl ion concentration in waters can interrupt the microbial process of denitrification and also cause hypertension, asthma, kidney disease, and dehydration (Raviprakash & Krishna 1989). The ion concentration ranges from 3.9 to 220 mg/L (mean value: 44 mg/L) and 4.54–200 mg/L (mean value: 49.1 mg/L) in pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Table 1, Figure 4(d)). As per permissible limits ascribed by BIS (2012) and WHO (2011), only 3% of samples are sulfate-rich during premonsoon, while none of the samples fall above limits in postmonsoon (Table 4).

The presence of dissolved solids changes the taste of water, and consumption of high TDS water may lead to laxative and constipation effects in humans (WHO 2011). The suitability of groundwater for drinking based on TDS values is provided in Table 5. It is observed that, as per the TDS values 56.3% and 30.1% of groundwater samples fall in the desirable category and 31.2% and 54.2% of the samples fall in the permissible category during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively. Based on the above observations, it can be inferred that most of the groundwater samples are suitable for drinking. Based on BIS (2012) guidelines, about 56% and 31% of the samples are suitable for drinking purposes during premonsoon and postmonsoon seasons, respectively. As per WHO limits about 87% and 84% of the samples are suitable for drinking purposes during premonsoon and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Table 4).

Table 5

Classification of groundwater samples based on TDS and TH for suitability to drinking and irrigation

ParametersWater class% of samples in premonsoon (n = 32)% of samples in postmonsoon (n = 82)
TDS (mg/L) 
<500 Desirable for drinking 56.3 30.1 
500–1,000 Permissible for drinking 31.2 54.2 
1,000–3,000 Useful for irrigation 12.5 15.7 
>3,000 Unfit for drinking and irrigation 0.0 0.0 
TH (mg CaCO3/L) 
<60 Soft 
60–120 Moderately hard 12.5 7.2 
121–181 Hard 18.7 15.7 
>181 Very hard 68.8 77.1 
ParametersWater class% of samples in premonsoon (n = 32)% of samples in postmonsoon (n = 82)
TDS (mg/L) 
<500 Desirable for drinking 56.3 30.1 
500–1,000 Permissible for drinking 31.2 54.2 
1,000–3,000 Useful for irrigation 12.5 15.7 
>3,000 Unfit for drinking and irrigation 0.0 0.0 
TH (mg CaCO3/L) 
<60 Soft 
60–120 Moderately hard 12.5 7.2 
121–181 Hard 18.7 15.7 
>181 Very hard 68.8 77.1 

TH is caused by dissolved salts of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions and it is used as an indicator to check the potability of water. During premonsoon (Table 1), the TH is in the range of 92.4–633 mg/L (mean value: 240 mg/L) and in postmonsoon 77.1–948 mg/L (mean value: 301 mg/L). Water classification based on TH is given in Table 5 (Durfor & Becker 1964). It is observed that none of the samples fall in the soft water category (TH < 60 mg/L). About 12.5% and 7.2% samples fall in the moderately hard category (TH 60–120 mg/L) during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively. About 18.7% and 15.7% of samples fall in the hard water category (TH 121–181 mg/L) in pre- and postmonsoon seasons respectively (Table 5). About 68.8% and 77.1% of samples fall under very hard type (TH > 181 mg/L) in pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Figure 5(c) and 5(d)). Based on BIS limits about 53% and 31% of the groundwater samples are suitable for drinking while 97% and 88% of groundwater samples are suitable for drinking as per WHO (2011) during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Table 4). Temporal variations suggest that groundwater samples indicate higher TH values in postmonsoon than in premonsoon, which could be due to the addition of Ca2+ and Mg2+ carbonates in groundwater. Earlier studies have indicated that the northern part of this district has higher TH values and the local population is affected by kidney stones and heart-related disease (Tatapudi et al. 2019).
Figure 5

USSL plot of groundwater samples collected during (a) premonsoon and (b) postmonsoon seasons.

Figure 5

USSL plot of groundwater samples collected during (a) premonsoon and (b) postmonsoon seasons.

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Suitability for irrigation

The summary of indicators for irrigation water quality suitability is provided in Table 6. In addition, USSL, Wilcox diagrams, and Doneen's chart are also used in this study for better presentation of groundwater suitability for irrigation. EC classifies the irrigation suitability of groundwater into five different categories, in the excellent category (250 μS/cm) only 1.2% of samples fall in postmonsoon. About 34.4% and 15.4% of samples fall in the good (250–750 μS/cm) category during pre- and postmonsoon, respectively. Most of the samples fall in the permissible (750–2,000 μS/cm) category, premonsoon (53.1%) and postmonsoon (67.5%) as shown in Table 6. SAR measures the relative concentration of Na+ over Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. The calculated SAR values of the groundwater range from 0.09 to 14.3 (mean value: 4.3) and 0.8 to 20.3 (mean value: 4.01) in pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively. About 93.8% and 97.6% of samples fall in the excellent category for irrigation in pre- and postmonsoon samples, respectively (Table 6). About 6.2% and 2.4% of samples fall in the good category in pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Table 6). From SAR values, it can be inferred that groundwater quality is excellent for irrigation purposes.

