Recent investigations have noted that using a hybrid arrangement of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) has high efficiency in runoff prediction. In this research, in addition to using the SWAT and MLP models, an optimized algorithm called Mutated SunFlower Optimization (MSFO) algorithm has been proposed to predict better runoff, which improves the results of prediction runoff by decreasing the error percentage in the MLP model. For this purpose, first, runoff modeling is used to assess the efficiency of the SWAT system. The model's verification and calibration have been performed using data from the previous 30 years of statistics. Then, the flow stream simulated by the SWAT method is evaluated with the observational data and applied as the inputs to the MLP model, and finally, runoff is predicted through the MLP model, and MSFO is used in the MLP model to obtain better results for runoff prediction. The results show that the values of statistical indices R2, RMSE, NSE, and RE give satisfying agreement for runoff forecast in the SWAT–MLP/MSFO model with values of 0.83, 1.68, 0.51, and −0.1.

  • Two versions of the SWAT model are utilized for forecasting runoff.

  • The SWAT–MLP model is based on Multi-Layer Perceptron networks.

  • The SWAT–MLP is optimized based on an improved metaheuristic.

  • Modified SunFlower Optimization algorithm is used for optimizing SWAT–MLP.

  • The SWAT–MLP\MSFO model simulates the runoff more accurately.

In recent years, population growth and the lack of attention to watershed management plans and the need for food resources have led to watershed residents changing the land use, which could increase the probability of flooding and flood risk. Consequently, one of the most crucial steps for maximizing the use of soil and water reserves is the appropriate handling of basins (Kumari et al. 2020). One of the important factors in water resource management is runoff which is very important in different aspects including flood control and drought. So, runoff forecasting can provide managers and experts with useful information on water resources management to reduce the impact of floods and droughts with proper management (Shirmohammadi et al. 2020). In order to comprehend hydrological activities, what causes them to change and how these patterns of behavior affect water resources, basin models have been created with two main goals in mind. The subsequent goal is to produce hydrological information to create water supplies, and control floods, fluctuations, and runoff projections (Srinivas et al. 2020).

Since it is not possible to measure all the quantities needed to evaluate runoff in watersheds, it is possible to select a model that, while being simple, with the minimum input information can provide an accurate prediction of runoff (Martel et al. 2020). Due to the compatibility that has semi-distributed physical models with the characteristics of the watershed, these models have become more important in recent years. These models can be used to investigate water resource issues such as the environmental impacts, the consequences of global warming on water supplies, and changes in land usage and how to manage watersheds comprehensively (Yuan et al. 2020). Conceptual hydrological models through mathematical formulas are more capable of simulating runoff in the hydrological cycle. One of the continuous and semi-distributed mathematical models is the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). For the United States Agricultural Research Service (USARS), Arnold developed an approach that, besides predicting water runoff, also predicts river silt, quality of water, and soil nutrients in agricultural areas (Karki et al. 2020). Evapotranspiration, runoff from surfaces, melting snow, surface infiltration, deep infiltration, groundwater movement, and subsurface flow are the key hydrological procedures that the model analyses (Zeng et al. 2020). According to the literature, the SWAT model has high accuracy in predicting runoff, and most researchers recommend using this model. Newer methods have also been used in recent years, including artificial neural network (ANN) techniques that can simulate various parameters in hydrological research (Gupta et al. 2020).

Runoff simulation has made tremendous strides in recent years, which has caught the interest of several scientists and academics. The ANN method, which is a popular technique among these new techniques, may simulate complicated processes by simulating the human brain (Sameen et al. 2020). In hydrological research, ANNs, which are linear data-driven designs, are frequently utilized. They are also useful instruments for modeling nonlinear structures that may simulate unidentified factors using various constraint kinds, including imperfect and error-prone data. ANNs are employed in the study of hydrology to simulate rainfall, forecast runoff, forecast dam flow, forecast river silt, and more (Chang et al. 2023). In the field of runoff forecasting, various researches have been conducted worldwide. For example, Pradhan et al. (2020) analyzed the effectiveness of the SWAT model and three types of ANN for forecasting flow. According to the findings of the investigation, it was determined that the ANN simulation's amount of coefficient of correlation (R2) and Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) is greater than 0.95. The findings also demonstrated that the ANN model performed better in terms of hydrological indicators while simulating runoff.

Pradhan et al. (2020) evaluated a combination of ANNs with a semi-distributed SWAT hydraulic model, based on hydrological indicators such as annual discharge and baseline flow at different periods. The outcomes displayed that the SWAT technique works enhanced for simulating low flows and the ANN process is more appropriate for simulating high flows.

