The development of a Pulse-Driven Loop Reactor (PDLR), a Pulsed Anaerobic Filter (PAF) and a Pulsed Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (PABR) is described. In a PDLR internal circulation is achieved by a specially designed pulse-nozzle together with a concentric draft tube. In a PAF and PABR an oscillation is superimposed onto the biosuspension by means of a pulsator unit. Pulsed digesters enhance mass transfer processes. Consequently they facilitate degassing and prevent a build-up of acid spots in sludge beds. Laboratory- and pilot-scale evaluation using highly polluted distillery slops (pear, cherry, raspberry) as industrial wastewater show a COD removal efficiency of 70 -80 % at loading rates of 10 - 5 kg/m3*d. Contamination, both by sulfate (2 g/L) and copper (0.2 g/L), has a most adverse effect on anaerobic treatment of cherry-mashes, giving rise to a build-up of volatile fatty acids. Consequences for distillery plant operation are discussed.
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Research Article|
April 01 1992
Design and Performance of Pulsed Anaerobic Digesters
E. A. Stadlbauer;
E. A. Stadlbauer
*Department Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Informatik, Technical Institute FH Gieβen-Friedberg, Wiesenstraβe 14, D-6300 Gieβen, Germany
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R. Achenbach;
R. Achenbach
*Department Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Informatik, Technical Institute FH Gieβen-Friedberg, Wiesenstraβe 14, D-6300 Gieβen, Germany
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D. Döll;
D. Döll
**Radiation Center, University of Gieβen, D-6300 Gieβen, Germany
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B. Jehle;
B. Jehle
*Department Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Informatik, Technical Institute FH Gieβen-Friedberg, Wiesenstraβe 14, D-6300 Gieβen, Germany
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B. Küfner;
B. Küfner
*Department Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Informatik, Technical Institute FH Gieβen-Friedberg, Wiesenstraβe 14, D-6300 Gieβen, Germany
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L. Oey;
L. Oey
*Department Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Informatik, Technical Institute FH Gieβen-Friedberg, Wiesenstraβe 14, D-6300 Gieβen, Germany
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J. Quurck
J. Quurck
*Department Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Informatik, Technical Institute FH Gieβen-Friedberg, Wiesenstraβe 14, D-6300 Gieβen, Germany
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Water Sci Technol (1992) 25 (7): 351–360.
E. A. Stadlbauer, R. Achenbach, D. Döll, B. Jehle, B. Küfner, L. Oey, J. Quurck; Design and Performance of Pulsed Anaerobic Digesters. Water Sci Technol 1 April 1992; 25 (7): 351–360. doi:
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