Table 6

EC, SAR, RSC, MH, KR, CR, and Na% values for the groundwater samples

ParametersWater classificationPremonsoon (%) (n = 32)Postmonsoon (%) (n = 82)
EC (μS/cm) 
<250 Excellent 0.0 1.2 
250–750 Good 34.4 15.7 
750–2,000 Permissible 53.1 67.5 
2,000–3,000 Doubtful 9.4 9.6 
>3,000 Unsuitable 3.1 6.0 
Alkalinity hazard (SAR) 
<10 Excellent 93.8 97.6 
10–18 Good 6.2 2.4 
18–26 Doubtful 0.0 0.0 
>26 Unsuitable 0.0 0.0 
Percent sodium (Na%) 
<20 Excellent 6.0 
20–40 Good 22 7.3 
40–60 Permissible 22 41.5 
60–80 Doubtful 47 46.2 
>80 Unsafe 3.0 5.0 
Residual sodium carbonate (RSC) 
<1.25 Good 56.2 7.3 
1.25–2.5 Doubtful 25 7.3 
>2.5 Unsuitable 18.8 85.3 
Magnesium hazard (MH) 
<50 Suitable 6.2 24.4 
>50 Unsuitable 93.8 75.6 
Kelley's Ratio (KR) 
<1 Suitable 40.6 26.8 
1–2 Marginally unsuitable 34. 48.8 
>2 Unsuitable 25.0 24.4 
Corrosivity ratio (CR) 
<1 Suitable for pipe 62.5 81.7 
>1 Unsuitable for pipe 37.5 18.3 
ParametersWater classificationPremonsoon (%) (n = 32)Postmonsoon (%) (n = 82)
EC (μS/cm) 
<250 Excellent 0.0 1.2 
250–750 Good 34.4 15.7 
750–2,000 Permissible 53.1 67.5 
2,000–3,000 Doubtful 9.4 9.6 
>3,000 Unsuitable 3.1 6.0 
Alkalinity hazard (SAR) 
<10 Excellent 93.8 97.6 
10–18 Good 6.2 2.4 
18–26 Doubtful 0.0 0.0 
>26 Unsuitable 0.0 0.0 
Percent sodium (Na%) 
<20 Excellent 6.0 
20–40 Good 22 7.3 
40–60 Permissible 22 41.5 
60–80 Doubtful 47 46.2 
>80 Unsafe 3.0 5.0 
Residual sodium carbonate (RSC) 
<1.25 Good 56.2 7.3 
1.25–2.5 Doubtful 25 7.3 
>2.5 Unsuitable 18.8 85.3 
Magnesium hazard (MH) 
<50 Suitable 6.2 24.4 
>50 Unsuitable 93.8 75.6 
Kelley's Ratio (KR) 
<1 Suitable 40.6 26.8 
1–2 Marginally unsuitable 34. 48.8 
>2 Unsuitable 25.0 24.4 
Corrosivity ratio (CR) 
<1 Suitable for pipe 62.5 81.7 
>1 Unsuitable for pipe 37.5 18.3 

Percent sodium is also one of the very important indicators for checking the irrigation suitability of water. The use of Na+ ion-rich water for irrigation leads to changes in the pH of soil. Interaction of Na+ ion with CO32− and HCO3 ions results in high alkalinity (pH > 7), while its reaction with Cl ions increases the salinity of soil. Binding and compaction due to the interaction of ions reduce water movement capacity in soil. Percent sodium of premonsoon water samples is in the range of 3.681.1 (mean value: 53.2), and 36.4–94.1 (mean value: 60.4) in postmonsoon. Only 6% of the groundwater samples fall in the excellent category in premonsoon, but none of the samples fall in the excellent category during postmonsoon. Groundwater samples in the good category are 22% and 7.3% for premonsoon and postmonsoon, respectively (Table 6). In order to reduce the Na% measures such as mulching of soil, drip or sprinkle irrigation, crop rotation and use of organic manures can be recommended. These measures will help in improving the water movement capacity and permeability of soils.