Kassem et al. (2019) proposed daily runoff prediction in the Khazir watershed using the SWAT model and a combined process by an ANN method. The combined SWAT approach outperforms the standard SWAT framework, according to the findings of statistical indices and significant values.

Kumar et al. (2019) assessed two types of neural networks including the Elman Neural Network (ENN) approach and the ANN method to simulate flow. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the ENN is more effective at forecasting flow than the ANN approach, with maximum proportional error = 0.01, R = 0.93, R2 = 0.87, NSE = 0.86, root mean square error (RMSE) = 276.13, and maximum proportional error = 0.86. As a result, they identified the ENN approach as the more efficient framework for flow modeling in the research.

Neto et al. (2019) presented the results of two mathematical models and two computational models for estimating flow in a basin in southern Brazil. The results showed that physical-based models such as SWAT and TOPMODEL perform less well than numerical models such as RT and ANN, but SWAT, TOPMODEL, RT, and ANN models showed satisfactory levels in different management situations.

Koycegiz & Buyukyildiz (2019) investigated the SWAT hydrological method with data-driven models including ANN and Support Vector Machine (SVM) for forecasting runoff. In this study, the result was concluded that data-driven models perform more efficiently in runoff simulation, but they did not show spatially distributed information, whereas the semi-distributed SWAT hydrologic model is capable of doing so.

The ANN-based multi-model ensemble from CMIP6 was used by Ghadimi et al. (2023a) to study the assessment of future rainfall and temperature estimates in Morocco. The research uses ANNs to simulate regional climate and examine the impact of climate change on Morocco. Top models from 15 GCMs are selected, and a multi-model ensemble is built for each climatic parameter. The results show excellent agreement, allowing for future rainfall and temperature estimates under the SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios. Temperatures are predicted to rise by up to 5 °C by the end of the century in certain areas. Seasonal variability is discussed, with summer showing similar fluctuations. Precipitation variations are also considered, with Morocco likely experiencing a significant drought by the end of the century.

In the Cape Fear and Pee Dee catchment, Gurley et al. (Gurley et al. 2023) investigated the prediction of future flow and irrigation needs using weather and urban growth. The Coastal Carolinas are under substantial water resource stress due to biological and human demands. The Coastal Carolinas Focus Area Study was started by the U.S. Geological Survey to look at these stresses and how they affect water resources. For the Cape Fear and Pee Dee River Basins, the SWAT model was used to examine future streamflow and irrigation demand under six scenarios. In contrast to developing future scenarios based on forecasts of urban expansion, water demand, and global climate models, historical models were very weakly calibrated. Future studies for large and small regions within the basins are made possible by the calibrated and scenario models, which can simulate flows and water needs in thousands of tiny sub-basins daily.

Mengistu et al. (2023) studied modeling impacts of projected land use and climate changes on the water balance in the Baro basin, Ethiopia. The research examines how the water balance of Ethiopia's Baro basin has been impacted by land development and climate change. Under the CUR and BAU scenarios, the SWAT model predicts a decline in agricultural and forest areas; however, under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, it predicts a rise in yearly evapotranspiration and a reduction in surface runoff. While the CON scenario would see a 24% fall in yearly SURQ, the BAU scenario would see an increase of 18%. For mitigation and adaptation strategies, it is essential to comprehend these shifts. To increase the resilience of the river basin, the report recommends restoration initiatives and climate-resilient water management techniques.

This study employed a hydrologic simulation using the SWAT framework and a data-driven model including the ANN process for predicting future flow. In this study, a hybrid SWAT model has been proposed and evaluated for performance analysis of the simulations. Also, in the SWAT and ANN process, an optimized algorithm has been proposed in the ANN technique for minimizing the error in the prediction of runoff estimation and to be closer to the observed values. The use of models is appropriate for areas without hydrometric stations and reduces the installation of hydrometric stations in some areas and may save time and cost in some areas, especially areas where hydrometric stations cannot be installed. We have also chosen a different work area, to expand this type of research in different parts of the world.

