Variations in response of three different sludges to conditioning with organic polyelectrolytes were evaluated with respect to the carbohydrate, protein and lipid content of the sludges. These biochemicals comprise the surfaces of most sludges. The difference in the concentration of these compounds is intrinsic to the sludge type. Polymer Index (PI) , a measure of minimum polymer dose required to achieve maximum dewaterability, was statistically related to each of the three components. Carbohydrate content correlated most strongly with PI. As carbohydrate content increases, PI was found to decrease indicating better polymer performance. Biopolymers, which are composed mainly of carbohydrates may surround the cells forming a highly reactive surface. These exocellular materials also promote bioflocculation. Both actions result in a lower polymer requirement for destabilizing the sludge. Protein and lipid were not observed to have strong correlation with PI. Cellular surfaces and structures are composed of these components. The low correlation indicates these components are less favored than carbohydrates for polymer interaction.

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