RSC is an essential parameter for the determination of the suitability of water for irrigation as it impacts the growth of crops because of soil sodication (Eaton 1950). RSC of the groundwater samples was in the range of –6.6 to 5.4 meq/L (mean value: 0.75 meq/L) and −7.7 to 24.2 meq/L (mean value: 7.5 meq/L) in pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively. According to the findings, 56.2% of premonsoon samples and 7.3% of postmonsoon samples fall in the good category while about 25% and 7.3% of samples are in the doubtful category during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Table 6).

High levels of magnesium negatively impacts the soil with increasing alkalinity, making the soil unsuitable for irrigation, and also decreases crop yield, hence MH is used as an indicator for irrigation water quality. MH of groundwater samples range from 27 to 94.3 (mean value:72.6) and 19.7 to 90.9 (mean value: 54) during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively. It is observed that 6.2% of groundwater samples are suitable (MH < 50) and 93.8% are unsuitable (MH > 50) for irrigation in the premonsoon season. About 24.4% of groundwater samples are suitable and 75.6% are unsuitable for irrigation in the postmonsoon season (Table 6).

KR represents the variation in the amount of Na+ ion concentration (Karanth 1987) and a high concentration of sodium ions in groundwater is not acceptable for irrigation purposes. In this study, KR values of the groundwater range from 0.03 to 4 (mean value:1.4) and 0.5 to 16 (mean value: 1.72) during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively. It is observed that 40.6% and 26.8% of samples are suitable for irrigation (KR < 1) in pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively. About 34.4% and 48.8% of samples are marginally unsuitable (KR: 1–2) in pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively. About 25% and 24.4% of samples are unsuitable (KR > 2) during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Table 6). The CR provides the vulnerability of metal pipes to corrosion. The CR values range from 0.04 to 3.1 (mean value: 0.8) and 0.08 to 2.35 (mean value: 0.57) during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively. In this study, 37.5% and 18.3% of samples are found to be unsuitable according to CR values during pre- and postmonsoon seasons, respectively, i.e. CR > 1 (Table 6). The decreased nature of corrosiveness in groundwater during postmonsoon can be attributed to dilution by rainwater infiltration. PI is also used for assessing the irrigation water quality (Doneen 1966). The PI values range from 46.4–120 (mean value: 81) and 57–201 (mean value: 115) during pre- and postmonsoon seasons. According to Doneen's chart, most of the groundwater samples of premonsoon fall in Classes I and II (75–100% maximum permeability), while postmonsoon samples fall in both Class II and Class III categories (25–75%, maximum permeability) (Figure 6).
Figure 6

Doneen's diagram of groundwater samples collected during (a) premonsoon and (b) postmonsoon seasons.

Figure 6

Doneen's diagram of groundwater samples collected during (a) premonsoon and (b) postmonsoon seasons.

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A combination of two quality indicators can provide a better representation of the water quality required for irrigation. USSL diagram is used for the assessment of water quality for irrigation purposes (USSL 1954). This diagram is plotted between SAR/sodium hazard and EC/salinity hazard and 16 classes are identified in the diagram. Based on the USSL classification (Figure 5(a) and 5(b)), water samples fall under the medium to high salinity hazard and low to medium sodium hazard categories in premonsoon while medium to very high salinity and medium sodium hazard categories during postmonsoon. Previous data from the northern region of the Srikakulam district indicated that groundwater samples fall under the low to medium-hazard category (Keesari et al. 2020). This trend suggests that the quality of groundwater is further degrading in the study area compared to the northern part of the district, and this would pose a serious concern considering the high demand for groundwater in this region.

Wilcox plot helps in the evaluation of groundwater suitability for irrigation based on the combined effect of EC and Na% (Wilcox 1955). From the plots, it can be observed that a maximum number of groundwater samples falls in the excellent to permissible category for irrigation in premonsoon while in postmonsoon samples are widely distributed in all the categories from excellent to unsuitable (Figure 7(a) and 7(b)). About 3% and 6% of samples are unsuitable for irrigation purposes in premonsoon and postmonsoon seasons, respectively (Figure 7(a) and 7(b)). In an earlier study, most of the groundwater samples of the district were found to be in the excellent to good category for irrigation (Keesari et al. 2020). The trends again suggest that the groundwater quality degradation is more pertinent in northwestern and southwestern parts of the district and this might continue to happen considering the rising water demand for irrigation.
Figure 7

Wilcox diagram of groundwater samples collected during (a) premonsoon and (b) postmonsoon seasons.

Figure 7

Wilcox diagram of groundwater samples collected during (a) premonsoon and (b) postmonsoon seasons.