The case study

The case study focuses on the Pilerood watershed, which is located in the city of Ardebil in northwestern Iran. It covers an area of approximately 486 km2. The watershed is situated in the northern and northeastern part of the Iranian–Azerbaijani border. The region's highest altitude is 2,410 m above sea level and the lowest altitude is 6,1617 m above sea level. The Pilerood watershed is an essential area for water resource management in the region. The basin provides water for various purposes, including irrigation, drinking water, and industrial uses. The hydrological characteristics of the basin, including the runoff, groundwater recharge, and surface flow, play an essential role in determining the availability and quality of water resources in the region. The climate of the Pilerood watershed is classified as a semi-arid climate, characterized by low to moderate rainfall. The mean annual air temperature in the region is 5.7 °C. These climatic conditions have significant impacts on the hydrological system of the basin, including the surface flow, runoff, and groundwater recharge. The Pilerood watershed is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including several rare and endangered species. The region's vegetation includes oak forests, shrubs, and grasslands. The watershed plays an important role in supporting the local ecosystem and biodiversity. Figure 1 shows the position of the Pilerood watershed.
Figure 1

Location of the Pilerood watershed.

Figure 1

Location of the Pilerood watershed.

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Introduction of the SWAT model

Water resource leaders, decision-makers, and academic scholars employ various approaches for assessing the hydrology of watersheds. These models are quite useful for determining how flow affects a basin (Zhang et al. 2022). Watershed models can be divided into two general categories based on how they relate to spatial factors related to watershed hydrology. Lumped models that integrate the entire watershed into one unit without considering spatial variations in processes, inputs, boundary conditions, or basin hydrological features. By resolving the mathematical equations for each pixel in the basin network, distributed simulations, on the other hand, account for spatial heterogeneity (Martel et al. 2020). The SWAT process has been advanced to forecast the effects of land management activities on the water, sediment, and agricultural chemicals at the watershed scale for soil diversity, land cover, and long-term management conditions. This framework is a physical-distributive system that gets precise data on the air, soil, topography, vegetation, and land cover in the basin in place of utilizing regression formulas to explain the connection between input variables and their outcomes (Gupta et al. 2020). It separates the basin into sub-basins, with each one being regarded as a distinct entity. The hydrological response units (HRUs) that are created from these sub-basins have their own distinct land use, vegetation, soil, and gradient features (Guo et al. 2022). Figure 2 shows divisions of sub-basins for the Pilerood watershed.
Figure 2

Sub-basins of the Pilerood watershed.

Figure 2

Sub-basins of the Pilerood watershed.

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One of the benefits of the SWAT system's ability for data analysis over yearly, monthly, daily, and hourly timescales (Bo et al. 2022) is that in this analysis it employed monthly interval information to estimate monthly flows. This framework is more effective and user-friendly when run in a shared environment using the ArcGIS software. The ArcGIS 10.2 software and the SWAT 2012 version were used to perform this investigation. Arc SWAT, a graphical interface from SWAT 2012, is a tool that may be added to the Arc Map software.

Preparation of the rainfall–runoff model

Appropriate validity data should be used to prepare the precipitation–runoff technique. The presence of error in the method input data can be one of the important errors in model estimation and simulated flow parameters. Our research utilized historical statistical records of runoff, precipitation, and temperature spanning 30 years from 1990 to 2020. The data have been obtained from reliable sources known for their accuracy and credibility in hydrology and water resources. Long-term data are essential for understanding the variability and trends in the hydrological system of the study area. Using reliable data collected over a considerable period, we could assess the impact of different factors on the surface flow and make informed decisions. Specific input parameters are required to run the SWAT model, including meteorological data such as precipitation and minimum and maximum daily temperatures. In our study, the meteorological data were collected from various sources. Precipitation data are obtained from six rain gauge stations located in the study area. These stations are selected based on their proximity to the study area and long-term precipitation data records. Additionally, data from one synoptic station have been used to gather daily temperature data (minimum and maximum) for the same period (1,990–2,020 days). The synoptic stations are selected based on their accessibility and the availability of long-term temperature data records. The meteorological data, including precipitation and daily temperatures, were provided to the SWAT model as a (dbf) file, a commonly used format for storing and managing tabular data in Geographic Information System (GIS) software. This allowed us to incorporate the necessary inputs into the SWAT model and accurately simulate the surface flow. This file format facilitated the management and processing of large amounts of data, essential for complex models like the SWAT model. Figure 3 demonstrates the situation of these stations. Table 1 demonstrates the features of the stations used in the Pilerood watershed.
Table 1

