Aggregated amphiphiles in an aqueous or solid/aqueous system can substantially enhance the uptake of polynuclear aromatic (PNA)compound into a bulk solution. The extent of PNA compound incorporated in an amphiphilic aggregate solution in the absence of solids is linearly dependent on the bulk solution concentration of the aggregated form of the amphiphile. In a system in which solids are in contact with a solution, however, the relationship is nonlinear as a result of the adherence of both amphiphile and PNA compound to the solids. The formation of amphiphile aggregates in the bulk solution of a system containing solids occurs only after a much greater amount of amphiphile has been added to the system than would be required for a similar system containing only solution. The partitioning of PNA compound between the solid, the colloidal amphiphilic aggregates in bulk solution, and the rest of the bulk solution can be characterized with two different partition coefficients and a number of other parameters, all of which are obtainable from independent experiments. The total fraction of PNA compound incorporated into bulk solution can be estimated with a mathematical model. Model results for the uptake of pyrene into a C8PE9.5 aggregate solution are shown plotted with experimental data. The effect of amphiphile aggregates on PNA compound transport in porous media may in some cases be substantial.

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