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The WQI is a popular and valuable rating model that allows aggregation and conversion of the positive and negative footprints of different WQPs into single index (Kumar & Maurya 2023). In this study, water quality evaluation of the samples was carried out using the EWQI. The relative weights of different parameters such as TH, , , Ca2+, Cl, Mg2+, F, Na+, K+, alkalinity, pH, and TDS are calculated based on their validity for water quality indexing. Parameters with relative weight values greater than 0.10 are considered critical while weight values between 0.05 and 0.10 are considered semi-critical. According to this classification, TH in both seasons, in premonsoon, and in postmonsoon are found to be critical parameters while TDS, alkalinity, F, Cl, Mg2+, Ca2+ and pH are identified as semi-critical parameters. Based on the importance, the parameters can be arranged in the following order: TH > > Cl > > F > TDS > alkalinity > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > pH during the premonsoon and TH > > > Ca2+ > Cl > TDS > Mg2+ > F > pH > alkalinity during the postmonsoon (Table 7). The calculated EWQI values range from 22.6 to 116 (mean value: 43.26) in the premonsoon season and 7.05 to 139 (mean value: 43.03) in postmonsoon season. From the EWQI values, it can be inferred that most of the groundwater samples fall in excellent to poor quality during both seasons but during postmonsoon some samples fall in unsuitable quality (Table 8). The error estimates of IDW interpolation are provided in Table 9. From the table it can be found that the IDW errors do not show significant variations with power value; however, considering the spatial variations observed in the groundwater quality of the study area, interpolations by IDW might not be very precise and care should be taken to infer the results.

Table 7

Relative weight of hydrochemical parameters for EWQI

ParametersRelative weight (Wi)
Premonsoon (n = 32)Postmonsoon (n = 82)
TDS 0.076 0.068 
Alkalinity 0.076 0.048 
F 0.079 0.062 
Cl 0.091 0.077 
 0.083 0.125 
 0.121 0.092 
Na+ 0.085 0.086 
K+ 0.074 0.081 
Mg2+ 0.063 0.067 
Ca2+ 0.065 0.088 
TH 0.127 0.152 
pH 0.060 0.053 
ParametersRelative weight (Wi)
Premonsoon (n = 32)Postmonsoon (n = 82)
TDS 0.076 0.068 
Alkalinity 0.076 0.048 
F 0.079 0.062 
Cl 0.091 0.077 
 0.083 0.125 
 0.121 0.092 
Na+ 0.085 0.086 
K+ 0.074 0.081 
Mg2+ 0.063 0.067 
Ca2+ 0.065 0.088 
TH 0.127 0.152 
pH 0.060 0.053 
Table 8

Groundwater classification on the basis of the EWQI

IntervalClassification of samples based on the EWQI(% of samples) WHO (2011) 
Premonsoon (n = 32)Postmonsoon (n = 82)
0–25 Excellent water quality 30 
26–50 Good water quality 72 34 
51–75 Poor water quality 19 26 
76–100 Very poor water quality 
>100 Unsuitable for drinking 
IntervalClassification of samples based on the EWQI(% of samples) WHO (2011) 
Premonsoon (n = 32)Postmonsoon (n = 82)
0–25 Excellent water quality 30 
26–50 Good water quality 72 34 
51–75 Poor water quality 19 26 
76–100 Very poor water quality 
>100 Unsuitable for drinking 
Table 9

Estimated error of IDW interpolation

PowerRoot mean square
19.38 25.61 
17.89 25.61 
18.65 26.09 
PowerRoot mean square
19.38 25.61 
17.89 25.61 
18.65 26.09 

The spatial distribution of water quality suggests that a very small percentage of the area (∼0.7%) is found to be in the excellent category in premonsoon and 3.7% of the area in the excellent category in postmonsoon. About 78.6% of the study area falls in the good category during premonsoon while only 73.3% of the area falls in the good category during postmonsoon. About 19.8% and 1% of the study area fall in the poor category during pre- and postmonsoon, respectively. About 0.9% and 5.1% of the study area fall in the very poor category during pre- and postmonsoon, respectively, which is not safe for potable use (Table 10, Figure 8(a) and 8(b)). Overall, nearly all of the study area is in the good category during premonsoon, except for a few places in the northern part, which fall in the poor category. Majority of the area falls in the good category during postmonsoon with few places in southeastern and southwestern parts falling in the poor category.
Table 10

Area percentage of water samples falling under different EWQI categories

EWQI category% of area (premonsoon, n = 32)% of area (postmonsoon, n = 82)
Excellent 0.7 3.7 
Good 78.6 73.3 
Poor 19.8 17.8 
Very poor 0.9 5.1 
Unsuitable 0.1 0.0 
EWQI category% of area (premonsoon, n = 32)% of area (postmonsoon, n = 82)
Excellent 0.7 3.7 
Good 78.6 73.3 
Poor 19.8 17.8 
Very poor 0.9 5.1 
Unsuitable 0.1 0.0 
Figure 8

GIS maps depicting spatial distribution of the EWQI in the study area: (a) premonsoon and (b) postmonsoon seasons.