Data of stations in the Pilerood Basin

Station nameStation typeAltitudeLongitudeLatitude
Namin Synoptic 1,405 48 °46′ 75″ 38 °41′ 41″ 
Namin Hydrometer 1,405 48 °46′ 75″ 38 °41′ 41″ 
Abeaehek uh Hydrometer 1,560 48 °10′ 69″ 38 °36′ 67″ 
Samian Hydrometer 1,286 48 °24′ 63″ 38 °37′ 48″ 
Khalife loo Hydrometer 1,624 48 °13′ 94″ 38 °68′ 56″ 
Arab kandi Hydrometer 1,174 48 °02′ 36″ 38 °49′ 83″ 
Khoshabad Hydrometer 1,550 48 °36′ 02″ 38 °57′ 38″ 
Station nameStation typeAltitudeLongitudeLatitude
Namin Synoptic 1,405 48 °46′ 75″ 38 °41′ 41″ 
Namin Hydrometer 1,405 48 °46′ 75″ 38 °41′ 41″ 
Abeaehek uh Hydrometer 1,560 48 °10′ 69″ 38 °36′ 67″ 
Samian Hydrometer 1,286 48 °24′ 63″ 38 °37′ 48″ 
Khalife loo Hydrometer 1,624 48 °13′ 94″ 38 °68′ 56″ 
Arab kandi Hydrometer 1,174 48 °02′ 36″ 38 °49′ 83″ 
Khoshabad Hydrometer 1,550 48 °36′ 02″ 38 °57′ 38″ 
Figure 3

Location of the stations at the Pilerood watershed.

Figure 3

Location of the stations at the Pilerood watershed.

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The layers of information are needed to simulate the SWAT model including topography, climate, vegetation, and soil map. Topographic information is in the form of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) wherein this layer must be entered as a raster. This map helps the model to be able to determine the streams and rivers for each hydrological response with the desired accuracy given. A land use map was prepared using a satellite image of Landsat 5 for 2018, this map is completed again by field studies for greater accuracy and incidence of different units. Then, using slope, geomorphology and geology maps of the area, the soil map of the watershed is determined. Soil and land use maps of the area are prepared as vector files in ArcGIS 10.2 and the environment is introduced as input for the SWAT model in layers with 30-m cell size. Figures 46 show these main layers of the SWAT model, respectively.
Figure 4

The topographic map of the Pilerood watershed.

Figure 4

The topographic map of the Pilerood watershed.

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Figure 5

The land use map of the Pilerood watershed.

Figure 5

The land use map of the Pilerood watershed.

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Figure 6

The soil map of the Pilerood watershed.

Figure 6

The soil map of the Pilerood watershed.

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The calculated runoff in the SWAT model

The SWAT method utilize a modified Curve Number (CN) technique to calculate runoff volume per unit (HRUs) (Rezaie et al. 2022). In this study, the CN method is used for calculating the runoff in the SWAT model based on the USDA-NRCS method. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is a method utilized to evaluate the runoff volume using the SWAT model. Evaluation of the runoff height in the SWAT method can be used using the following formula (Jiao et al. 2019):
where P shows the whole precipitation (mm), Q is the amount of precipitation that is not infiltrated and is in the form of runoff (mm), ( 0.25) describes the primary amount of rainfall lost that contains surface flow and interception, evapotranspiration, and infiltration (mm), and S is the most retention value (mm). The curve number in the SWAT model is estimated using S values, where S depends on the soil moisture which can be used based on the following formula (Jabri & Hessane 2020):
where is the maximum retention daily (mm), SW shows relative to soil moisture in all profiles of soil except water at the wilting point (mm). To calculate and (Ghadimi et al. 2023b) that are factor shape coefficients, the following formula is used (Neto et al. 2019):
where FC defines the value of soil moisture in the field potential, Smax shows the water level of saturated soil (mm), and refers to a saturated retention element (mm).

Description of the ANN model

The connection between flow and precipitation is nonlinear and unpredictable as a result of the interplay between environmental variables (temperature, precipitation, evaporation, and wind) and hydrological characteristics (flow velocity and infiltration) (Zhu et al. 2023). The application of ANNs is required for calculating runoff precipitation because of the complexity of this nonlinear connection, a large number of factors, and the difficulty in evaluating these variables (Ghiasi et al. 2023). The use of empirical models cannot simulate the nonlinear rainfall–runoff behavior in watersheds, so using a data-driven method that includes ANNs is appropriate to evaluate this relationship (Han & Ghadimi 2022). Three layers make up an ANN, and each has a distinct purpose (Jiang et al. 2022; Ghiasi et al. 2023). These layers are the input layer, the layer that is invisible, and the final layer, with the input layer being in charge of information distribution, the layer that is not visible is being in charge of information analyzing, and the final stage of the output also being in charge of providing the model output (Duan et al. 2022; Jiang et al. 2022). According to the use of the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network in the prediction of hydrological variables and the capacity of this network, it is used for generalizing the results by predicting runoff (Guan et al. 2020; Shamshirband et al. 2020). MLP neural networks are data-driven and mathematical model simulated by natural brain neurons that contain several interconnected neurons, each of which has a unique weight that demonstrates the output value impact at the input to the next neuron. In general, these weights show the effect of neurons on each other (Ghadimi et al. 2023b). There are numerous methods to reduce the error in the MLP neural network, one of which is called back propagation (BP). In the BP method, in addition to estimating the error of each pair of exercises, neuron weight adjustment is applied to adjust the desired output (Ghiasi et al. 2023; Zhu et al. 2023). The error is decreased in this way using a slope decrease method. The main problem with this approach is that it can occasionally minimize error to the point where it has an impact on the last network outcome (Han & Ghadimi 2022). Figure 7 demonstrates the common configuration of MLP networks.
Figure 7

