The optimum controlling the process of sewage conveyance in the system of wastewater disposal of Moscow is considered. The mathematical model of object as algebraic correlations described in matrix form is made up. Determination of optimum redistribution of the sewage flows is restricted by the capacity of structures. The criterium of the control is the minimum of the wastewater cost. The calculation of the optimum redistribution of the flows on conveyance mains is reduced to the problem of linear programming. The results of verification of the proposed algorithm of the control in production conditions are given. After 40 days of experimental regime the decrease of the energy consumption for conveyance of a unit of the sewage volume to 4.2% has been stated. Saving of more than 700000 kW/h of the energy was achieved, which had been fixed by the pumping station counters. A conclusion has been made about technical possibility and economic efficiency of the complete automation of the process of wastewater disposal in a ramified urban communal sewer network.

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