In 1992, a survey was conducted on the performance of waste stabilization ponds in France. The data selected come from a sample of 178 ponds, with an average capacity of 600 p.e., throughout France. For each plant, one or several input--output load measurements over a 24-h period are available. The average organic load level received is approximately 25 kg BOD/ha.d, representing 50% of the nominal load. The quality of the treated water is presented based on the type of sewerage system feeding the ponds. The results appear dispersed, however; in 70% of the cases the concentrations in COD and BOD on filtered samples are under 120 mg/l and 40 mg/l, respectively, and the concentration in TSS under 120 mg/l (discharge standards in France for waste stabilization ponds). The reductions in nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients are on average from 60% to 70%. The influence of different parameters (sewerage system type, organic load, season, age of plant, etc.) was studied. The results appear noticeably worse when the ponds receive wastewater from a strictly separate sewerage system.
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June 01 1995
Waste stabilization ponds in France: a report on fifteen years experience
Y. Racault;
Y. Racault
*Centre national du Machinisme Agricole, du Genie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts (CEMAGREF), Division “Qualité des Eaux”, 50 avenue de Verdun, BP 3, 33611 Gazinet cedex, France
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C. Boutin;
C. Boutin
**Centre national du Machinisme Agricole, du Genie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts (CEMAGREF) Division “Qualité des Eaux”, 3 quai Chauveau, 69336 Lyon cedex 09, France
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A. Seguin
A. Seguin
*Centre national du Machinisme Agricole, du Genie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts (CEMAGREF), Division “Qualité des Eaux”, 50 avenue de Verdun, BP 3, 33611 Gazinet cedex, France
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Water Sci Technol (1995) 31 (12): 91–101.
Y. Racault, C. Boutin, A. Seguin; Waste stabilization ponds in France: a report on fifteen years experience. Water Sci Technol 1 June 1995; 31 (12): 91–101. doi:
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