The MLP network configuration.

Figure 7

The MLP network configuration.

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The result of every node of the ANN may be calculated in two stages. The input weight value may be computed in the initial phase utilizing the following equation:
where stands for the input number per node, demonstrates the bias-related weight for the middle layer neurons, and demonstrates the weight of the input layer.
The second phase is to employ the activation function to create output in neurons (Razmjooy et al. 2018). A variety of activation functions exists. The following is a description of the sigmoid function as a tool employed in this investigation, which utilized it as an activation function:
Finally, the output is determined by the following formula:

SunFlower Optimization method

The scientific name for sunflower is ‘Helianthus annuus’. North America is the primary habitat of this plant.. The leaves and buds of this plant turn toward eastward during the daytime and sunlight, whereas they turn toward westward at sunset. Gomes et al. (2019) provides a novel optimum algorithm that finds an optimal position toward the Sun and is motivated by the unique behavior of the Sun's rays. The term ‘SunFlower Optimization’ (SFO) refers to this. In the suggested technique, pollination of sunflowers occurs at random with a minimal spacing between flower i and flower i + 1. Nevertheless, given that sunflower naturally produces a lot of spores during pollination, so to simplify this algorithm it has been assumed that a spore has been made using the plant spawn. The ‘square inverse square radiation’ is one of the factors to take into account in this method. It reflects the inverse connection between the power of the radiation and the square of the distance so that as the amount of the rays falls, the quantity of the square reduces. The primary purpose of this method is to minimize the distance between the plant and the Sun to absorb more light. Generally, as the plant turns away from the Sun, the amount of radiation it obtains decreases. This method helps the plant to take bigger steps to approach the optimum amount of sunlight (Mengistu et al. 2023).

The following heat values are obtained from each plant:
where shows the source of radiation and shows the separation between plant i and is currently working well. The equation for the sunflower's orientation to the Sun's rays is as follows:
where and are the ith farm and the current farm, respectively.
To estimate the sunflowers’ step in the direction :
where shows a fixed amount as the plant angular displacement, indicates the probability of pollination; that is, the ith pollination of sunflower with its closest sunflower creates novel agents with unforeseen circumstances that adapt based on the space between the flowers.
According to the above equation, local update stages of agents close to the Sun are performed while other remote agents continue to function appropriately. By setting the prone sections as the global least, this method restricts the maximum actions that may be made by the agents. Following is how the greatest stage is calculated:
where and are the maximum and the minimum boundaries, and demonstrates the amount of plants in the total cultivation. The new cultivation is as follows:

The population set that the algorithm initiates might be even or randomized. Finding the finest agent of a high value involves evaluating fitness.

It is planned to enable working with numerous suns in a later edition, but SFO restricted it to only one. The result is that, through a random control, every factor (in this case, the sunflower) tilts toward the direction of the sun. In better alignment with the black circle, the circles show the earlier positions of Sun's agents.

Modified SFO

Although one of the newest algorithms has a satisfactory solution to optimization problems, it sometimes has problems in local optimization. Recent research has used two methods to solve this problem.

Although MSFO has a large population diversity because of the randomization of the initial sunflowers, after updating, the MSFO population difference diminished, which in turn diminishes the algorithm's diversity and leads to a solution with an optimal local location and early convergence. The mutation technique is introduced to the algorithm to fix the issue in order to solve it. The advantages of the evolutionary algorithm and the fundamental MSFO are combined in this method to increase the finding efficiency. By taking into account the MSFO's diversity:
where L specifies how far the largest diagonal line in the solution's domain is and signifies the average amount of as the cost amount of the ith individual.
The population will be kept in high diversity if . By adopting the mutation coefficient to the algorithm, the updated received heat (H) from each plant is as follows:
where represents a stated parameter, , is defined to meet after adopting the mutation.


