The wastewater plant of Rome airport, which receives all the sewage from the airport as well as the cess from aeroplanes, was analysed for microbiological parameters. From the bacteriological point of view, in the water and sludge samples the densities of the faecal indicator of pollution and the presence of Salmonella spp and Vibrio cholerae as bacteriological pathogens were determined. At the same time, samples were analysed for the presence of enteric viruses and phages. Overall, the mean reduction of the faecal coliforms was 96%, E. coli 92% and faecal streptococci 99%. Salmonella spp was identified in all but one of the final effluents and V. cholerae in 2/10. Enteric viruses were identified in all but one of the raw waters and in three samples of final effluent. Bacteriophages (somatic coliphage, F-plus phage and B40-8), were found in all the samples but irregularly. Phages and enteric viruses were also found in the prefilter membranes used for prefiltering the raw water samples.

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