Figure 8

GIS maps depicting spatial distribution of the EWQI in the study area: (a) premonsoon and (b) postmonsoon seasons.

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Summary and conclusions

A comprehensive water quality evaluation was undertaken in parts of the coastal Srikakulam district, which has witnessed high water demand in recent times. Water samples were collected covering both spatial and temporal variations in the study area. The indicators employed for evaluating drinking water suitability were TH, TDS, EC, and chemical species including and F, while irrigation suitability was examined using SAR, RSC, MH, PI, Na%, CR, and KR indicators. In addition, diagrams such as Wilcox, USSL, and Doneen's chart were used to further evaluate the water quality for irrigation use. Statistical tests were conducted on the obtained data using Shapiro–Wilk W and Anderson–Darling A tests and it was found that chemical parameters do not follow normal distribution except F ions in premonsoon. Chemical data indicate that a significant percentage of groundwater samples showed higher concentrations in Cl and TH above drinking water permissible limits, whereas Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ ions were marginally higher. High concentrations of F and ions were present in 12% and 28% of samples and the contamination levels increased during postmonsoon season. The statistical significance of seasonality in chemical ion concentration was verified using a non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis (ANOVA) test, which concluded that the majority of the parameters do not show significant seasonal variation (p-value > 0.05) except Ca2+ and K+ ions (p-value < 0.05). Based on SAR (premonsoon range: 0.09–14.3 and postmonsoon range: 0.8–20.3), groundwater falls in the excellent category during both seasons, whereas, based on RSC (premonsoon range: −6.6 to 5.4 and postmonsoon range: −7.7 to 24.2) and Na% (premonsoon range: 3.6–81.1 and postmonsoon range: 36.4–94.1), groundwater falls in the excellent to doubtful category during premonsoon and permissible to unsuitable category during postmonsoon. PI values signify that water quality is better during the premonsoon season (range: 46.4–120) compared to postmonsoon season (range: 57–201). On the other hand, based on MH (premonsoon range: 27–94.3 and postmonsoon range: 19.7–90.9) and KR (premonsoon range: 0.03–4 and postmonsoon range: 0.5–16), indicators demonstrate unsuitable nature of groundwater during premonsoon but suitable to marginally unsuitable nature during postmonsoon. CR values are higher during premonsoon (range: 0.04–3.1) but reduce during postmonsoon (range: 0.08–2.35). Based on the above observations, it can be inferred that the overall water suitability for irrigation is better in premonsoon than in postmonsoon. Shannon's entropy technique was used to estimate the EWQI to provide better appraisal of water quality. It was found that TH was the critical parameter for both seasons, followed by and ions. Spatial contours of the EWQI were prepared using the IDW interpolation method by ArcGIS software. The contours suggest that the southern part consists of good quality water compared to the northern parts during premonsoon. However, during postmonsoon the water quality is excellent to poor throughout the study area, which can be attributed to recharge by rainwater infiltration. Spatial trends in the EWQI clearly suggest that excess use of fertilizers and pesticides, as well as domestic waste discharges, play a critical role in impacting the groundwater quality of the study area. Adoption of traditional organic farming and treatment of domestic and industrial waste can improve the groundwater quality, thereby achieving sustainable groundwater management in this region.

We express our sincere gratitude to Dr S. Kannan, former Director, and Dr P.K. Mohapatra Associate Director RC& I Group, BARC, Mumbai for their constant support and encouragement during the preparation of this manuscript. Authors also thank Shri H. Kurma Rao, Shri Murali, Shri Srinivas Rao and all the field officers of District Water Management Agency, Srikakulam for their support and cooperation during the field sampling. Mr Ajay Jaryal and Mr S.N. Kamble of Isotope Hydrology Section (IRAD, BARC) for their support in measurements.

All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.

The authors declare there is no conflict.

Groundwater quality and contamination and the application of GIS
Environmental Earth Sciences
Groundwater quality assessment using entropy weighted water quality index (EWQI) in Lenjanat, Iran
Environmental Earth Sciences
District Survey Report-Srikakulam
Hydrogeological Investigations in the Tambraparani River Basin, Tamilnadu
Unpublished Ph.d. Thesis
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