The BP approach is utilized in this study for network learning, as discussed in the previous sections. The slope-decline BP algorithm has several problems as well, one of which is that you can be easily constrained to a small region (Moallem & Razmjooy 2012). These flaws can cause some serious issues with the outcomes of pattern recognition; many solutions have been proposed (Beaumont et al. 2020; Duan et al. 2020; Wengang et al. 2020) Scissors from nearby pens were used in the novel WOA hybrid technique, which was used to reduce the maximum capability rather than slope reduction. Choosing the appropriate fitness performance and selecting the search parameters are the two main goals of employing MSFO in MLP. Thus, MSFO-based MLP can take the following forms:

  • (1)

    Calculate the number of initial sunflowers in weight N and evaluate the fitness amount of each MLP/MSFO.

  • (2)

    Modify the present efficiency location in accordance with sun and sunflower direction for a fitness score.

  • (3)

    Apply additional controllers to the MSFO for each person.

  • (4)

    Verify the network has adequate error amount or meets the criterion.

  • (5)

    Go to (2) if the criterion situation is not supplied.

  • (6)

    If you fit the bill, you must:

  • (7)


Mean square error (MSE) has been used to evaluate the MLP error. Evaluation of the discrepancy between the actual and intended numbers is the fundamental goal of MSE. Details of the MSE are given in the following equation:
where n represents the total number of stages in the training phase of the information set, y* is the desired amount and y is the actual value. Making a reliable optimal neural network (MLP/MSFO) technique to serve as a tool for flow forecasting is the main goal of this project.

Different versions of the SWAT process

SWAT–MLP version

The quantity of the runoff generated for the upcoming years may be determined by combining a semi-distributed SWAT and a data-driven MLP model, and improved runoff prediction results can be achieved by using an ANN with the SWAT model. This approach simulates the runoff using an uncalibrated SWAT model. As a result, the time needed for model verification and calibration is decreased by this strategy. The climatic and flow measurements from the 30 years of stations have been used for this purpose. The first 20 years (1990–2010) of data collection are used to train the SWAT–MLP model, while the latter 9 years (2011–2020) are used for system testing and verification. In the technique, the simulated runoff is used as the input for the MLP, where the SWAT model serves as a transfer function after it simulates the flow components, including rapid flow, flow, and surface runoff. The ANN makes predictions about runoffs based on trial and error, choosing the optimal model such that the final predicted flow amount by the MLP has the lowest error and is closest to the hydrometric station's observed value. The procedures used by the SWAT–MLP system to anticipate runoffs are shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8

Diagram of the flow forecasting mechanism of the SWAT–MLP algorithm.

Figure 8

Diagram of the flow forecasting mechanism of the SWAT–MLP algorithm.

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The MLP/MSFO combined with the SWAT framework may be utilized to improve the flow projection result in the process of integrating the artificially intelligent neural network with the SWAT approach. This combination may be the best one for predicting the flow from precipitation generation. In this technique, the runoff modeling is performed by the SWAT framework, which then communicates the results as the input to the MLP/MSFO. However, the improved methodology reduces the simulation error. It reduces the amount and improves the simulation's outcome. The phases of flow modeling in the SWAT–MLP/MSFO framework are shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9

Diagram of the runoff prediction process by the SWAT–MLP\MSFO model.

Figure 9

Diagram of the runoff prediction process by the SWAT–MLP\MSFO model.

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Evaluation measures

To evaluate the accuracy projecting ability of the runoff models, the following statistical indices have been utilized (Ang & Oeurng 2018; Muhammad et al. 2018; Qi et al. 2019).
  • 1.

    Coefficient of correlation (R):

The coefficient of determination (R) varies from 1 to 0 and the optimum amount is 1, and this is the case when the simulation amount is exactly the same as the accorded amount:
  • 2.


The Nash–Sutcliffe (NS) coefficient is one of the most common indices used to evaluate the efficiency of hydrological activities. The best value for this coefficient is one. Impact coefficient values greater than 0.75 indicate good results, values ranging from 0.36 to 0.75 are acceptable and values below 0.36 indicate unacceptable results (Sleziak et al. 2020):
  • 3.

