Waste water treatment in helophyte beds under humid climate conditions has been favoured by some German ecologists for some years. The idea is to cause waste water to flow horizontally through the root zone of helophytes to achieve satisfactory effluent properties. There exist many highly different proposals regarding the choice of soil and helophytes to be applied, bed area, design of inlets and outlets and operation conditions. A few plants have been operated in practice for some years. It appears that clogging is one of the main problems occurring in these plants.

The hydraulic uptake capacity of soil is discussed in Darcy's law. Comparisons with observations of plants in operation are drawn. The interactions between soil properties, its uptake capacity, BOD5-, COD-, N- and P-reduction are evaluated. The effluent results of helophyte beds are compared with those of low-loaded trickling filters and of ponds used for sewage treatment in small villages in rural areas of Germany. It has been proved that the total construction costs of sewage treatment plants with helophyte beds used as the biological stage are higher when compared with those of conventional plants in general.

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