This paper presents some important aspects of the Rotating Biological Contactor. (1) Steady-state biofilm kinetics and its application to the design of an RBC aiming at nitrification : Using the proposed kinetics in which the flux of rate-limiting substrate is expressed as a function of the bulk substrate concentration, liquid boundary layer thickness, liquid film thickness, and molecular diffusion coefficient and intrinsic reaction rate of the substrate, the relationship between the bulk ammonia concentration and ammonia flux was predicted at various sizes and rotating speeds of disk. Experimental verification of the predicted results was also made. A new disk media, i.e., reticulated media with surface protrusions,was proposed to promote the external diffusion of soluble substrates to the biofilm, and to reduce the disk weight. (2) Simultaneous removal of the detached biomass and precipitated phosphorous in a two-storey RBC:A two-storey RBC, whose upper and lower parts function as the RBC trough and storage space of the detached biomass, was operated in a four-staged unit. Experimental investigation showed that the phosphorus precipitated by aluminium was adsorbed to the biofilm, and settled into the lower part as the detached biomass. The removal efficiency of the detached biomass was very high resulting in an effluent suspended solids concentration of about 10 ppm.
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March 01 1990
Nitrification Kinetics and Simultaneous Removal of Biomass and Phosphorus in Rotating Biological Contactors
Yoshimasa Watanabe;
Yoshimasa Watanabe
*Department of Civil Engineering, Miyazaki University, Miyazaki 889-21, Japan
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Chulhee Lee;
Chulhee Lee
**Department of Environmental Engineering, Yeungnam University, Gyongsam 632, Korea
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Makoto Koike;
Makoto Koike
***Pacific Consultants Co. Ltd, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150, Japan
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Masayoshi Ishiguro
Masayoshi Ishiguro
*Department of Civil Engineering, Miyazaki University, Miyazaki 889-21, Japan
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Water Sci Technol (1990) 22 (3-4): 169–178.
Yoshimasa Watanabe, Chulhee Lee, Makoto Koike, Masayoshi Ishiguro; Nitrification Kinetics and Simultaneous Removal of Biomass and Phosphorus in Rotating Biological Contactors. Water Sci Technol 1 March 1990; 22 (3-4): 169–178. doi:
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