    Root mean square error

The RMSE is introduced as an index that shows the absolute error between observed and simulated values. The value of this index varies between . The best value for this indices is 0, in general, the minimal this value, the optimum the performance of the model:
where is the amount of the observed runoff of the hydrometer stations and is the simulated runoff using models; o is the average observational runoff using hydrometer stations and refers to the average projection flow using the model, and N shows the length of the time period under consideration.
The SWAT model and its numerous iterations have been used to estimate and assess how much flow will be produced in the upcoming years. In this study, the flow rate for the following 2 years (2021–2022) was projected. As previously noted, the first 20 years of statistical data were utilized to calibrate these models, and the remaining 30 years of statistical data were used to run various SWAT models. Figure 10 compares the predicted hydrographic diagram to the observed hydrograph for the model calibration period.
Figure 10

The comparison of models in the estimation of monthly runoffs in the calibration step.

Figure 10

The comparison of models in the estimation of monthly runoffs in the calibration step.

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The SWAT–MLP/MSFO model outperforms the other two recommended models in performance during the calibration period. The results will be determined after analysis. Compared to other models, the statistical results generated from this model show significantly better agreement with the real hydrograph data. The comparison of the hydrographs produced by the three models shows that the SWAT–MLP/MSFO model is more accurate and precise. The statistical indices obtained from the simulations of this model show a significantly better agreement with the hydrograph data, indicating a more accurate picture of the real runoff behavior. On the other hand, the hydrographs produced by SWAT and SWAT–MLP models agree better with the observed hydrograph. The statistical results of these models indicate weaker correlation and more accurate prediction of data patterns. Due to the improved modeling capabilities, the SWAT–MLP/MSFO model performs better than other models in reproducing the observed hydrograph. By combining MLP and MSFO methods, this model provides a more complete and accurate description of more complex hydrological processes. Therefore, the SWAT–MLP/MSFO model provides a more reliable and accurate assessment of runoff behavior during the calibration period and shows a tighter fit with the measured hydrograph. This result emphasizes the potential of the proposed model for reliable hydrological predictions and significantly supports the model's effectiveness.

Furthermore, to evaluate the forecasting capabilities of the models in terms of runoff outcomes, a linear regression technique was employed. This technique enables a quantitative assessment of how well the models perform in predicting the runoff behavior. The correlation coefficients derived from this analysis offer insights into the accuracy of the models' predictions. Figure 11 showcases a scatter plot that illustrates the relationship between the observed data and the simulated values for the three models.
Figure 11

Point distribution of observed and simulated runoffs at the calibration stage.

Figure 11

Point distribution of observed and simulated runoffs at the calibration stage.

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This chart provides a visual representation of the comparison between the actual data points and the corresponding predictions made by each model. By examining the scatterplot, it is evident that the SWAT–MLP/MSFO model exhibits a significant level of accuracy. The simulated values produced by this model are aligned with the observed data points, resulting in a relatively tight clustering around the 45° line. In contrast, the scatterplots for the other two models, SWAT and SWAT–MLP, show a broader range of points, indicating a lower level of accuracy in their predictions. Deviation from the 45° line indicates a less accurate estimate of the observed data. Findings from correlation coefficients and scatterplot analysis reinforce the superior performance of the SWAT–MLP/MSFO model in predicting runoff results. Its simulation values show a stronger correlation and closer agreement with the observed data, highlighting its accuracy and reliability compared to alternative models.

Table 2 provides information regarding scatter plots and statistical indicators utilized in the calibration process. Each model's observation–simulation equation is included, along with corresponding values for R², RMSE, and NS.

Table 2

The information of Scatter plots and statistical indicators in the calibration step

ModelObservation–simulation equationR2RMSENS
SWAT Y = 0.8902x + 2.8643 0.73 2.15 0.51 
SWAT–MLP Y = 0.9582x + 1.9345 0.78 1.93 0.56 
SWAT–MLP\MWOA Y = 0.9337x + 1.7194 0.83 1.58 0.63 
ModelObservation–simulation equationR2RMSENS
SWAT Y = 0.8902x + 2.8643 0.73 2.15 0.51 
SWAT–MLP Y = 0.9582x + 1.9345 0.78 1.93 0.56 
SWAT–MLP\MWOA Y = 0.9337x + 1.7194 0.83 1.58 0.63 

The SWAT model showed a moderate correlation between observed and simulated runoff, with an R² value of 0.73. However, it had a higher degree of prediction inaccuracy and a comparatively elevated RMSE of 2.15. The NS coefficient showed a 0.51 value, suggesting moderate effectiveness in reproducing observed data patterns. The SWAT–MLP model had a higher correlation and a lower RMSE of 1.93, suggesting improved accuracy in replicating observed data patterns. The SWAT–MLP/MSFO model had the most desirable statistical indicators, including an R² value of 0.83, a reduced RMSE of 1.58, and a superior ability to replicate observed data patterns accurately. The findings show that the SWAT–MLP/MSFO model outperforms both the SWAT and SWAT–MLP models in terms of correlation, precision, and effectiveness when simulating runoff behaviors during the calibration phase.

