In order to improve public health in developing countries, the United Nations General Assembly decided to launch the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade in 1980. But in the first half of the Decade, only 1/3 of the minimum funds required to achieve the Decade target was invested. Therefore, advanced countries, including Japan, are required to expand international cooperation more widely.

In Japan, international cooperation, such as Official Developing Assistance (0DA), is expanding rapidly, and a further interim target was set in the meeting of the ministers related to executing ODA in June 1988. In this target Japan will provide more than 50 billion dollars in total during five years from 1988 to 1992.

In addition to investment, in order to promote the Decade, it is necessary to find solution of problems, for example, raising funds for operation/management cost, development of human resources in developing countries, study of appropriate technology, and training of experts.

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