After calibration of the models, the models are validated. For this purpose, the statistical data of the last 10 years are used. The MLP/MSFO performed the best during the validation period, according to the findings comparing the observational hydrograph in Figure 12 with the hydrograph generated by the models.
Figure 12

The comparison of models in the estimation of monthly runoff in the validation step.

Figure 12

The comparison of models in the estimation of monthly runoff in the validation step.

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Figure 13 displays the correlation between measured and modeled flow across various models, allowing for a direct comparison between data points and their adherence to the regression line. The SWAT–MLP/MSFO model has the least deviation from the regression line, indicating a strong correlation between observed and simulated flow values. The data points show high clustering near the regression line, indicating robust concurrence between observed and simulated flows. The remaining models show greater deviations from the regression line, indicating less accuracy in representing measured flow values in simulations. The increased dispersion of data points indicates a diminished correlation between observed and modeled flow. The SWAT–MLP/MSFO model performs better in accurately forecasting flow patterns, with the least deviation from the regression line, indicating a higher degree of alignment with the observed flow data. This highlights the enhanced dependability and accuracy of the SWAT–MLP/MSFO model compared to other existing models.
Figure 13

Point distribution of observed and simulated runoffs at the validation stage.

Figure 13

Point distribution of observed and simulated runoffs at the validation stage.

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Also, the increased efficiency of the models is shown through a comprehensive analysis of key numerical indicators, as presented in Table 3. Table 3 briefly summarizes the results of various statistical indicators and provides valuable insights into the performance of each model.

Table 3

The information of Scatter plots and statistical indicators in the validation step

ModelObservation–simulation equationR2RMSENS
SWAT Y = 0.8344x + 1.4866 0.67 2.54 0.48 
SWAT–MLP Y = 0.8554x + 0.9789 0.71 2.35 0.54 
SWAT–MLP\MWOA Y = 0.8842x + 1.0924 0.77 2.21 0.61 
ModelObservation–simulation equationR2RMSENS
SWAT Y = 0.8344x + 1.4866 0.67 2.54 0.48 
SWAT–MLP Y = 0.8554x + 0.9789 0.71 2.35 0.54 
SWAT–MLP\MWOA Y = 0.8842x + 1.0924 0.77 2.21 0.61 

By closely examining the results, it is evident that the SWAT–MLP/MSFO model in the validation step shows significant simulation capabilities compared to the alternative models. The statistical indicators shown in Table 3 clearly confirm this claim. In particular, the R2 value of 0.77 shows a strong correlation between predicted and observed runoff data, indicating the model's ability to capture the underlying patterns and dynamics accurately. The RMSE value of 2.21 shows a reasonable level of accuracy achieved by the SWAT–MLP/MSFO model and establishes its reliability in runoff forecasting. Furthermore, the NSE value of 0.61 indicates the satisfactory performance of the model, indicating its ability to replicate the observed data with reasonable fidelity. Finally, the residual error (RE) value of −0.1 shows the minimum bias in the SWAT–MLP/MSFO model predictions, which indicates a balanced representation of the runoff phenomenon.

The effectiveness of the SWAT framework and its two variants, SWAT–MLP and SWAT–MLP/MSFO, in estimating monthly runoff was assessed in this study. The selection of the model with the greatest forecast flow was the aim of this study. So, in this study, a multiple-layer per neural network model was utilized in addition to a watershed model like SWAT. In order to improve the quality and accuracy of the runoff simulation findings, the study also applied a novel optimized approach called the MSFO. Statistics metrics such as RMSE, NSE, and coefficient of correlation (R2) were utilized to assess how well each model performed during flow modeling. The SWAT–MLP/MSFO model has the best values for each of these indices, according to the results of these measurements. The simulation and observation findings revealed that this model better reflects the linearity. The outcomes demonstrated that the hydrological model works better when coupled with an ANN model. Additionally, it produces more accurate and realistic results when used with a customized algorithm that has been tailored for the hydrological model.

Data cannot be made publicly available; readers should contact the corresponding author for details.

The authors declare there is no conflict.

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